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Guest thebigjig

Jericho & Undertaker vs. Wade Keller

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Guest thebigjig

Interesting and true insight from Hyatte of 411wrestling.com... and honestly, I couldn't agree more





Wade Keller has lost his mind.


You know about the Jericho rant. It made it's way around the web already, so I don't have to post it. But let me say two things about it.


1) He's dead on RIGHT. Every word.


2) It proved once again WHY wrestlers should and do NOT address the internet readers. Because the Internet readers can NOT HANDLE IT. As SOON as Jericho addressed us, everyone... and I mean EVERY STUPID MESSAGE BOARD ALIVE started talking like Jericho was a regular reader. I saw open letters to Jericho... shows of support... flames... the whole 9. Basically, everyone freaked. See, we can only PRETEND that anyone knows we exist... and if someone actually admits to reading something.... we get defensive... and WAAAAY too filled with self importance. Suddenly, the number of experts who are MASTERS of judging workrates and what needs to be done MULTIPLY. It's quite a site... everyone suddenly puffing out there chests and saying, "Well, now that I've got your ear, Mr. Big Star Y2J, let me tell you why you are WRONG and I am right." Ugh... it was a sick display. Ask Lance Storm. He made a comment about that ridiculous DVD 500 shitfest and I saw morons spend post after post justifying themselves to an absurd degree. One guy even said, and I quote, "Hey, Lance!! Until you've been to NOAH or watched a few Michinoku Pro Matches in 1993, you have no CLUE what workrate is about!" I almost choked on my apple when I read that.


But then the Undertaker gave an interview with the WWE.com, and said that Austin was wrong for leaving. This is where the plot thickened as Keller didn't take kindly to UT's words... and since he was so encouraged by the fact that he drove Jericho nuts, he decided to go after the Big Guy.


Mark Calloway has put himself above everything else. He has put his ego and pocket book ahead of everyone else in the company. Is it entirely his fault that ratings have sunk since he's been champ? By no means. Is he a contributing factor? Yes. Would his main event matches lately be tolerated if WWE had competition featuring exciting main events? No. Taker is benefiting from a monopoly situation, and that is hurting everyone else in the company.


The insinuations are that Calloway is forcing them to keep the belt on him.


This is the SAME Mark Calloway who has been in the company for 11 years... and the sum total of his few titles reigns don't even come close to a year.


This is the same Calloway that was told last year, by Vince, in front of everyone, that they were dropping the UT vs Austin angle in favor of an Austin vs Jericho/Benoit angle. Basically told him outright that he wasn't making it happen, so they're going elsewhere.


This is the SAME Calloway who suffered through mid card feuds with Kamala, Kama, Jake Roberts, and The Executioner


This is the SAME Calloway who puts everyone over.


This is the SAME Calloway who gives mid-card guys attention. Steve Austin chased Jeff Jarrett out of the company because he wouldn't work a program with him. UT let Maven be the guy to eliminate him out of the Royal Rumble.


This is the same Mark Calloway who ONLY got the belt because Hulk Hogan's newfound steam didn't translate into enough ratings to let him keep the belt.


This is the same Calloway that WOULD have dropped the title to HHH last Sunday, but the f-ing juicehead keeps getting injured from lugging all that water logged muscles around.


This is the SAME Calloway that did an amazing transformation of his character... something very, VERY few wrestlers have the balls to do... and now is the coolest Heel the company has.


Calloway HAS the title NOT for ego, or for desperation, or for PPV headlines. He HAS the title because right now, THERE'S NO ONE ELSE. He's holding it just until the company comes up with a better plan of attack. Austin's gone, HHH is injured (and is by no MEANS, a guaranteed top drawer), and Rocky is only part time. Lesnar is too damn young. And don't give me that Benoit crap.


Oh, and this is the SAME Calloway who, as far as anyone knows, has never, EVER complained about his role in the company. For 11 years now, he's been doing his job like a professional. Why do YOU think HE'S the one the boys respect the most?


No, Keller wasn't doing his job. He wasn't being a reporter. He was being a guy who hates the Undertaker and found an excuse to vent.


