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Guest TestKick


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Guest TestKick

Ok Why did that Brock Lensar guy beat Test like that? Test needs wins to get over! Nobody Here can tell me that Brock Lensar is better than Test Test is the next big thing! He should have been wcw champion before when Shane was pushing him but no Test ALWAYS gets screwed Test has the look and does power moves better than anyone and has EXTREME INTENSITY on the mic. Test should get a title run so a real truely talented canadianan can lead the WWE out of it's doldrums.


That is all

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Guest CanadianChick

If you aren't kidding, your going to hear an earful about this...

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Guest TestKick

why would I be kidding? are you gonna tell me hogan taker and hhh are better champions than Test would be?? and that anglesault is an annoying fuck

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Guest CanadianChick

Hey, I'm not going to get mad or anything. I think that some people are way to hard on Test. I don't mind him. He's cool with me -_- ^_^

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Guest Anglesault
exactly what i mean, another stupid 1 line post that kills threads

It IS Anglesalt. Don't we have a "if they are banned, they STAY banned" policy? This is his third time back

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Guest TheSmarkzone

As awesome as Test is (I am his biggest fan, trust me), it would have been a bad move to make him the King of the Ring. Remember that Test has ZERO push right now, while they've been promoting Brock as the next big thing for months now. Going with Brock was the right thing to do for business and for storyline purposes.


But...Test would make a great 2003 King of the Ring. :)


Side note: They could have given Test the exact same roided monster push as Brock Lesnar. It's all about the politics.

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Guest CanadianChick

just becasue he likes Test automatically means he is Anglesalt?

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Guest TestKick

I know people are hard on Test, and it sucks. I think most casual fans like him though, its the annoying smarks that group all bigger guys that use power moves, and think they all suck.

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Guest Anglesault

Politics? The only reasona useless lug like Test is employed ie because of politics!

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Guest Anglesault
. I think most casual fans like him though


Then why don't they react?


just becasue he likes Test automatically means he is Anglesalt?


Look at the name, read the post, read Anglesalt posts and put two and two together

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Guest Trivia247

Test is just another worker, friend of a Mcmahon. Not like it got him any kind of success. he is a former WWF Tag team champ, WCW tag team champ, US champ IC Champ, Euro Champ hardcore champ.


majority of these titles won were short lived. and basically he isn't been on TV as much as before.


besides that he hasn't caused much problems. He has phyiscal potential and he only been around since what late 98? another guy to have some slack cut.

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Guest CanadianChick

So just because you don't like test means that the only possible reason that he is employed is because of politics? hmmmm.....

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Guest TestKick

i don't recall Test ever being friends with Hunter, so that theory goes out the window, since all you ever do is bitch about him.


Maybe, just maybe, Test is employed because he's tall, muscular, has a good look, and is a good power wrestler. Test is better than many wrestler in the WWE now.


I know Test is weak on the mic, HHH and Benoit are also.. everyone has weaknesses, even your boy Kurt, so be more openminded

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Guest Anglesault
besides that he hasn't caused much problems


Besides Injury Spike Dudley and saying "so what"


So just because you don't like test means that the only possible reason that he is employed is because of politics?


He's a friend of Shane Mcmahon. I see no other reason why he is on the roster.


WWF Tag team champ, WCW tag team champ, US champ IC Champ, Euro Champ hardcore champ.


majority of these titles won were short lived. and basically he isn't been on TV as much as before.


That's a shitload of belts for an untalented piece of shit. And he is on TV every week.

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Guest Anglesault
Maybe, just maybe, Test is employed because he's tall, muscular, has a good look, and is a good power wrestler. Test is better than many wrestler in the WWE now.

I'm tall and muscular! Hire me!

Oh wait, I can't wrestle. And niether can test.



Test is better than many wrestler in the WWE now.



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Guest CanadianChick
So just because you don't like test means that the only possible reason that he is employed is because of politics?


He's a friend of Shane Mcmahon. I see no other reason why he is on the roster.


Maybe its because Vince sees potential in him.

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Guest TestKick
Besides Injury Spike Dudley and saying "so what"


Angle broke Holly's arm, let's fire him too


How do you know how close Shane and Test really are? Even if they are friends they probably met after Test joined the WWE, and just because you know someone don't mean shit. Justin Credible is freinds with all the kliq and look where he is.


and why don't you go more in detail about how you think Test is so "untalented"?

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Guest CanadianChick

Quick question for Anglesault, when did test injure Spike and say "so what"?

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Guest TheSmarkzone

Bitter Angle-lovin'/big-man-hatin' "smart marks": see my post in the "Why do we "hate" certain wrestlers?" thread for an education on why Andrew Martin rocks the party that rocks your body.


Canadianchick: That's not what happened. I heard that he failed to properly protect Spike on a spot and didn't apologize. The front office chewed him out for it.

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Guest Anglesault
Maybe its because Vince sees potential in him.


Yeah, but he proved his lack of worth shortly after he was hired. That "potential" is long gone.


Angle broke Holly's arm, let's fire him too


Did Angle say "who the hell cares" No, he stoped hitting the moonsault for like ten months.


and why don't you go more in detail about how you think Test is so "untalented"?


He has has TWO good matches in four years. That's a start.

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Guest CanadianChick

you haven't answered my question: when did the spike thing happen?

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Guest Anglesault
Quick question for Anglesault, when did test injure Spike and say "so what"?

February. It was either Spike or Crash.


thread for an education on why Andrew Martin rocks the party that rocks your body.


See that same thread for my reaction.

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Guest Trivia247

Angle did Do Moonsaults after the Arm breaking, they just all missed afterwards.

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Guest TestKick

Test is currently better than Hogan, Taker, HHH, Henry, Brock (until they let him show his true talent), Bob Holly, Dreamer, Slow, Nash...

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Guest CanadianChick

all right, another question for you Anglesault, how do you know that his reaction was "so what"?

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Guest TestKick

I'd also like to see a source of this supposed Test happening


anglesalt, you may not like the guy but that doesn't mean he should be fired, try looking at stuff logically

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