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Guest Muzz

I'm Gone for a little while...

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Guest Muzz

Well, another no show. I seem to be no showing my school work as well, and no showing all my other commitments. I've come to a point when I've decided to get things in order again, and work myself harder.


I attempted to write something for Snake Eyes, don't get me wrong, but I found it was some of the weirdest stuff I've ever written, it seemed to go along with my mood. I wouldn't be any good here, and I'd rather take a break then no show and not get involved.


Hopefully back soon, but it may be longer than that. Seeya all.


Here's the 2500 words I wrote, as I said, weird...




Smarks Wrestling Federation Snake Eyes.

Sacred © vs. Fallout vs. Erek Taylor vs. Longdogger Pete


There comes a time in every wrestlers life when he wonders, “Why am I here? What am I doing?” So what if you’re successful, does that mean anything?


Hold on, this isn’t another sappy promo…


Thousands of loyal Smarks Wrestling Federation fans are packed into the Melon arena like sardines in a can, but unlike sardines in a can, they are alive, and have the ability to cheer, which they are doing now. The camera lowers from the rafters of the arena, panning through and capturing the faces of the legions of fans, they all cheer like mindless drones, shuffling to their job in the morning, living pointless lives, planning that trip they never seem to go on… Getting off track here.


Funyon stands ready and waiting in the ring, decked out in a new tuxedo, which he gets for every big Pay Per View event. At the announce table, Riley and Stevens argue over which one has the better tie, until they realise they are on camera, and go back to their commentating duties.


(Riley) “We should be headlining this main event Mark, we’d do such a better job than Wilson and MacPhisto.”


{Stevens) “Yeah, but you know Wilson, he held us down for months and no sold all our moves.”


{Riley) “Can’t do anything about that now though unfortunately, we’re retired, and now stuck behind a bloody desk! I think I look pretty sharp in this tuxedo though, don’t you think?”


(Stevens) “Oh you’re a regular chick magnet, you can go out to the city later on though, because right now, we’ve got another match to start, and what a match It is too! Two old heads and two young stars will battle it out for one thing, the Intercontinental Television championship! Whoa, that was a mouthful.”


{Riley) “If you can get these four men in the ring at the same time on a Pay Per View, you must be doing something right. We all know the turbulent history between Sacred and Fallout, but there’s also been some friction between Longdogger Pete and Erek Taylor in the past, so it will be very interesting to see how this pans out.”


(Stevens) “I’m only interested to see which personality Sacred comes out as tonight. Take your pick, the guy demanding respect, the evil dude, the cocky so called legend, or the insane mofo.”


(Riley) “Pfft, well at least he has some charisma, unlike you Stevens. Was you’re whole gimmick just having “Grand Slam in your name?”


(Stevens) “Right, let’s settle this outside.”


As the two old veterans turned commentators go at each other, the lights go out suddenly, leaving everything pitched black. As ring attendants run into each other at ringside, “Scum of the Earth” by Rob Zombie kick up. As the heavy guitar part sounds, an explosion rocks the arena. The song perfectly describes the man making his way out, Fallout, one of the most ruthless and diabolical people ever in the SWF, well, maybe if he promoed a bit more. Not looking at the fans that boo him from behind the railings, Fallout slides into the ring and stalks to the centre of the ring, looking straight down at the canvas, silent, with closed eyes… until he suddenly throws his arms up, and green pyro explodes from the ring posts. Fallout smirks as the fans abuse him to no end. Funyon does that thing he does with the mic, where he talks into it and his voice comes out louder.


(Funyon) “The following match, is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the Smarks Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Television championship!”


The crowd pops like crazy for the match they are about to witness, or for Funyon alluring voice, which ever. Funyon smiles before continuing.


(Funyon) “Introducing first, from Phoenix Arizona, standing six foot and weighing one hundred and eighty five pounds. Representing the clan… He is, FALLOUT!”


(Stevens) “Fallout is one of the true veterans of the SWF, along with Sacred. A year and a half and still going strong.”


(Riley) “And they’re facing too relatively new comers to the WF in Pete and Erek. I know Fallout and Sacred aren’t on the best of terms, but I know they both like teaching the new guys a few lessons…”


The crowd subsides after giving Fallout the welcome he deserves, but the mood changes as the fans in the Melon arena hear…


“You will get yours…”

“You will get yours…”

“You will get yours…”

“You will get yours…”




The roars from the crowd nearly drown out “Cold Contagious” by Bush, as a bright white explosion hits the entranceway, and smoke begins to fill the arena, causing some fans to cough and splutter, but still cheer for the man coming out, LDP. The Longdogger raises an arm to the fans, looking especially confident tonight, as it’s a big step up in his career, and a good showing here will do wonders for him. Funyon finds it a pleasure to announce his name.


(Funyon) “Making his way to the ring, from Miami Florida, standing six foot six and weighing two hundred and seventy two pounds, he is the Miami menace, the one man wrecking crew, he is… LONGDOGGER PETE!”