Hey Wade... don't look now, but you're being a Net guy.


Oh, and just so you know that Wade Keller is really... REALLY a smooth ladies guy:


Molly is carrying a reasonable level of weight on her rear end.


Oh, so smooth... oh Wade, I bet you say that to ALL the gals.

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Guest M Nyland

I've never heard so many nice things said about Taker at once....I don't think.


Everything he says is true, though you can just see how fast Maven has advanced in the WW_ since getting rid of Taker...


if Taker would have won the Rumble then he could have gotten the title at WMX8...a whole two months or so before he ended up with it anyway.


Taker is a company guy I'm sure...but we always hear the bad from him and never anything especially positive....at least this breaks away from the norm...



I mark for the old Taker...but then again...who doesn't?

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Guest §uperÛnknown

"This is the SAME Calloway that did an amazing transformation of his character... something very, VERY few wrestlers have the balls to do... and now is the coolest Heel the company has."


Maybe not the best heel right now, but definately an entertaining one and I enjoyed his angle with Jeff Hardy. Maybe I'm in a minority, so what?

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Guest TheSmarkzone
One guy even said, and I quote, "Hey, Lance!! Until you've been to NOAH or watched a few Michinoku Pro Matches in 1993, you have no CLUE what workrate is about!" I almost choked on my apple when I read that.


LO F'N L!!! :lol:


I am stunned. I cannot believe the NERVE of some "smart mark" to tell Lance f'n Storm -- or ANY wrestler for that matter -- that he has no clue what workrate is. WOW.


I would love to meet that guy outside of the Internet, just so I could see for myself what a mentally deranged person looks like.

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Guest Razor Roman

I still don't understand why no one thinks Wrestling fans have the right to review/critique a match online. Movie makers say the same things about critics "When YOU go out and make a movie, THEN you can review mine."


We all have a right to present our opinions... maybe some people do it in a "holier-than-thou" fashion, and others just say "here's what I though, and here's why this did/didn't work for me..."


I don't think anyone on the Net really thinks they know more about workrate than Lance Storm... unless maybe you count Bret Hart (since he does have his Calgary Sun website column) You get the point though...


I remember reading Paul Bearer's column a while back where he said "don't worry about wether it's good or bad, just enjoy it"


I think that's kind of the wrong attitude... We shouldn't be expected to enjoy something that we feel is sub-par (especially if it wasn't sub par before) simply because what's being put out is sub-par.

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Guest Trivia247
I still don't understand why no one thinks Wrestling fans have the right to review/critique a match online. Movie makers say the same things about critics "When YOU go out and make a movie, THEN you can review mine."


We all have a right to present our opinions... maybe some people do it in a "holier-than-thou" fashion, and others just say "here's what I though, and here's why this did/didn't work for me..."

See the problem is that its a slippery slope. As wrestling fans we can review and talk about wrestling matches, spots etc what looks good or not. But we do NOT have the right to tell Actual wrestlers in the business how to do Business we are too lazy or too fat or too fearful of Pain to get in to begin with.


people like Wade who decides that he speaks for all of us is like Rush Limbough speaking at a ACLU meeting. People got different opinions of wrestling and wrestlers. People like different things. Not every wrestling Fan online is a Lance Storm or a Chris Jericho, or a Chris Benoit, or a Bret Hart, or basically a Calgary Dungeon Mark.


No wonder the WWE hates us we got Pitbulls who represent us Insulting Wrestlers just doing their job to Entertain US. We should be able to have access to them to ask questions.. Like why can't cha do a Emerald Fusion instead of a Samoan Drop? silly stuff. But we shouldn't be like "Mark your old Retire..NOW...Do it!! I command thee Im a Smark!" LOL


Who in the WWE who does a interview doesn't sound like a company man at all? Storm is pretty honest in his own commentary on his site, pretty much because it was his before his WWF entry. Asides he should be happy now he is getting a decent preliminary push, aside being a former WWF IC champion for a Cup of coffee. Lance Storm becomes the new Bret Hart.. and he probably gonna have it better in the similar angle than Bret Hart did because now Storm got a Blueprint in what he can and cannot do.


takes a breath.....


yawn these morning rants get tiring back to bed ZZZZZZZZZZ

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Guest thebigjig
I still don't understand why no one thinks Wrestling fans have the right to review/critique a match online. Movie makers say the same things about critics "When YOU go out and make a movie, THEN you can review mine."


