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Guest BoboBrazil

Smackdown Spoilers

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Guest BoboBrazil

***SMACKDOWN*** (airdate July 4)


Lilian Garcia comes to the ring and sings America, The Beautiful. Lance Storm comes out to the top of the stage with a mic in hand, and with Test and Christian by his side, and tells Lilian to leave the ring. All three enter the ring. Christian says the American youth thinks Independence Day is the day Will Smith saved the world from a bunch of aliens. Storm says America was founded as British Colonies. In 1776, America declared it's independence and turned it's back on Britian. Ultimately, America released it's war like hostilities on the rest of the world. Storms wonders what right America had to be in Korea and Vietnam. Storm says America was defeated in Vietnam and they are a bunch of hypocrites. Test says America is the most hypocritical nation in the world. All three get on the mic and say America Sucks.


Rikishi comes down to the ring and a match with Lance Storm begins.


Lance Storm w/ Test and Christian beat Rikishi. Test kicked Rikishi in the face off the top rope enabling Storm to get the easy pin.


Backstage, Undertaker arrives to the arena.




Backstage, Stacy knocks on the door and asks Mark Henry where John Cena is. Cena comes to the door. Stacy tells Cena that Mr. McMahon would like to see him right now.


Reverend Dvon and Deacon Bautista beat Randy Orton and Big Valbowski via Bautista one handed chokeslam on Orton.


Backstage, Jericho is complaining to Vince about Edge. Cena enters and introduces himself to Vince, and Vince introduces Cena to Jericho. Jericho gets mad at Cena for interupting his meeting with Vince. Cena smacks Jericho and leaves the room. Vince gives Jericho a match with Edge at Vengence, and a match with Cena tonight.




Backstage, Marc Loyd interviews Kurt Angle about his match with Undertaker tonight.


Backstage, Billy and Chuck celebrate the 4th of July by eating hot dogs. Rico walks in and says they need to be serious, because they have to defend the tag titles against Hogan and Edge tonight.




WWE Tag Team Championship - Edge and Hulk Hogan beat Billy and Chuck w/ Rico via double big boots and double legdrops on Chuck to become the new WWE tag champs.




Chris Jericho beat John Cena with a sleeper slam and his feet on the ropes. After the match Cena gave Jericho a spinning sidewalk slam.




Earlier today, Noble and Nidia arrive to their new trailor park home in his new pickup truck. Nidia says they can not afford it. Noble says they can now since he is the Cruiserweight Champion. They enter the trailor and eventually go to the back bedroom and close the door.


Torrie Wilson beat Stacy Keibler in a bra and panties match. Torrie then stripped down to her own bra and panties after the match.




Backstage, Marc Loyd interviews Undertaker. Undertaker talks about what he will do to Rock at Vengence and to Angle tonight.




WWE Undisputed Championship - Undertaker and Kurt Angle went to a no decision draw. Angle had Undertaker in a submission (leg lock choke around Taker's neck) at the same time Undertaker had Angle in a hand around the neck choke submission. Angle was pinned at the same time Undertaker tapped. Half of the referees declared Angle the winner and the other half declared Undertaker the winner, therefor it was announced as a draw and Undertaker is still the Undisputed Champion. After the match Team Canada came down and attacked Undertaker. Angle came back down to the ring and helped Undertaker clear the ring of the trio. Undertaker then chokeslammed Angle for good measure.


Undertaker rides his bike up the ramp, salutes the fans, and leaves to the back.


Chimmel thanks everyone for coming.





Kurt Angle should be the champion damnit!!

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Guest dreamer420

shitty deal. hogan and edge are tag champs. that sure will fix the division in a hurry.

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Guest LJSexay

NO, he shoudln't.


That belt is fine where it is, getting some credibility as well.

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Guest Anglesault

Fuck. Now Angle has absolutely nothing to do at Vengeance. Oh well.

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Guest Flyboy

Wait, where's the good Smackdown! I was suppose to be getting like last week? -_-

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Guest Flyboy
Fuck. Now Angle has absolutely nothing to do at Vengeance. Oh well.

Why do you say that?


There's still 3 weeks for the WW_ to build something up for Angle to do. ;)

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Guest Anglesault

Rock and Taker are tied up, Jericho is cursed with Edge, and Angle/Hogan is over. There is no one left for Angle. But, maybe not being on the show won't be SO bad. Maybe they can have him run rampant over each match or something. No big deal either way.

