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Guest Trivia247

The Best Matches of.....

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Guest Trivia247

Didn't say this was just a Main Event thing.


What in your opinion was the best Dlo Match


Genuflect on your favorite Dlo Moment...


Summerslam 98 Dlo Brown vs Val Venis WWF European Championship.


What do you think?

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Guest JaKyL25

When I saw the thread, that was the first match I thought of. Can't think of any other really entertaining D'Lo matches, but I still mark for the guy.

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Guest cabbageboy

I will go with the Val match....I might say one against Pac but they fought 1984845 times so it is hard.


I remember back in 1998 people said D'Lo had main event potential. I thought it was bullshit at the time, and I was right.

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Guest SuperTonyJaymz

I would have to say the match w/ Jarret were he became the first Euro Continental champ. The val match is a close 2nd.

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Guest IMarkForD'Lo

D'Lo vs. Jarrett for both Euro and IC belts is my fave. Could have done without seeing Henry involved though.

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Guest SuperTonyJaymz

I actually liked the Mark Herny angle, with D LO being his friend, trying to get him into good shape and Henry just being a selfish bastard saying fuck you to D Lo.

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Guest dreamer420

d'lo vs. val venis from summerslam gets my vote as well. it has always been a really underrated match IMO, because it was such a close back and forth contest.

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Guest Celtic Jobber

His match against Chris Jericho on Sunday Night Heat in 1999 gets my vote.

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Guest thebigjig

His match against Chris Benoit on Sunday Night Heat in either 99 or 2000... great great match

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins

His one match at MSG. He did a powerbomb to some guy....


If I continue, you will all hate me






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Guest TheSmarkzone

His matches with X-Pac and Jeff Jarrett were very good, but NONE OF THEM can top his SummerSlam '98 rocket-buster with Val. That was one of the hottest openers EVER.

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Guest TheSmarkzone

Is it just me, or does the Undertaker avatar that Triva247 is using look like Silent Bob?

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Guest caboose

I can't believe I missed this thread, oh yeah, I was asleep.


D-Lo Vs. Val @ SummerSlam 1998


D-Lo Vs. JJ @ SummerSlam 1999


D-Lo Vs. Val Vs. Bulldog @ You know what? I can't remember! 1999


I only liked that last match cos it had D-Lo and BullDog in it.


Several of the D-Lo Vs. X-Pac matches were good.


D-Lo Vs. Triple H when D-Lo wins the Euro title, I wish that was the way things worked now.

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Guest dreamer420
His matches with X-Pac and Jeff Jarrett were very good, but NONE OF THEM can top his SummerSlam '98 rocket-buster with Val. That was one of the hottest openers EVER.

lol. i guess it does. the hat is to big though.

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Guest papacita

The one where Pac first beat him for the title was my all time favorite, partially because I mark for Waltman, but also because of that cool finish (dove off the top into the X-Factor).

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Guest The Mountie

D Lo's best ever match, or at least one of them, was at the Rebellion 99 PPV where he lost to Jeff Jarrett in an IC Title match. I was there live and D Lo was absolutely awesome that night. Track it down if you can, it was a great event.

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Guest caboose

I was there too, that was a good match if only for the Crowd being jacked.

D-Lo was on form, but I thought Jarrett was a little off.

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Guest RickyChosyu

The D'Lo/Venus match is over-rated, if anything. Way too mindless in it's "I hit you with stuff, and then you hit me with stuff" nature and the only storyline point was Venus putting on D'lo's chest protector, which was actually quite stupid. The crowd was dead for most of it, too.


I would have to go with Vs. Benoit for the IC title in 2000. The ending comes a little too fast for my liking, but it really did put over the Crossface as D'Lo tapped instantly in fear of getting injurred. That was one of the only times he stood out, although the X-Pac matches were pretty decent.

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Guest Anglesault

There was this one match in october 99 that changed his career forever...

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Guest RickyChosyu
There was this one match in october 99 that changed his career forever...

It was funny the first two times....oh wait....

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Guest Anglesault

Funny, that's EXACTLY what I said about D-Lo and his butterfinger ways.

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Guest RickyChosyu
Funny, that's EXACTLY what I said about D-Lo and his butterfinger ways.

You know, slipping on a water bottle has little do with fingers. Oh, you were making a joke. I get it! It's funny because it's TRUE!!!

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Guest Anglesault

The water bottle that may or may not have been there. That still doesn't explain why he began to lose control of Venis and Grandmaster Sexay in different matches.

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Guest WhenDanSaysJump

For my money, D-Lo's best performance was in the tag match at Over The Edge 99. It's obvious WHY this is overlooked... but D-Lo was ON that night.

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Guest Nevermortal

Actually, I hate D-Lo for crippling Droz.


Because every week he comes on Byte This with his endless barrage of stupidity, and his WWE.com column sucks too.


Droz - "Hey, O'Haire, shake my hand, or you're going to OVW!"

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