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Guest Mattdotcom

They're Stealing My Ideas!

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Guest Mattdotcom

Ever think of an awesome move or storyline that later showed up in the WWF/E, ECW, or WCW?


For instance, last year Kanyon started using a Rock Bottom to a flapjack for his finisher, but two years ago, I came up with that move on my own, calling it the Hardaway Down (clever, eh?).


I also had a cowboy hat like Kurt Angle's, like fifteen years ago...<_<


Any others?

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Guest papacita

Have I ever thought of an idea that the WWE has used...hmm...that's a tough one.


Um...there's D-Von's collection plate angle...which I gave to a wrestler named "Preacher Man" in my e-fed back in mid-2000.


There was Stone Cold's hospital attack on Vince McMahon...which I did in June 97 in another fed...


Too Cool was basically the same gimmick that I had been using for my wrestler Brad Blitz and his Tag Partner Marty Jannetty about a month prior to their debut.


Rock's little "tick tock...tick tock...tick tock" thing that he did prior to his match with Kurt Angle...which I used for my wrestler Panther prior to his winning a title in late 2000/early 2001 (not too major)


The fact that they even thought about getting a PPV called Judgment Day (which I stole from the Terminator 2 movie back in 97)


There were a few others from 96-99 that I really can't think of right now, but it's happened to me more than a few times...

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Guest dreamer420

when mankind beat the austin for the title at summerslam 99 and then dropped the title to hhh at raw the next night i predicted that. i don't know why but that is the way i would have booked it and that was the way it turned out.

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Guest ShamRock

I and my friend were wrestling my other friend and we put him in the Crippler Crossface and Ankle Lock combination.Two weeks later Benoit and Angle do it on The Rock.

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