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Guest BoboBrazil

Kelsey Grammar Halts Production Of Tough Enough 3!

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Guest BoboBrazil

Grammer Knocks Out MTV Wrestling Show


HOLLYWOOD (Variety) - Perhaps they should call it "Frasier Smackdown."


"Frasier" star Kelsey Grammer has managed to halt production on MTV's World Wrestling Entertainment series "Tough Enough" in Malibu.


Grammer and his neighbors in Malibu's Broad Beach objected to MTV's request to tape the reality show -- which follows a group of young hardbodies as they train to become future WWE stars -- at a home in the neighborhood this summer for 60 days.


Concerned about potential disruptions in the quiet neighborhood, the group took their complaints to the Malibu City Council, which voted 5-0 to enforce a municipal code that restricts filming to 14 days.


"After some very unconvincing assurances that our privacy would be respected, we took this action," Grammer said.


WWE spokesman Jason Bernstein said the production had already spent somewhere in the low six figures on pre-production at the house and had pushed production back two weeks to avoid the July 4 weekend.


MTV and WWE won't be able to recoup those costs and may have to delay production further as the companies look for a new home for "Tough Enough," which is entering its third season.


"We're disappointed that the city of Malibu doesn't recognize our experience in producing TV programming, " Bernstein said. "We've always showed respect for the areas and locales we've used."


Apparently, the Malibu City Council doesn't share the same respect for the WWE and MTV. According to community newspaper the Malibu Times, councilman Ken Kearsley had some choice advice for the production.


"The can go to 818 country (in Los Angeles' non-chic San Fernando Valley) and fog the window," he reportedly said. "They can put some sand in a parking lot and call it a beach."

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Guest What?!

*Looks at Jackie and Linda*


Go Frasier!


I mean, besides Maven and Chris Nowinski, is there anybody from the first two Tough Enoughs that look like they have an actual future.

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Guest Prince Paul

That Jackie is a terrible actor, but boy is she smokin! That Pete guy from TE2 really should have tried harder to hit them skins BAYBEE!


Now, little Kelsey needs his privacy for his cocaine parties!

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Guest DrEvil
councilman Ken Kearsley had some choice advice for the production.


"The can go to 818 country (in Los Angeles' non-chic San Fernando Valley) and fog the window," he reportedly said. "They can put some sand in a parking lot and call it a beach."

What a dickhead. Send Brock and Bradshaw over to his office to show him just how funny that line was.

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Guest BifEverchad

And what did Kelsey say to all of this when questioned?



"Hey baby, I hear the blues a-callin',

Tossed salad and scrambled eggs


Oh My...


And maybe I seem a bit confused,

Yeah maybe, but I got you pegged!

Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha!


But I don't know what to do with those tossed salads and scrambled eggs.

They're callin' again....



They're callin' again.

Good night, Tough Enough, we hate you.

What is a boy to do. Good night.

Frasier has left the building.

Thank You!

Scambled eggs all over my face. What is a boy to do. Goodnight, everybody.

See you next year, we love ya."




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Guest dreamer420

omg, that is the gayest song I have ever heard and I never realized it before.


anyway kelsey grammer is famous for being a big bitch. awhile back he actually made nbc build a helicoptor landing so he could fly from his home to work because he didn't like traffic.


personally i think he is way too much like the character he plays on tv.

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Guest Incandenza

You tell 'em, Frasier! Hey, I support anything that helps prevent more Tough Enough winners in the world.

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Guest El Satanico

Oh darn no more Tough Enough. What shall i do with one less shitty "reality tv" show.


And anyone that can find that Jackie girl attractive has to be mentally ill. That girl is so damn ugly it's not funny. She looks like a drag queen.

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Guest Trivia247

Fraiser Kicked Tough enough's ass. thats kinda sad. Love the show..both of them heh


Problem with Tough enough is that they just HAVE to have that Real World Style Home for all the Kids. Remember every real world cast has to have some Under a Million dollar House Fully Furnished for them to trash. How about they move Tough enough Down the Beach and get them all a Bungalo from some Beachbum.

Real Wrestlers don't start out living in Splendor . they start out living in their cars going from one Show to another.


Little brats.

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Guest dreamer420

jackie is smokin dude. she looked wicked on raw this week both with vince and in the ring.

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Guest Mattdotcom

Maybe we'll get a new stable on SmackDown, since it's home of all the TE winners (sometimes). We get Dr. Mason Pain, his brother, Dr. I. M. Pain, their Dad, and their manager Ivory.

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Guest Dangerous A

I guess I won't shed a tear if Kelsey Grammar puts a halt to TE production because the show sucked last season.


However I don't like Kelsey Grammar AT ALL and he can go eat a dead dog's dick!


Fucking asshole!

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Guest Flyboy

I really don't care for Tough Enough... none of them. So, it doesn't bother me.


Plus, Fraiser is one of my favorite shows, so I say... GOOO KELSEY!

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Guest Kotzenjunge

"I mean, besides Maven and Chris Nowinski, is there anybody from the first two Tough Enoughs that look like they have an actual future."


The other favored winner on TE I, Jacob, Jason, something like that, looked like he had a future as a suicidal cruiserweight. His desire was obvious enough.

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