We all have a right to present our opinions... maybe some people do it in a "holier-than-thou" fashion, and others just say "here's what I though, and here's why this did/didn't work for me..."


I don't think anyone on the Net really thinks they know more about workrate than Lance Storm... unless maybe you count Bret Hart (since he does have his Calgary Sun website column) You get the point though...


I remember reading Paul Bearer's column a while back where he said "don't worry about wether it's good or bad, just enjoy it"


I think that's kind of the wrong attitude... We shouldn't be expected to enjoy something that we feel is sub-par (especially if it wasn't sub par before) simply because what's being put out is sub-par.

You have to look at it from the wrestler's standpoint. Stop thinking as if you're a smark and think as if you're a wrestler... a guy that night in and night out goes out there and busts your ass off to make you people happy. Think about it in Jericho's mindset... he had a tremendous match with RVD and when he read the reviews at PWTorch.com it was heavy on criticism. It pissed him off. Rightfully so. I'm sure it's hard to stomach someone criticising your workrate when they sit behind a computer drinking a beer while you're actually in the ring busting your ass. Kind of reminds me of a quote from the movie Airplane! when the little kid in the cockpit was sort of absent mindedly drilling Kareem Abdul Jabaar with criticism from the kids father


Joey: I think you're the greatest, but my dad says you don't work hard enough on defense.


Roger Murdock: THE HELL I DON'T! Look, I'm out there bustin' my BUTT EVERY NIGHT. Tell your old man to run up and down the court for forty minutes!


And about movie critics and smark critics... big difference. A film maker has months upon months to create a masterpiece. If it sucks, then there is really no excuse considering the time it took to make it. Wrestlers have very little time to put together a match.


I've talk to many wrestlers guys, some that you worship, and guess what? Most of them can't stand a typical smark. Smarks are the BUTT of many a joke in the locker room. They laugh you off to a certain extent.


For example: I talked to Rhyno a few months back at a World of Wheels car show. I asked him if all of the HHH rumors were true about him holding people down, and he looked at me, chuckled while signing my autograph, and said "Kid, don't believe everything you read on the internet"

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Guest alfdogg
For example: I talked to Rhyno a few months back at a World of Wheels car show. I asked him if all of the HHH rumors were true about him holding people down, and he looked at me, chuckled while signing my autograph, and said "Kid, don't believe everything you read on the internet"

Umm...we've already talked about this once.


Of course he's going to say that. HE WANTS TO KEEP HIS JOB.


So please don't start with that baseless argument.

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Guest RickyChosyu

Oh God, another Hyatte collum. Shoot me.


Taker puts people over? What exactly was the DDP feud supposed to be, then? Undertaker WORKS with midcarders, he doesn't put them over. There's a huge difference there. You might as well say "Nash let that Misterio guy pin him once, HE PUTS PEOPLE OVER." Eliminations, pins, they all mean nothing. Putting someone over is making it apparent that they are in your league or higher. How many times has Taker done that since the Mankind feud? Every feud since then has been with guys who were already there (Austin, Rock, Trips) or guys he failed in putting over (the Angle feud in 2000, the DDP debacle, the Hardyz, Maven, what have you). He's profesional, yet he convinces them to bring in Kronik. He's profesional, yet Sean O'Haire got sent packing because he didn't introduce himself to Droz?


Look, I'm willing to agree with Hyatte's grievences on how stupid the internet can be when it comes to arguing with guys like Jericho and Storm, but his over-dramatic preaching of the selfless Undertaker is the kind of thing that makes me wonder why Chris has a job. I'm not siding with Keller here, as it's stupid of him to think Taker is forcing them to keep the strap on him (there really is no one else) but to say Taker is this selfless champion while incidently forgetting to mention names like Rob Van Damn and Jeff Hardy when discussing how many people he puts over is just asinine. Hyatte and Keller are both morrons, anyway.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

I still don't understand why the net crowd is such a huge target. Sure we're cynical asses who critique every little frickin' detail (who isn't), but then again, we're here right? Where are the casual fans that populated WWF shows in 98-99. Gone. I critique, because I CARE. I WANT ratings to go up. I WANT the quality of the shows to rise. I WANT elevation.


