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Guest Trivia247

The Best Matches of.....

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Guest RickyChosyu
The water bottle that may or may not have been there. That still doesn't explain why he began to lose control of Venis and Grandmaster Sexay in different matches.

Look, I'm not here to debate who's fault that incident was, I just found it rather humurous that someone can take a joke that lacks taste to begin with and then attempt to run with it as much as you did.

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Guest Anglesault

When D-Lo crippled Droz, he (or someone else) tried to say there was a water bottle in the ring. Some witness say there was, some they there wasn't. Either way, there sure as fuck was no water bottle at Royal Rumble '00.

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Guest Nevermortal

Jesus Christ, how do you slip on a water bottle? Those things are big enough so that you can see them pretty well.


I say that's bullshit.


But if there was, there could only be one culprit for that one...



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Guest crandamaniac

Anybody else find it distasteful that we're making jokes at the expense of a tragic accident that happened in the ring? Yes, D'Lo powerbombed Droz, and something went awry, and Droz was crippled. You guys have to realize that D'Lo had done that move thousands of times before with no problem. He messed up, there's no bones about it. He realizes he messed up, and i'm sure he feels guilty about it. Just stop all these stupid jokes because frankly they ain't funny and are really low.

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Guest Redhawk

Back on topic...


I would actually say that D'Lo's best match was the tag match he and Chaz had versus the Dudley Boyz. It was from either a RAW or Smackdown in 2000, when they were just "D'Lo and Chaz" and not yet "Lo Down" (and not wearing turbans). It was a tag team title match, and it got them over as a threat in my opinion.

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Guest Anglesault
Anybody else find it distasteful that we're making jokes at the expense of a tragic accident that happened in the ring? Yes, D'Lo powerbombed Droz, and something went awry, and Droz was crippled. You guys have to realize that D'Lo had done that move thousands of times before with no problem. He messed up, there's no bones about it. He realizes he messed up, and i'm sure he feels guilty about it. Just stop all these stupid jokes because frankly they ain't funny and are really low.

If D-Lo stopped doing the move, I wouldn't mind. And he didn't just "mess up" he destroyed a man's life.

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Guest RickyChosyu
Jesus Christ, how do you slip on a water bottle? Those things are big enough so that you can see them pretty well.


I say that's bullshit.


But if there was, there could only be one culprit for that one...



Hey, the only reports I ever read stated that he slipped on a water bottle that someone threw into the ring. Apparently that conflicts with what Anglesault read, and according to him D'Lo nearly did the same thing at RR '00.


However, like I said before, it's distastefull to make fun of the incident to begin with, so Anglesault is in the wrong no matter how much "evidence" he may have that it was D'lo's fault because making fun of paralyzed people isn't exactly one of those things you can justify because "there may not have been a water bottle."


Then again, I've come to expect such things from Saulty over there, so that's neither here, nor there, really.

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Guest RickyChosyu
There was this one match in october 99 that changed his career forever...

Forgive me for misenterpreting; posting Droz/D'lo in a "best D'lo matches" thread could hardly be looked at as making light of the situation.

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Guest TheSmarkzone

Anglesault is correct.


At SummerSlam '98, D'Lo was picking Venis up for a running powerbomb and dropped him. Thank God that he hadn't started running yet, or else Val may have wound up like Droz. Anyway, he got him up on the second try and executed the running powerbomb.


At Royal Rumble '00, D'Lo picked Sexay up for a powerbomb -- can't remember if it was a running powerbomb or a straight powerbomb -- and dropped him on his head. Fortunately, the velocity was not that great and Sexy was able to kinda roll with it and take the bump without injury.


It's funny, because the last time that I remember D'Lo being seriously pushed was 2000, and after the Royal Rumble incident with Sexay, his downward spiral began. Maybe the boys complained about his chronic case of butterfingers and management buried him as punishment.

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