(Stevens) “Granted, Pete looks composed and confident, but when he’s mad, oh god, don’t get in his way!”


{Riley) “He may be a relative rookie in the WF, but he is experienced elsewhere, and he knows all the tricks of the trade. It’d be a major, and I mean major upset if either Taylor or Pete can take the ICTV championship.”


(Stevens) “Like when it was an upset whenever you won a title, or a match for that matter”


(Riley) “Man, that insult must have taken a whole lot of thinking Mark.”


(Stevens) “Hey, I have to be the good guy here!”


Pete and Fallout glance at each other, not having much past history, but knowing they’ll have to beat the hell out of each other to win the match. Longdogger suddenly jerks his head to the side, staring at the entranceway as if he were in a trance as Trust Company’s “Contagious” hits to an explosive reaction from the fans. Pete looks around and grumbles, he hates that Taylor is getting a bigger reaction than him. The arena is turned into a temporary disco as the twirling, bright lights make the stoners in the arena go into a trance.


(Riley) “Whoa… the pretty colours… I can almost touch them!”


"Can I break away? Push me away....

“Watch me fall, just to see”

“another side of me.”

“Push me away, you can't see,”

“what I see,”

“on the other side of me..."


"No one can see anything on the other side of me!"

"I walk! I crawl! Losing everything, ready for a downfall!"


The chorus ends, as flames begin to ignite, causing a massive burst of pyro on the entranceway, causing even more second hand smoke to appear, and maybe a lawsuit or two. As the smoke swirls away, Erek Taylor is revealed, crouching and with that familiar smile on his face we know so well. Pete and Taylor lock in a stare as Erek walks down the ramp, blindly slapping hands with the fans as he keeps staring at LDP.


(Stevens) “Back down to earth now Bobby. Look at these two, staring each other down, I don’t think either man can wait to get their hands on the other, oh it’s gonna be a rocket buster!”


(Riley) “Do you even know what that means?”


(Stevens) “Uh… well… you’re a hack.”


(Riley) “Moron.”


(Stevens) “Jobber.”


Funyon gets on the mic once again…


(Funyon) “On his way to the ring, from Anaheim, California. Standing six-foot even and weighing in at one hundred and ninety five pounds, he is the high-flying prince of the SWF, please welcome, EREK TAYLOR!”


Erek takes his time, walking around to the far side of the ring near the announce tables, before cautiously sliding into the ring, weary of LDP, who has not diverted his eyes from Taylor’s. Fallout chuckles a little as he watches the two rivals stare each other down. Erek and Pete take stance at opposite sides of the ring, shouting taunts to each other, as the fans grow in excitement, they all can’t wait for this match to begin. But nothing… The fans soon die down as everyone waits for the champion to make an appearance, but nothing…


(Stevens) “Where is Sacred? Is he playing the part of the insane guy again? What’s going on –“


Just as Stevens is set to continue, the screen suddenly distorts, going fuzzy and black and white. It suddenly go back to normal, as the camera shows Sacred standing at the centre stage, title slung over his shoulder, and a cocky smile to go along with it, as “Seasons in the Abyss.” By Slayer kicks up, sending the fans into a frenzy of boos and hisses for the ICTV champion.


(Funyon) “And last but certainly not least, from Adelaide Australia. Standing six foot one and weighing two hundred and thirty one pounds, he is the Smarks Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Television champion, he is SACRED!”


(Stevens) “I hate it when he does that!”


(Riley) “Which means I love it! Sacred seems confident, as always, cocky and confident, but this won’t be easy, Fallout wants revenge for his loss, even though he’s beaten Sacred five times before…”


Sacred struts down the ramp, a smirk on his face as the fans beside him abuse him. Sacred plays all high and mighty, polishing his gold, and generally being an arsehole, which the fans hate. Fallout points to the Aussie, and then cuts his throat, intimidating Sacred to no end. Sacred suddenly loses his smile and cowers a little, as Pete and Erek are still in a stare down, despite Funyon’s best efforts trying to make them blink. Funyon gives up finally and leaves the ring, as Sacred slides in, cautiously looking at his opponents, hugging his title for what maybe the last time. The ref holds the title aloft, and the fans cheer madly. The ref hands the gold to an attendant at ringside, as the bell ringer gets his moment so shine.


“Ding, Ding, Ding!”


(Stevens) “Four men, one pin away from winning the prize, the ICTV title! Who will win, time will tell, but I know one thing, this will be one to remember!”


(Riley) “Nice build up Mark.”


(Stevens) “Thanks I’ve been working on it… Whoa! Right off the “bat”, this match has begun! Fallout and Sacred exchanging blows, along with Pete and Erek!”