If I ask for gold, and you give me shit, should I take the shit for what it is and like it? No! Because if I ask for Gold agian, I'll get shit! I don't want shit!


Alright, that's a bad analogy, but you get what I'm saying.

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Guest thebigjig
For example: I talked to Rhyno a few months back at a World of Wheels car show. I asked him if all of the HHH rumors were true about him holding people down, and he looked at me, chuckled while signing my autograph, and said "Kid, don't believe everything you read on the internet"

Umm...we've already talked about this once.


Of course he's going to say that. HE WANTS TO KEEP HIS JOB.


So please don't start with that baseless argument.

Baseless argument? The only part that's baseless is your assessment of the situation, since you weren't there. I guess to you, a wrestler isn't allowed to say a simple comment like "don't believe everything you read on the internet" to one guy because since saying something so simple will get him fired... which is quite laughable and shows how blind you are.


Don't forget the fact that in most cases the WWE can't actually fire anyone without losing money. It's a contracted situation. Rhyno makes quite a bit of money and for them to release him it would cost quite a percentage to the company. Not only that, but if you study cases of wrongful termination, you will note that someone can't legally be fired for something so simple. If they did, Rhyno would be legally obligated to sue them, so think long and hard about what you're saying before you say it

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
Oh God, another Hyatte collum. Shoot me.


Taker puts people over? What exactly was the DDP feud supposed to be, then? Undertaker WORKS with midcarders, he doesn't put them over. There's a huge difference there. You might as well say "Nash let that Misterio guy pin him once, HE PUTS PEOPLE OVER." Eliminations, pins, they all mean nothing. Putting someone over is making it apparent that they are in your league or higher. How many times has Taker done that since the Mankind feud? Every feud since then has been with guys who were already there (Austin, Rock, Trips) or guys he failed in putting over (the Angle feud in 2000, the DDP debacle, the Hardyz, Maven, what have you). He's profesional, yet he convinces them to bring in Kronik. He's profesional, yet Sean O'Haire got sent packing because he didn't introduce himself to Droz?


Look, I'm willing to agree with Hyatte's grievences on how stupid the internet can be when it comes to arguing with guys like Jericho and Storm, but his over-dramatic preaching of the selfless Undertaker is the kind of thing that makes me wonder why Chris has a job. I'm not siding with Keller here, as it's stupid of him to think Taker is forcing them to keep the strap on him (there really is no one else) but to say Taker is this selfless champion while incidently forgetting to mention names like Rob Van Damn and Jeff Hardy when discussing how many people he puts over is just asinine. Hyatte and Keller are both morrons, anyway.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

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Guest Vyce

I'd be, like, all supportive of Hyatte and all. If I, you know, didn't think he was a troglodyte.

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Guest RickyChosyu
I'd be, like, all supportive of Hyatte and all.  If I, you know, didn't think he was a troglodyte.

Can I use that quote? Good stuff.


AlwaysPissed: Thanks, my anime freak brother. Down with Hyatte~!!!

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Guest Downhome
Baseless argument? The only part that's baseless is your assessment of the situation, since you weren't there. I guess to you, a wrestler isn't allowed to say a simple comment like "don't believe everything you read on the internet" to one guy because since saying something so simple will get him fired... which is quite laughable and shows how blind you are.


Don't forget the fact that in most cases the WWE can't actually fire anyone without losing money. It's a contracted situation. Rhyno makes quite a bit of money and for them to release him it would cost quite a percentage to the company. Not only that, but if you study cases of wrongful termination, you will note that someone can't legally be fired for something so simple. If they did, Rhyno would be legally obligated to sue them, so think long and hard about what you're saying before you say it

Actually if Rhyno came out and said something like "hell yeah, HHH is one f'd up bastard, I really think he wants to keep everyone down but himself", then he could be legally fired. Him saying something like that could make the company he works for look horrible, and that is a huge no no in business. If he said it, and Vince and Co. felt it was hurtfull to the company, then they have every right in the world to fire him with no questions asked. So yeah...