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Guest the pinjockey

Hey AS at least your boy went over Cena clean . Jericho now had to cheat to beat a guy in his second match, Cena got his heat back like having to have Jericho cheat isn't enough, and then is put into an "Edge Feud" as you like to put it. And before any thing starts up I don't mind Edge I think he is solid but I see no way Jericho comes out looking decent (Hopefully he gets some heat back unlike his HHH fueds) because Edge is obviously up higher on McMahon's totem pole so Jericho will IMO be fed to him so I am not a happy camper.

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Guest BoboBrazil

It will probably end up being a 3 way for the title at Vengeance between Rock, Angle, and Undertaker with Rock winning the belt by pinning Kurt Angle. This way Undertaker won't have to job to lose the belt.

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Guest Anglesault

Oh, Jericho is far more fucked than Angle. They won't resign him.

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Guest endgame722

If Kurt is added to the Title match at Vengence and wins the Title all will be forgiven

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Guest candie45

Dammit. I thought for sure Angle was going to win the title. Those stupid little fucks like to mess with my head with the 2 title shots this week making me think that Angle actually had a snowballs chance in hell of getting the belt. And I haven't been that anxious to read the spoilers in a loong long time.

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Guest JHawk
Fuck. Now Angle has absolutely nothing to do at Vengeance. Oh well.



I'm sensing an Angle face turn so he and Lance Storm can have a **** classic at Vengeance. Granted, this does suck. The sadistic booker in me think that since Taker tapped the title should be held up, but that would sort of make sense.

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Guest the pinjockey
Oh, Jericho is far more fucked than Angle. They won't resign him.

Honestly it is getting to the point that that would be best for his career. He could go to NWA where I am sure he would get big guaranteed money and be pushed to the moon while working four days a month. That doesn't sound too bad.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

It's a good thing I read about Edge and Hogan, I almost forgot that I was supposed to hang myself from the ceiling fan toninght.


'Sault, I don't want to creep you out, but it's startin' to smell like Hogan/Edge vs. Jericho/Angle


but don't worry, I'm sure we'll get a Cena run-in. <_<

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Guest Flyboy

I think I'm the only one who's glad Angle didn't win the title... I mean yeah, the guy has it all, but I'm really liking UT's reign. Oh well, that's just me...

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Guest KingOfOldSchool

"WWE Tag Team Championship - Edge and Hulk Hogan beat Billy and Chuck w/ Rico via double big boots and double legdrops on Chuck to become the new WWE tag champs."


Ugh. What the fuck is the point of this?

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Guest Anglesault
I'm sensing an Angle face turn so he and Lance Storm can have a **** classic at Vengeance.


Well, that does obliterate any world ttile push for Angle, but the match would be damn fine.


'Sault, I don't want to creep you out, but it's startin' to smell like Hogan/Edge vs. Jericho/Angle


Angle/Jericho tag champs could work...

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Guest Flyboy
"WWE Tag Team Championship - Edge and Hulk Hogan beat Billy and Chuck w/ Rico via double big boots and double legdrops on Chuck to become the new WWE tag champs."


Ugh. What the fuck is the point of this?

Who fucking knows?


It's the WWE. >_<

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Guest the pinjockey

What I am wondering is pushing Edge as Hogan's little buddy going to accomplish something unless the plan is for an Edge heel turn.

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Guest What?!

I think the draw means Kurt has a reasonable argument for a rematch thus getting a shot at Vengence.


Well, I hope anyways.

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Guest endgame722
I think I'm the only one who's glad Angle didn't win the title... I mean yeah, the guy has it all, but I'm really liking UT's reign. Oh well, that's just me...

Taker's Title Reign:

Boring, pointless interviews twice a week

Horrible match with Hogan at Judgement Day

Retarded fued with Tommy Dreamer

Terrible match with Triple H at KOTR

Stupid 'you must respect me' feud with the Hardys


No, I can't say I've been the biggest fan of Taker's Title reign.

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Guest Incandenza
After the match Team Canada came down and attacked Undertaker. Angle came back down to the ring and helped Undertaker clear the ring of the trio. Undertaker then chokeslammed Angle for good measure.


I'm wondering if this happened on or off camera.


They would be better off putting Angle in the Rock-Taker set-up, especially since he has a legit reason for a rematch.

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Guest the pinjockey

I think Taker was just in the right place at the right time. I am not thrilled with his reign, but the alternatve of continuing using the belt as a hot potato is worse. After Summerslam is when they really need to have the belt off of him though.

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Guest Incandenza

Ya know, at the PPV, they could have Storm and Christian challenge--and beat--tag champs Hogan and Edge.


EDIT: Wait...Edge will be facing Jericho. There goes that, then.

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Guest M Nyland

Edge = "The Macho Man" Adam Copeland!


The Rock = "The Brahma Bull" Ed Leslie!



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