Guest papacita Report post Posted June 29, 2002 Basically a spin-off from the thread by Smarkzone. Who, if anyone, do you hate in the WWE and give a good reason for hating them. Now, there are a few people in the WWE that I hate...mostly for markish reasons (i.e. HOGAN) that I'm not gonna get into. So the rest of you guys...answer the question. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Jobber of the Week Report post Posted June 29, 2002 Shouldn't this be meant for No Holds Barred? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest papacita Report post Posted June 29, 2002 Well it wasn't intended for flaming, but I see no harm in moving it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest evenflowDDT Report post Posted June 29, 2002 I would say hate is much too strong of a word for something that's ultimately just silly little harmless entertainment. I can say though, that I EXTREMELY dislike guys who get huge pops for no apparent reason (Hogan, I'm looking at you...) and can't back it up, and The Rock. Even though The Rock can work, and thus doesn't fall into the "how dumb are you to cheer for this guy?!" category, he has been basically using the same catchphrases and promos and moveset since at least 2000, probably earlier, I wouldn't know for sure. Some of his promo's can still be pretty funny, and his recent RAW one at least seemed to be heartfelt, but most of the time he just does a bland cut and paste promo and/or "heel" tactics and everyone eats it up. I also can't stand the Hardy Boyz because they do the same old spots in every match now (not very extreme, guys!), and they can't win a match without interference/tons of double-teaming, and the crowd eats that up too... at least the teenage girls and the little kids. I think what I really just dislike is when really popular guys get cheered for doing "heel" things (often for no apparent reason), then someone else will do the exact same thing (and, since it's often in retaliation, they actually can justify doing it) and get boo'ed for it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Austin3164life Report post Posted June 29, 2002 I hate Hogan, pure and simple. His matches are all the same, and people cheer him because they're too afraid to boo him. Nostalgia is weak, and so is Hogan..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Fook_Hing_Ho Report post Posted June 29, 2002 Agreed, 100%. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest saturnmark4life Report post Posted June 29, 2002 I can't hate rock cos he's done so much for the company, the industry and is completely unselfish, not ruled by politics and jobbing when required. I hate HHH (no way!) cos his diobolical use of politics has a negative effect on the company and the product. Whilst austin was selfish, he had great matches and was over, so i could let it go. It IS always going to be a part of this dumb monopoly, but HHH's use is just insane. But we know that. I hate shane douglas, jeff jarrett and hardcore holly. They just don't make me ever want to watch wrestling. I think they are all GOOD, but i just don't wanna watch em ever. Nash is an evil politician whore, but the sheer retardedness of even having him there makes me laugh, so i don't hate him as much as HHH. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest endgame722 Report post Posted June 29, 2002 All the MacMahons HHH Taker Bradshaw Rikishi No real explanation required. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Y2BigJ Report post Posted June 29, 2002 I hate Kevin Nash for basically killing WCW's only draw (Goldberg) and causing the company to go out of buisness because he of his ego. Mayb of Kevein Nash was still Vinnie Vegas I wouldn't hate but I do hate the person who killed WWE's only competition Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TestKick Report post Posted June 29, 2002 The only wrestler I really hate is Kevin Nash. at least guys like Hogan, Taker have fans, and cut promos that people care about. Nash can't wrestle for shit, he's ugly, and nobody cares about what he says. I just dont get why he's hired and is treated like a main eventer all the time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest -Cutthroat- Report post Posted June 29, 2002 I HATE YOU! I don't really hate anyone, I just pretend to...uh yeah. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AM The Kid Report post Posted June 29, 2002 Triple H- politics The Rock- all sizzle, no steak Rikishi- do I have to explain? X-Pac- I've allllwwwaaaayyyysss hated that greasy punk Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Respect The 'Taker Report post Posted June 30, 2002 Right first and fore most, all you UNORIGINAL smarks members using wrestling photos with captions need to realise I INVENTED THAT, i MADE IT COOL and ITS MINE! MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE!!!!!! ....can you tell i always got what i wanted when i was a kid? BACK TO THE TOPIC AT HAND... I hate JERICHO because he is a total FUCKING MORON, the IDIOT lashes out at SMARKS and he fails to realise we watch the stupid show EVEN WHEN IT SUCKS AS BAD AS IT DOES NOW! I PAY YOUR BILLS YOU DUMB BASTARD! Eh...other than that, i love everyone! This has been a P'Oed Taker Mark Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest midnight_burn Report post Posted June 30, 2002 I'd say Kevin Nash if anybody. Nobody ever got so far in life by having the simple genetic luck of being tall and having big, shiny hair. Saying he's devoid of talent is an understatement. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest redbaron51 Report post Posted June 30, 2002 Hulk Hogan: Face it, I never liked Hogan since I was a little kid. I've always and will always be an ultimate warrior fanatic. Plus his matches I've never liked, he always took the pace right out of the match, (see Sting vs Hogan Starcade 97). Face H}{H: I hate him now, he's ego is bigger than Nash, Hall and Hogan combined, and he is now boring. Back to heel, and this might be a better story. RVD: I can't see why people like him. He can only work a three minute match without risking the danger of his opponents. He is a sloppy worker, and a cocky, ignorant bastard (He wouldn't sign my ECW hat...) After that I had a personal grudge against him. Goldberg: Injured Bret Hart...nuff said. Michael Cole: You know the reason why. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest saturnmark4life Report post Posted June 30, 2002 I'm gonna add rick steiner to mine cos he committed cardinal sin and started shooting on perry saturn on TV. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MaxPower27 Report post Posted June 30, 2002 Hogan, Nash, Hall, Xpac, Big Show, Bradshaw, Faarrooooqqqq, Rocky, Vince, Steph, Taker, Michael Cole, Lawler, Goldberg, Jarrett, and many more. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Austin3164life Report post Posted June 30, 2002 I hate Hulk Hogan, the Clique, and all Hosses. That is all....... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RetroRob215 Report post Posted June 30, 2002 I hate no one, but I don't like... The Rock, Rikishi, Michael Cole, The Coach, Terri, Bradshaw, Farooq, Linda McMahon. Everyone else is fine for the most part. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Maven's Eyebrows Report post Posted July 1, 2002 I hate Triple H. He is a penis. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted July 1, 2002 The only wrestler I really hate is Kevin Nash. Because Test failed in his attempt to become Nash? (The failure was just the first of many on Test's part.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Respect The 'Taker Report post Posted July 1, 2002 I hate Hulk Hogan, the Clique, and all Hosses. That is all....... And the WWE...oh and my town...oh yeah ,the world...not to mention the Universe, oh how it shits me... then there's God... The Taker Mark will stop before he is struck down Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AssDroid! Report post Posted July 1, 2002 I guess the only person I could say that I hate would be Billy Gunn. He sucks and has sucked for about 10 years and is *very* sloppy at times in the ring. Plus JR keeps pimping his "natural athleticism" and I see nothing. All I see is that he has failed countless times when given the ball to get himself over. Why he not only still has a job but is still getting a push boggles my mind. Although, Billy is usually tolerable when in a tag team setting, so at least he's not getting another singles push. Oh, and Buff Bagwell, how could I forget about ol' Buff. Selfish attitude and one of the biggest reasons (not the only one, mind you) that the WCW invasion failed last year. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest dreamer420 Report post Posted July 1, 2002 albert: he just brings nothing to the wwe anymore. michael cole: he makes it tough to watch smackdown and velocity all of his stupid remarks and constant shilling of bigger matches. tazz: as an announcer this guy sucks. put him on the stacker2 and get his ass back in the ring. him and cole together are shit together. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest El Psycho Diablo Report post Posted July 1, 2002 Disclaimer: I'm warning you now. It's going to be a long ramble. So far, the results have pretty much been on the level. Steve Austin: Way too overexposed. Character never basically changed except for a short stint as a heel, and that had no lasting effects. On my TV as the head of the alliance when it should have been somebody else. (Like the nWo..or Flair..or hell, Booker T.) In the world title scene 95% of the time. Dosen't like working with anybody not named "Angle" or "Benoit" Now that he's out of the way.. Tommy Dreamer: What was the point of this guy beating Raven last week? Because of the fact Raven didn't like being stuck behind the table, so they shunt him to Heat? Raven right now brings a thousand more percent to the table than Dreamer does. HE should be on Heat, not Raven. Besides the "Dreamer eats disgusting stuff. What next?" was a stupid move on the WWE's part for letting it get on TV. People talk about RUSSO being bad? Worthless Divas: You know. What's the point of having them around if most of them drooled on by Vince..(Stacy, Dawn Marie, etc..) or are just all around worthless (Terri)? Either have them wrestle (Not Terri. No.) or just be valets to somebody that needs heat..or would just be an all around neat thing to see? (Dawn Marie with Lance Storm/Team Canada. Why not?) on that subject.. "She's a fatass". I'd love to know who came up with this, because they deserve beaten down, and Tajiri stiff-kicked in the head. Stupidity is not going to bring the ratings back, guys. It's not really a good idea to alienate one of the divas who can actually WRESTLE, either. With Jazz out, it's up to Trish and Molly to carry the rest of the division. Can they make a female a heel without making fun of their size, or making them seem evil because they don't want to strip? I'm sure there are a million other ways to do it, but nooo. (and for the fact they don't get, Molly isn't fat. She looks like a perfectly normal person to me. Of course, beside Terri, anybody looks fat. *shrugs*) Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross once one of the best announce teams in wrestling, now the pair of morons I dread seeing/hearing every week. Between Lawler's parrot-ism..("Asai Moonsault! *brawck* Asai Moonsault!") and Ross' animal names..("Scalded Dog!" "Stuck Pig!" "HOSS!"), etc..and over exaggerated annoucing..