...I agree that he possibly said it just because of this reason.


UT let Maven be the guy to eliminate him out of the Royal Rumble.


Am I the only person that gets pissed off when I hear things like this? Taker LET Maven do that? I mean, what in the hell? No wrestler should LET anyone do anything to them, regardless of their posistion in the company. They should be told what to do, and just do it, not LET who they are working with do anything. It's a job, and that's that. When I'm at work, and I'm told to let someone work with me on a project, I don't LET them do it. I do it, because I'm told to do it. Damn, I just wanted to point that out. I hope you LET me point it out.


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Guest thebigjig
Baseless argument? The only part that's baseless is your assessment of the situation, since you weren't there. I guess to you, a wrestler isn't allowed to say a simple comment like "don't believe everything you read on the internet" to one guy because since saying something so simple will get him fired... which is quite laughable and shows how blind you are.


Don't forget the fact that in most cases the WWE can't actually fire anyone without losing money. It's a contracted situation. Rhyno makes quite a bit of money and for them to release him it would cost quite a percentage to the company. Not only that, but if you study cases of wrongful termination, you will note that someone can't legally be fired for something so simple. If they did, Rhyno would be legally obligated to sue them, so think long and hard about what you're saying before you say it

Actually if Rhyno came out and said something like "hell yeah, HHH is one f'd up bastard, I really think he wants to keep everyone down but himself", then he could be legally fired. Him saying something like that could make the company he works for look horrible, and that is a huge no no in business. If he said it, and Vince and Co. felt it was hurtfull to the company, then they have every right in the world to fire him with no questions asked. So yeah...


...I agree that he possibly said it just because of this reason.


UT let Maven be the guy to eliminate him out of the Royal Rumble.


Am I the only person that gets pissed off when I hear things like this? Taker LET Maven do that? I mean, what in the hell? No wrestler should LET anyone do anything to them, regardless of their posistion in the company. They should be told what to do, and just do it, not LET who they are working with do anything. It's a job, and that's that. When I'm at work, and I'm told to let someone work with me on a project, I don't LET them do it. I do it, because I'm told to do it. Damn, I just wanted to point that out. I hope you LET me point it out.


You're missing the point. It's hearsay. The WWE as well as any other company cannot fire somebody for comments based on hearsay. If he went on record either on television, radio, or officially quoted in a source such as a periodical, then he would be subjected to being fired. The fact of the matter is, I am not a reporter. I am a fan who was lucky enough to sit down and chat with him for a while. He was not bullshitting with me. He was straight out serious. I didnt ask him about alot of the backstage problems. I did ask him about Hogan, Hall, and Nash coming in because this happened right when they were announced as signing and he told me something like "well, I'm not going to lie and say I am happy about it. It just makes it harder for the "new blood" to climb the ladder, but if they work hard and bring the company more money, then that's great... but I'm still skeptical" I then asked him about all of the rumors about HHH being such a force backstage and he rolled his eyes and said "kid, don't believe everything you hear on the net." He then told me about how internet "dumbasses" know shit when it comes down to it. He did however claim that there are some great internet "smarks" but they're a rare find.

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Guest Downhome
You're missing the point. It's hearsay. The WWE as well as any other company cannot fire somebody for comments based on hearsay. If he went on record either on television, radio, or officially quoted in a source such as a periodical, then he would be subjected to being fired. The fact of the matter is, I am not a reporter. I am a fan who was lucky enough to sit down and chat with him for a while. He was not bullshitting with me. He was straight out serious. I didnt ask him about alot of the backstage problems. I did ask him about Hogan, Hall, and Nash coming in because this happened right when they were announced as signing and he told me something like "well, I'm not going to lie and say I am happy about it. It just makes it harder for the "new blood" to climb the ladder, but if they work hard and bring the company more money, then that's great... but I'm still skeptical" I then asked him about all of the rumors about HHH being such a force backstage and he rolled his eyes and said "kid, don't believe everything you hear on the net." He then told me about how internet "dumbasses" know shit when it comes down to it. He did however claim that there are some great internet "smarks" but they're a rare find.

Hey, I'm not saying that he didn't mean what he said. I'm just saying that there is a possibility that he said that just to be safe, and to go along with what WWE would WANT him to say. I can say stuff to people without really meaning it and you would never know the difference, so I'm sure a trained Pro. Wrestler could do a good enough acting job to do the same thing, but anyhow, I'm just saying it's possible, and there is no way to know for sure. Also...


...if Rhyno did come out and say something like "HHH holds everyone down, we're pissed, he's a bastard, it's not fair and I hate it" WWE would indeed have a right to fire him. He would be talking, in public, about stuff that WWE does not wish for their employees to talk about for the most part. If something can be looked at as possibly hurting a company, and this would be looked at like that because of the touchy subject, then he would be able to be fired with no questions asked.


I'm not saying he did or didn't mean what he told you, I'm just saying there is no way for any of us to ever know for sure, that's all! :) :) :)

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Guest alfdogg

You're obviously just blind and not thinking about what you say Downhome, since you didn't take thebigjig's word as gospel.


I'm still waiting for this guy to post something that isn't bashing smarks.

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Guest Downhome
You're obviously just blind and not thinking about what you say Downhome, since you didn't take thebigjig's word as gospel.

I'm sorry, I'll try my best to not let it happen again. :(

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Guest thebigjig
Hey, I'm not saying that he didn't mean what he said. I'm just saying that there is a possibility that he said that just to be safe, and to go along with what WWE would WANT him to say. I can say stuff to people without really meaning it and you would never know the difference, so I'm sure a trained Pro. Wrestler could do a good enough acting job to do the same thing, but anyhow, I'm just saying it's possible, and there is no way to know for sure. Also...


...if Rhyno did come out and say something like "HHH holds everyone down, we're pissed, he's a bastard, it's not fair and I hate it" WWE would indeed have a right to fire him. He would be talking, in public, about stuff that WWE does not wish for their employees to talk about for the most part. If something can be looked at as possibly hurting a company, and this would be looked at like that because of the touchy subject, then he would be able to be fired with no questions asked.


I'm not saying he did or didn't mean what he told you, I'm just saying there is no way for any of us to ever know for sure, that's all!  :)  :)  :)

I cannot stress this enough... the WWE or any other company cannot legally fire anyone on the terms of hearsay. Why? Because there is no proof one way or the other besides an allegation from one person, that he said those things. If you have no proof, then there is no way a company can do anything other than ask him about it. He would of course most likely deny it and that is that. If the WWE fired him, without proof of company slander, then they would be in direct fire of a nasty lawsuit for wrongful termination.


I understand your reasoning of course, but I do get the impression sometimes (not from you) that some smarks on this board don't want to come to grips with reality and accept the fact that most of the wrestlers in the WWE don't like any of them, and laugh them off as if they're the BUTT of a joke. And I honestly can't blame them. I'm not referring to the REAL smart marks, I'm referring to the morons that criticize everything, and of course, the most annoying trait shared by many... the fact that so many smarks think they know so much about the backstage happenings when in reality they know nothing. You know, the "experts" who speaks as if they've been in the business for years


Oh but wait, by actually bringing this up, I'm going to be considered a troll most likely lol

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Guest Downhome
Hey, I'm not saying that he didn't mean what he said. I'm just saying that there is a possibility that he said that just to be safe, and to go along with what WWE would WANT him to say. I can say stuff to people without really meaning it and you would never know the difference, so I'm sure a trained Pro. Wrestler could do a good enough acting job to do the same thing, but anyhow, I'm just saying it's possible, and there is no way to know for sure. Also...


