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Guest Steve J. Rogers

Great WWF Champions Trivia

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Guest Steve J. Rogers

Just was thinking about this, aside from Royal Rumbles and/or Battle Royals was the Armageddon 2000 Main Event Hell In A Cell match with Taker, Triple H, Angle, Austin and Rock the greatest collection of current and former WWF Champs in the same ring for a match? (BTW matches with future champs do not count towards this bit of trivia)


I'm thinking 5 is the most.


BTW with Hogan and Nash back is this now the most former champs (14) that are employed with the WWF at any one time with Nash, Hogan, Y2J, Austin, HHH, Angle, HBK, Vince, Kane, Rock, Flair, Slaughter, Taker and Big Show granted half of that list won the title within the last couple of years





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Guest RickyB

I'm thinking that match probably would be the most if you don't count Battle Royals.


The current roster, or a late 80's/early 90's roster (Hogan, Warrior, Aundre, Rick Rude, Flair, etc) would probably be when the most amount of Champions in a roster at one time.

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Guest Blackston

what about Survivor Series 2001?  On the WWF team you had the Rock, Big Show, Undertaker, Kane (these 4 count) and Jericho (doesn't count, but was WCW champ before this match, I think).  Alliance team had Angle, Austin, Booker T (WCW world champ), Shane McMahon (no titles), and RVD (no titles).  So you had 6 guys with WWF World titles in the match, and at least one more WCW world champion...

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Guest goodhelmet

Well there were only four champs in the seventies. There was Ivan Koloff, Pedro Morales, Bruno Sammartino, Billy Graham and Backlund (ok, 5) then Iron Sheik, Hogan, Savage, and Warrior. Yeah, this is about the most champions in the company at one time. It also doesn't help that the title got tossed around like a hot potato in the last 6 years.

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Guest J*ingus

Well, the best example I can think of breaks multiple rules by being a battle royal, and you have to include NWA/WCW world champions too.  


Royal Rumble '97: at one point, you've got Bret Hart, Steve Austin, Vader, Mankind, Terry Funk, Undertaker, Rocky Maivia, and Kane as "Fake Diesel" all in the same ring at the same time, eight champs in total.  Also was quite possibly the only time that former WWF, WCW, and ECW world champions were competing in the same ring prior to 2001.

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Guest Tolwyn

What about the Sixpac Challenge from Unforgiven 1999 with


Bulldog (okay..let's forget him for this topic...), HHH, Rock, Undertaker, Kane, Mankind and Austin as Ref.


that's some championship material right there.

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