(Riley) “Oh god, please don’t use those awful puns the whole match…”


Inside the ring, the four men exchange blows, with fallout winning out over Sacred and LDP, the larger of those two, beginning to pummel him in the corner. Sacred somehow beats Fallout back with his patented forearms, and follows it up by whipping Fallout into the ropes. Sacred turns around and leaps across the ring, trying to connect with a flying forearm, but Fallout ducks it and continues on to the opposite ropes. Fallout comes back and leaps into the air, connecting with Sacred jaw with a spinning heel kick. LDP does nothing but pummel Erek in the corner, releasing all his frustration’s on the super face. LDP ships Taylor across the ring into the opposite corner, and runs in after him, crunching him into the turnbuckle with a clothesline of much hurting.


(Stevens) “Longdogger is the biggest man in the ring, and he’s showing it, completely owning the much smaller Taylor.”


(Riley) “But Taylor has a helluva heart, like I did, which was why I was so successful.”


(Stevens) “Say what, you corporate lackey?”


The Australian known as Sacred stumbles through the ropes and out of the ring, showing the legendary cowardice he possesses. Fallout goes out the ring to follow him, showing his legendary ability to beat Sacred six ways from Sunday. Fallout finally catches up to the Aussie, and proceeds to bash his head into the crowd railing, getting a few cheers from the crowd, something he doesn’t hear too often, but Sacred fights back amazingly, sending an elbow straight into Fallout’s chest. Sacred turns the tide my grabbing Fallout by the head and throwing him across the floor and introducing him to the steel steps!


(Stevens) “Definently no love lost between these two, no need for arm drags and hiptosses, just a good ‘ol brawl!”


In the ring, Longdogger ducks his head and starts to ram his shoulder into Erek’s ribs, well, he tries too, but Erek grabs his neck as he charges and runs forward, twisting around and nailing him with a DDT! The fans pop for the out of nowhere move and pop even louder as Erek hooks Pete by the leg for the first pin of the match. Kivell slides over and slams his hand on the canvas…


“O N – “ But Pete is as resilient as ever, and forcefully kicks out. Taylor is a little taken back by the fact LDP kicked out so easily, and in Taylor’s time of indecision, Pete gets to his feet and kicks him in the ribs, doubling him over. Longdogger shoves Erek’s head between his legs and grabs him around the waist, picking him up in a Powerbomb. It maybe a little too early for a move like that, as Erek slips out the back and clings onto Pete’s waist on the way down, rolling him up with a sunset flip, but Pete continues rolling and lands on his feet. Taylor gets to his feet but is absolutely floored by a big boot from the determined Longdogger.


(Riley) “I thought Taylor had Pete again, but no cigar. I think I saw a tooth fly into the crowd after that hit.”


(Stevens) “No man in this match is letting up, pulling out all the stops only a few minutes into the match. Thank god the ICTV title is a coveted prize once more.”


On the outside, Sacred hooks Fallout’s arms over the guardrail and starts to hit Fallout in the jaw with forearm after forearm, stunning the evil one. Sacred pulls Fallout up and hits another forearm before throwing Fallout into the ring. Sacred steps up onto the ring apron, but Fallout acts quickly, grabbing Sacred by the ankle and yanking him off the apron. Sacred trips and falls, slamming his head on the corner of the apron, and stumbles backward. Sacred hits the crowd barrier and slowly stumbles forward, as Fallout climbs onto his feet, backs into the ropes behind him and charges forward, sliding across the mat and kicking Sacred in the chest, sending him bundling onto the concrete.


Fallout takes a moment to catch his breath and rub the sore spot on his head as Pete whips Erek into the ropes once again. Taylor bounces off the ropes and comes back towards Pete, but ducks a clothesline and continues on, knocking down Fallout with a cross body! Erek jumps back onto his feet and dodges a wild right hand from Pete, stopping on the dime and shooting his foot right into Pete’s jaw with a Superkick!


(Stevens) “This Taylor, he is as explosive as anyone I’ve seen!”


(Riley) “Spare a thought for Fallout why donctcha, he was just minding his own business when that upstart rookie ran into him! Make him learn some respect for his elders, Fallout!”


Fallout gets onto his feet and grunts, watching as Erek Taylor soaks up the belated cheers from the crowd. Fallout storms across the ring,

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Guest Beingz0wningj00




Fuck! This sucks dude. You were my tag partner. Blarg! I wish you the best and I hope you can work some shit out, damn this sucks!




I guess fair thee well.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

The match you started had a real nice little surreal flavor to it...oh well. Hurry back, Muzz, but enjoy your time off.

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Guest Muzz

You know, I probably would have got more attention if I started shooting on random people.


Thanks everyone...

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Guest HVilleThugg

Sorry man...I just got around to commenting because I'm a lazy bitch.


It obviously sucks donkey balls that you're leaving for a while, but we all know you'll be back because, despite being constantly overlooked, you can't get enough of this place. So, hurry up and find whatever it is you're looking for, and get the fuck back here.


Da "my bad" H

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Guest Tyler McClelland

Same reason as Thugg.


Come back soon and write more promos... bitch... :)

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Guest midnight_burn

Shame to see ya leaving.


Hopefully you'll come back before too long.

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