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Guest Singular

Off The Top Rope's CZW tape sale. $5 bucks each!

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Guest Singular

Over at www.offthetoprope.com they have CZW tapes and older WWF tapes on sale. The WWF tapes are like 91-99 shows for 5 bucks a piece.


The only CZW tape I have is the best of the best 2001 tourny. The 2002 show isn't available yet, but should be soon I guess. Does anyone have any suggstions as to a few good CZW shows that would be worth 5 bucks each?



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Guest J*ingus

Second that, Nezbyte. I got some tapes from OTTR; half of them were of pretty shoddy video quality, and the other half were so bad as to be completely unwatchable.

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Guest Singular

Well shit. I've never ordered anything from them before. Don't think I'll start. Thanks for the heads up.

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Guest RetroRob215

Yeah, I bought an unwatchable OMEGA Hardy Boys comp. Half the tape was shaky black and white. $17 down the drain.

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Guest J*ingus

I got a Cactus Jack vs. Eddie Gilbert tape that was SO bad that at times I wasn't sure which wrestler was which. And Mick and Eddie weren't exactly twins.


Also, I got a copy of Living Dangerously '99 which had a very strange distortion to it. The only thing I could come up with was that the master tape was in PAL format, and it had been transferred to NTSC thus looking very odd.

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Guest RetroRob215
Also, I got a copy of Living Dangerously '99 which had a very strange distortion to it. The only thing I could come up with was that the master tape was in PAL format, and it had been transferred to NTSC thus looking very odd.

I have the same problem with my IYH Mind Games tape I bought from them. The reason for it has something to do with the PAL --> NTSC conversion. I think it happens every time a tape is converted, not only when OTTR does it, but I may be wrong.

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Guest Youth N Asia

If you're going to buy CZW for retail get it from www.smartmarkvideo.com


They have decient prices, excelent video quality, and they treat their customers good.

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Guest gangsteruwa

smartmarkvideo.com is awesome. I generally order tapes on a Sunday and I have gotten them on the Wednesday of that week everytime. You don't get the cases like you do with OTTR, but its not that hard to make them. There are plenty of people at CZWFans.com that make video covers for CZW shows and they look pretty good.


I've ordered 3 times from OTTR, the first I got in a week and one of the tapes had really bad quality. The second I got in a month and the tracking was all fucked up on it. The third "got lost in the mail" and they sent me another one. That whole process took about 2 months. OTTR sucks ass. If anyone buys from them after reading this thread they should be shot.

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