...if Rhyno did come out and say something like "HHH holds everyone down, we're pissed, he's a bastard, it's not fair and I hate it" WWE would indeed have a right to fire him. He would be talking, in public, about stuff that WWE does not wish for their employees to talk about for the most part. If something can be looked at as possibly hurting a company, and this would be looked at like that because of the touchy subject, then he would be able to be fired with no questions asked.


I'm not saying he did or didn't mean what he told you, I'm just saying there is no way for any of us to ever know for sure, that's all!  :)  :)  :)

I cannot stress this enough... the WWE or any other company cannot legally fire anyone on the terms of hearsay. Why? Because there is no proof one way or the other besides an allegation from one person, that he said those things. If you have no proof, then there is no way a company can do anything other than ask him about it. He would of course most likely deny it and that is that. If the WWE fired him, without proof of company slander, then they would be in direct fire of a nasty lawsuit for wrongful termination.


I understand your reasoning of course, but I do get the impression sometimes (not from you) that some smarks on this board don't want to come to grips with reality and accept the fact that most of the wrestlers in the WWE don't like any of them, and laugh them off as if they're the BUTT of a joke. And I honestly can't blame them. I'm not referring to the REAL smart marks, I'm referring to the morons that criticize everything, and of course, the most annoying trait shared by many... the fact that so many smarks think they know so much about the backstage happenings when in reality they know nothing. You know, the "experts" who speaks as if they've been in the business for years


Oh but wait, by actually bringing this up, I'm going to be considered a troll most likely lol

Once again, I as well can not stress it enough that they COULD fire him for it. I'm not going to make another long ass post over it, as you obviously will not take it sooooo...


...I will just say that if someone says anything publicly against the company for which they work, something which can be deemed private, vital "backstage" information, etc... then they can be fired for it if it is looked at to be harmful to said company.

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Guest Vyce

Ricky - sure, quote away. ;)


As for the whole Rhyno firing thing.....well, let's say that they can't fire him for saying bad stuff about HHH.


Would it still be wise for him to do so? You don't have to fire him to totally blackball him. I mean, he opens his mouth one minute to badmouth The Game, and the next thing he knows he's "exclusive Heat talent" alongside Raven & Crash Holly.


You'll probably never hear an actual employee of the company badmouth HHH. Closest we've probably ever come to that was Rock making some veiled references in interviews a few months back.

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Guest RickyChosyu
Ricky - sure, quote away. ;)


As for the whole Rhyno firing thing.....well, let's say that they can't fire him for saying bad stuff about HHH.


Would it still be wise for him to do so?  You don't have to fire him to totally blackball him.  I mean, he opens his mouth one minute to badmouth The Game, and the next thing he knows he's "exclusive Heat talent" alongside Raven & Crash Holly.


You'll probably never hear an actual employee of the company badmouth HHH.  Closest we've probably ever come to that was Rock making some veiled references in interviews a few months back.

Like bigjig said, what proof is there that he said it? It's hearsay, which is null and void. What would happen had he opened his mouth and denounced Trips? Some internet website would have gotten a hold of it. Do you think Trips checks in on internet websites to see the latest theories of how his banging Stephanie is getting him a monster push? Unless Meltzer or the Torch got a hold of it I doubt Trips would ever hear about it, much less punish Rhyno.


I mean, there have probably been millions of opportunities for plenty of wrestlers to denounce Trips without anyone ever knowing for sure, because the only proof is some smark who talked with the wrestler. Rock is the only one to have ever publically alluded to HHH's doings publically, and at the end of the day it's 100% speculation that he was actually refering to HHH when he said that. Because the internet is the way it is, of course everyone jumped on it right away and proclaimed Rock as the next "Kliq Killer" but isn't that the same kind of behavoir that Rhyno told the fan who made this post to stay away from? Isn't that the kind of behavoir that causes smarks to behave the way they do towards guys like Jericho and Storm because they think they're doing something important? I hate to agree with a fuck-wad like Hyatte, but the internet has a habbit of getting caught up in things, and just looking at this board it's easy to see how; HHHaters actually have their own haters now, for the love of God. Doesn't anyone ever stop to wonder if they're getting a little bit too caught up in something as stupid as Internet Conspiracy Theories of HHH? I've heard people actually accuse HHH of fucking Stephanie just for kicks and not actually being in love with her. I mean, who the fuck would bring that up in an arguement against a wrestler as pure speculation?