("BY GAWD!" at every segment). They need to get a new team in there. I don't care how they do it, but they need a more "professional" feel to their product. Not a pair of clowns. I don't care how they do it, but get Raven in there. Pay him a bundle of money if you have to, but get him annoucing..but on Raw this time. Hell, put Heyman with him. I don't know who else. Get the real 'announcing' back. Have them talk about what's going on in the match, not the main event. ("Stone Cold blah blah blah".."Hogan..blah blah blah.." "Triple H...blah..blah..blah..) Especially when those guys aren't even in the match! Put OVER workers. Not just favorites. (Ross: Albert, Bull, Austin..etc. Lawler can't put anybody over at all..except "PUPPIES!") ..and I actually thought Nash/Michaels mocking Ross was funny. Of course, he's so stupid I love seeing him humiliated. ..and since firing people is a pipe dream, let's be realistic. Bradshaw, Farooq, Bubba Ray, D-Von: People bitch about these guys getting pushes all the time, or they suck, or jokes that got old ten seconds after they were told a year ago..(Bradshaw, baby oil..etc..). Granted, none of these guys are Chris "BY GAWD" Benoit, but they don't completely suck, either. Make the tag titles float shows. Reunite the APA and the Dudleys..(put 'em on different shows). Make a few new teams..(Val/Hardcore would work..though I'd rather see Val go on a decent singles run. New gimmick and all. Damn WWE.) Hell, when guys are just sitting there, team them up. Get them SOME TV exposure. I'd like to see true "ranks" again, which brings me to the next point.. Lack of Professionalism: For a sport called "professional wrestling", the professional part has sure as hell dissapeared. Get rid of the stupid crap. Pulling people's pants down isn't funny. Neither is making somebody wear a wig for a month. Obviously, the truly funny stuff gets reactions (Goldust/Booker), while the stupid crap just gets a "hyuck, hyuck..he's bald!" reaction. Get rid of the lame ass comedy writers, and get somebody who knows what their doing.Also, tone it down. Make it more serious, but not too serious. Find a damn balance already. Keep extending the match times. I'd say at least seven minutes, but that's me. Let people wrestle to the best of their ability, not the ability of some 50 year old man, or a nearly 40 crippled one. Holding them back simply makes for dissapointing wrestling. When Rey comes in, by god, let him do what he does best. Fly. Screw "upstaging the main eventers". That's why I feel RVD was held back. Not some giant HHH conspiracy, but more the fact he'd outclass the guys hogging the ME. Hogan, Austin, Triple H, Undertaker, etc. When you see how slow those guys are, and how fast and aerial somebody like RVD's a no brainer. Combine that with RVD's innate sense of charisma, and you've got one hell of a main event face. Kurt Angle is the most complete athlete they have. Push him as a serious heel. Booker T is on the verge of becoming a superstar. Chris Benoit could be. Right now, it's all the wrong guys. We've seen HHH/Hogan/Austin/Undertaker/_____ for years now. Ever consider the fact people in the mainstream are tuning out because they aren't getting anything new? The belts. I don't buy the fact only one guy at a time wants a belt. That's bull. Make the belts the 'ultimate prize', as they should be. Have guys fight..and not just for storylines, but to get closer to the damn belt. It shouldn't be a motivation for only guys like Austin/HHH, but for everybody. Stop hot-shotting the belts, and make them seem valuable. There are enough belts so that everybody should be placed in eventual contiention for one. Tag Team, Cruiser, Hardcore, Euro, IC, World. Have strong defenses. Make the belts -matter- to wrestlers, and they'll start mattering to the fans. Did anybody really care about Taker/HHH? About HHH getting the belt? Not really. How about a couple of weeks ago, when RVD fought 'taker for it? The crowds were alive then. RVD seemed like he -wanted- it. That's what matters. Make people care about the characters, and then they'll start caring about the belts. People never know who is what now. I believe that's part of the problem. Start over. New mat, ropes, ramp, set..etc. Tone down on the cartoony bit on the SD set..("shattered" glass, giant fist..) and get something that looks functional, but still neat. There are a hundred other things, but if anybody cares, I'll post them later. -Shiro Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted July 1, 2002 tazz: as an announcer this guy sucks. put him on the stacker2 and get his ass back in the ring. him and cole together are shit together. You want to see "Runt on a Rampage 2?" And all the horrible matches that are associated with Tazz? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Superstar Report post Posted July 1, 2002 You want to see "Runt on a Rampage 2?" And all the horrible matches that are associated with Tazz? Sault, they weren't horrible... THEY WERE ULTRA COOL~! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest caboose Report post Posted July 1, 2002 Well apart from the obvious choices, I hate Spike Dudley. Spike is shit. What is the point of having a guy who is under 6 foot, weighs around 150 pounds and has no real talent beating William Regal, punking out Austin one time, and going over other wrestlers. I'm not a advocate of Vince's Big Guy fascination, but Spike really doesn't make other bigger wrestlers look believeable as wrestlers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest saturnmark4life Report post Posted July 2, 2002 spike's got his function, being thrown around n stuff. There's always room for that. and i've seen no indication that he's an actively bad worker. And maven's eyebrows, your sig made me cry. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest M Nyland Report post Posted July 2, 2002 I was never a fan of Lex Luger....but I didn't get into wrestling until WM9... I also HATE Judy Bagwell......and Buff...........all whining and restholds.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites