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Guest TheDames7

Pool or Bowling...

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Guest TheDames7

Usually, when thinking of activities to do, it comes down to three things for me when I go to chill with some friends. Movies, pool or bowling. Out of these 3, only 2 are competitive games, so which one do you prefer?


Pool or bowling, and why?


Why did I make this idiotic thread? I'm bored and I'm about to go bowling right now.


Dames - Prefers Pool.

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Guest Zack Malibu

I'm with ya Dames. I live in one of the smaller towns in the smallest state (Rhode Island for you geography majors), and it pretty much boils down to those choices for me as well. At least with summer we've got Mini-Golf or Go Carts to choose from too. But in response to your question, I'd have to say bowling. Not just because I'm better at that than pool, but pool halls get boring to me. Maybe it's because a few of my friends are on the staff at the local bowling alley, and we have more "freedom" than other customers to goof around, but the pool halls usually consist of me and my friends crowding around the table, trying not to bump into somebody. I'd have to stick with bowling.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

I got to say bowling as well. During family reunions, bowling is like the one thing that breaks up the boredom of being around a lot of the family that I hardly ever see.


Plus, weekends are Galaxy Bowling night where they blare bump even WRESTLING THEMES during the night and use black lights for the entire night(you haven't lived until you listen to Break The Walls Down played at full volume with at least 60 to 70 people singing along in a VERY enclosed space).

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Guest Zack Malibu

That's pretty similar to what our bowling alley does. They call it "Rock N' Bowl", and my friend used to make the mix CD's for the bowling alley, so he'd always stick stuff that we liked on the CD, no matter how obscure or "uncool" it may have seemed to the mainstream/teenyboppers that frequent the place on a Sat. night.

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Guest dreamer420

i prefer pool but that's because i own a table and it is setup in my kitchen. bowling is fun too though.

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Guest Kingpk

I suck at pool, had a 190 average at one point when I was in a junior league, so bowling wins by default. Plus, there are usually some really hot girls in the next lane (much like at the Sox game I attended Friday night).

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Guest JaKyL25

Both are fun, and I've got bowling in my blood, but I'd have to say pool.


Why, you ask? Simple. Bowling gets a bit repetitive after awhile, while every game of pool is different than the last. It's more chess-like. Not much, but still more.

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Guest KingOfOldSchool

Given the time and if we have the cash, friends and I will make room for both in one night; it helps that the lanes and pool hall which we frequent are within a block of each other. But I prefer bowling over pool personally. It's much easier for me to open up a can of whup-ass in bowling, since I'm great at it, compared to my average skills in pool. As much as I love a good round of pool, I get sick of it fast.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Interesting I'd see this thread materialize after getting home from an evening at a pool hall.


I discovered my skills with Pool are pretty much hit-or-miss, with little consistency. When I blow, I BLOW. But when I'm feeling it, I'm FEELING IT. There really is no middle ground.


As for bowling, it wins, because of the glorious shoes, never-gets-old noise of pins being nailed by the bolwing ball, and fun with names on the scoreboard. Last game I was Hitler, my friend was Moses. Moses won. My skills at bowling aren't particularly good, but I am improving. Besides, the people there are nice and most places to play pool around here are for the seedy middle-aged types.


Oh, and the Coke at the bowling alley is SO DAMN GOOD.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

I bowl for Georgia Tech

I average 190.


The choice is obvious

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Guest TheDames7

Holy shite, I just had the best bowling game of my life....followed immediately by my worst. In my first game, I got 2 strikes and a spare in the first 3 frames. Second game....my score was a ONE until the 6th frame. God damn!


I also played pool for about 25 minutes before the place closed.



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Guest Dr. Wrestlingphysics

In my town, the bowling alley is also the pool hall, so an evening bowling usually starts or ends (not both) with pool.

I play pool more than I bowl, as pool tables are in a lot of pubs, but I prefer bowling.

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Guest DrTom

I enjoy either, but I prefer bowling. Specifically, a type of bowling unique to this area known as "duckpins." Tenpins is OK, but I badly injured my finger a long time ago, and after two or three games with a sixteen-pound ball, it starts throbbing like a sumbitch. I think I do better without it sometimes. B) But for my money, it's duckpins all the way, especially in a Rock 'n' Bowl setting.

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Guest Some Guy

I like pool better, but I hate the coin operated tables. The cue is smaller than the the rest of the balls, the pockets are too small, and the tables are always warped.


Bowling is ok, but we basically only have the small ball bowling. I don't know what it's called.

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Guest Army Eye

Small ball is candlepin bowling.



I think bowling's a lot more fun to play with friends. Especially if your group is not particularly good. A group of bad bowlers will always make for at least a few everybody-cracking-up-laughing moments.

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Guest Choken One

I bowled for my High School and Had a 210 average but I always found it boring, picking up a 20 pound ball all night gets annoying.


Pool is where real skill is used. I always go to the local pool hall (a true authentic hall, no gimmicks and one jukebox). I sit at the bar for about 10 minutes...stake out the players and walk around in my jeans and tight black shirt and I hustle the little 18 year olds for about half hour and make about $150 bucks (I don't like cheating them out of money). I get them to start talking about me. Big Boys approch me and game time.


I usally leave with about $800 which is nice for 2 1/2 hours of Simple chess. That's the great thing Pool has that Bowling doesn't...Bowling, I use my power but Pool requires finesse.


Pool is mind games.


Also, if I am bored...I like to go to a local park and Play chess with some skilled cats.

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Guest ant_7000

Pool is my thing, I don't care for the coin operated machine tables they are too small, but I don't like paying 8 bucks an hour of playing a couple of games either so I try to go the cheapiest place in my area. Bowling is alright I like to play with a group not just me and one other person its more fun I we make fun of those clown shoes we have to wear.

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Guest EQ

Bowling... assuming you don't make an ass out of yourself in front of the chick you like

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Guest TheDames7
Bowling... assuming you don't make an ass out of yourself in front of the chick you like

Or if you score a 1 in 6 frames....



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Guest EQ
Or if you score a 1 in 6 frames....

Nah, that's just classic... classic shit perhaps?

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Guest Shaved Bear

shit i love bowling, besides the fact that i have a 210 avg...people in pool halls are really skanky

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Guest TheDames7

Hey, that was just one game.....right? We broke 100 every other game I think.



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Guest Downhome

Get with the times, you play pool BEFORE you bowl. Well, that's what we do as we have tons of pool tables at our alley!

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Guest Doomsault

Even though I suck, I still prefer pool because I like seeing my brother get pissed off if I beat him in a fluke. He is a constant victim of the 8-ball scratch.

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Guest EQ
Hey, that was just one game.....right? We broke 100 every other game I think.



Did we? I'm not really sure... We're still pathetic though... i think I should go to the bowling alley more often to "work on my game"

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