Oh, thanks for letting me use the quote, by the way. I can't stand Hyatte.

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Guest thebigjig
Once again, I as well can not stress it enough that they COULD fire him for it. I'm not going to make another long ass post over it, as you obviously will not take it sooooo...


...I will just say that if someone says anything publicly against the company for which they work, something which can be deemed private, vital "backstage" information, etc... then they can be fired for it if it is looked at to be harmful to said company.

and I'm not going to go into the details of hearsay. I was thinking about posting the definition but that would take too much effort. Yes the WWE could fire Rhyno for those comments, but they wouldn't. Why? Because Rhyno could sue them and make alot of money because he would very likely win.


Either way, I'm not begging any of you to believe what I'm saying. It doesn't make me mad that some of you don't believe me. I'm just telling you what happened to me, and if you choose to be a skeptic fine. Oh yeah and Alfdogg, have you actually read any of my 466 posts? Obviously not because in those 466 posts I have bashed "smarks" maybe 15 times IF that much. And when I do bash "smarks" (keep in mind I make exceptions to the ones that don't speak out their asses) I make valid points that sometimes go undebated. Infact, most of the time, instead of debating with me, I'm called a troll which I find hillarious.

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Guest thebigjig

I also don't like Hyatte, but I do agree with most of what he said in the part of his commentary that I posted

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Guest RickyChosyu
I also don't like Hyatte, but I do agree with most of what he said in the part of his commentary that I posted

Yeah, his portrayal of how the internet responded to the whole Jericho thing was dead-on. The problem with Hyatte is that he starts to show signs of actually making sense and being the "Straight Shooter" that he claims to be and then does a complete 180 and goes back to insulting my intelligence with claims of Undertaker being selfless and a friend to young up-and-comers everywhere like he's gotten amnesia and forgotten the last two years before they put the title on him. Still, this is the first collum of his in a while that I've actually been impressed with, so maybe in three years I'll be able to read his stuff without wanting to puke.

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Guest thebigjig
Yeah, his portrayal of how the internet responded to the whole Jericho thing was dead-on. The problem with Hyatte is that he starts to show signs of actually making sense and being the "Straight Shooter" that he claims to be and then does a complete 180 and goes back to insulting my intelligence with claims of Undertaker being selfless and a friend to young up-and-comers everywhere like he's gotten amnesia and forgotten the last two years before they put the title on him. Still, this is the first collum of his in a while that I've actually been impressed with, so maybe in three years I'll be able to read his stuff without wanting to puke.

lol I agree. He does tend to hit something dead on and then stray off into stupidity. I agreed with some of the things he said about Taker but not all. He doesn't put everyone over, but he does do a good job of trying to elevate talent in the sense that he sells a great deal for them. For example: His match with Randy Orton a while back. No I didn't think Orton would win obviously, but I was impressed at how Taker sold his offense when it could've been a squash and it wouldn't have surprised the live crowd any

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Guest RickyChosyu
lol I agree. He does tend to hit something dead on and then stray off into stupidity. I agreed with some of the things he said about Taker but not all. He doesn't put everyone over, but he does do a good job of trying to elevate talent in the sense that he sells a great deal for them. For example: His match with Randy Orton a while back. No I didn't think Orton would win obviously, but I was impressed at how Taker sold his offense when it could've been a squash and it wouldn't have surprised the live crowd any

The match with Ortan really did shock me. I think he was going for the HHH/Taka type match, or more recently, the Jericho/Maven type match. It seems like every championship title reign is incomplete without some ridiculous match like Angle/Crash for the title or whatever.


Taker does sell for young guys a lot, but then again so does HHH (well, accept for the Jeff Hardy feud) and rarely do his matches with lower guys elevate them at all in the long run, even if he jobs to them. That's why I believe doing jobs as a means to elevate talent is a bullshit ploy by the WWE because it's how they build off of the jobs that matters, and someone can easilly be elevated without getting a higher guy to job to him, too.

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