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Guest O.J. Hart

Weird/Cool Wrestling Dreams

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Guest O.J. Hart

I've had some pretty tight wrestling dreams in my day. One came around WMX8. I dreamed i was at some small ass random arena with couches and crap and Hogan was in the Main Event against some random jobber. Nothing happened in the match though,I woke up.


Also, about 2 weeks ago, I dreamed I was at a ghetto House Show with a Main Event of Austin/RVD -vs- Taker/Brock and a cool 20-man battle royal. The rest of the card i forget, but it was sweet. Anyone else have anything like this?

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Guest Youth N Asia

I had a dream where I was front row at RAW...Austin was wrestling a jobber and Vince came ringside and said "You'd better get me a damn chicken sandwich and something to drink"...after I refused he called Shane out...Shane ran down the ramp and dove into the ring and did that 1-2-middle finger count deal he did to Austin before...


I think that's where it ended

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Guest Combat Apparatus

I was in the middle of a match with Viscera and Austin when my friend Mike ran in and said there was a movie opening so we all left.

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Guest saturnmark4life

This was YEARS ago, but i had one where i was running up a neverending wooden staircase yet seemed to be descending at the same time, and Roddy Piper was chasing me screaming like a maniac.

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Guest FakeRazor

When I was young I had a dream that I was in gym class playing dodgeball, and a janitor walked across the room, so I threw the ball at him. Anyway, he turns around pissed off, and its HACKSAW JIM DUGGAN. He pulls his 2X4 out of the garbage can he's wheeling around, and screams "HOOOOOOO!" He chased me around the whole school screaming "HOOOOOO!" and trying to hit me with the 2X4. Ironically, this was years before Duggan's stint in WCW... where he WAS a janitor.

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Guest Mark4steamboat

my favourite occured about 3 years ago and i was in walmart and vince and shane came through a wall in the figures section and were fighting. very cool.

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Guest Michael Joel Benoit

One dream I had that I thought was seriously real was I was with all the WWE divas specifically Lita. I put my head on her shoulder and she then put her head on my shoulder and we hit it off like that. I was about to kiss her when I woke up.

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Guest HartFan86

The most famous one I had was a LONG time ago and it was really weird. Undertaker vs. Kane in the old Cominskey Park in Chicago and all the different types of Undertaker's came out (1990 Taker, 91 Taker, 92 Taker, etc.) and they all beat Kane. Then, I remember reading about it in "Raw" magazine. Then I woke up. It was so long ago I don't remember that one, but it was really fucked.


It was right around WM 2000 and for some reason, I was walking into the locker room and on a chalk board were all the matches and finishes. The main event...get this:


WWF Tag Team Titles:


Mankind/Rock vs. Taker/Show.


Mankind/Rock was circled or something, so I assume they would get the win. That's all I remember.

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Guest papacita

In last 2 years I've had a bunch of weird ass dreams about Chyna. Not even sexual or anything like that, just the kinda stuff that'd have you waking up saying "What the fuck?!"


This isn't the weirdest of them, but the week before JR announced they weren't renewing her contract, I she just randomly appeared in every one of my dreams just basically following me around. It got to the point where I'd wake up expecting her to be there...then I read the Ross Report and it all stopped. Hmm...


Then there was another one where me and my dad were at this movie theatre to see some movie real late at night for some reason. The parking lot of the theatre was empty and most of the lights were out, and inside they had either a wax statue or a cardboard cutout of Chyna, I forget which. So we were in there for a while, and I just happened to be standing next to the thing, when suddenly it starts talking to me. I turn around, and it turns into the real Chyna, and it turns out that the theatre is haunted by ghosts or some kinda shit like that. My dad somehow disappears during all this, but I'm too busy talking to her to notice.


And then when I was 9, I kept having this dream where I got shot by this crackhead guy. I had it maybe 2 or 3 times, until finally, when it came time for him to shoot me again I say "wait a minute...this is my dream. I don't want this to happen"...so then all of a sudden everything turns green and purple and shit (It kinda looked like the beginning of the Jetsons), and all of a sudden I'm flying through space or something. Then, all of a sudden I wake up, and I'm lying on the ground outside of my friend's house. So I get up, about to go inside the house, when suddenly, this big ass space ship hovers over my friend's house and it looked like it was about to beam me up or something. I forget what happened after that...


That last one didn't have anything to do with wrestling, but that was the weirdest dream I've ever had.

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Guest JHawk

I had a weird one last night, actually. Only somewhat wrestling related. I had this dream that I was back in high school, and in every gym class I was defending the World Dodgeball Entertainment championship belt. I was cutting promos that were played over the PA every morning. I was getting punked out in the locker room by a guy in a Tough Enough shirt when I woke up. ::shrugs shoulders::

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Guest papacita

Wrestling related dream...I had a dream that I was a part of DX once, with HBK, Chyna, X-Pac, and my best friend. I don't remember much of the dream, but we were all in the ring for a promo, and after Michaels got finished talking, he handed me the mic and I got ready to speak. I remember just being nervous as hell looking out into the crowd, and then cutting this hot ass heel promo. It was a pretty cool dream.

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Guest RetroRob215

Years back I had a weird dream about a giant spider. Basically the spider killed me and ate me, but I was still able to talk. So the spider said something like, "Are you Steve?" and I said "No" and the spider was like "Oh. I'm sorry." and left. Now THAT is weird.

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Guest AM The Kid

I had a dream just last night that my brother and I were on a road trip...going somewhere. Anyways I walked out of a convinience store and Scott Hall was just getting out of his truck. I talked to him, and somehow he ended up traveling with us.


I have wrestling dreams allll the time.

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Guest Austin3164life

Damn, I have never had a dream about wrestlers, and I hope I never do. I don't really feel like dreaming about oiled up men in spandex. Sorry if it sounds like flaming, but I'm not. The dreams I remember are the dreams that should be remembered. The ones about Claudia Shiffer and such.....

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Guest The Superstar

I had a dream awhile ago where Trish Stratus showed up at my school, and I felt her tits. It was all good. Well actually she kicked me. Then later I went to the mall with my friend, and we entered a talent show and sang a song but i didn't know the words, and we lost. When we came home my mom said there had been a pool party and Trish was there. Anyway, the next day in school i see her again and I feel her tits, and she goes to kiss me and I wake up.

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Guest dreamer420

i had a dream where i walked up to lita in a 7-11 of all places and i started hitting on her. she fell for my shit and we walked out of the store arm in arm only for me to wake up. i did get to feel her thong though so that was sweet.

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Guest O.J. Hart

Another weird wrestling dream last night.... I was at some place and it had people walking into an auditorium. On a huge chalk board outside it was a list of all the matches. The Main Event was The Rock against Kane and the loser was put to death in the ring live after the match. Also it was weird because then it said near the bottom of the card: Mankind -vs- Rocky Maivia. Also, Owen was on the card against like Curt henning. That match would have ruld. But, the weird thing is there was a big table and these fat beyond hoss guys were saling video games to these kids and calling them by name. And I never got to see any wrestling. Also, I had a very very sick dream about bertha faye trying to have sex with me. GOD SHE WAS HAIRY!!! Actually, that wasnt a dream. it was a night mare.

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Guest Mark4steamboat

whoa i cant believe i forgot this one. i swear to god this is not a made up ficticious figment of my imagination(well yeah it was in my imagination but oh well).


About 3 yrs ago, i was going to my 1st wwf show in a while and i had this dream where they werent really coming. Instead, they put up a ring in my middle school cafeteria and had a mini tournament with 12 of my classmates. The participants were decided via a 30 man battle royale and the remaining 12 would be in the tourney. What was cool is that i had my own t-shirt for sale and my ex girlfriends were all wearing one. I elimanated my best friend and was one of the people in the tourney. I beat everyone and was in the finals but we werent allowed to find out who we were fighting. Ok i made my way to the ring and my opponent was SCREECH! One of the 12 had hurt his leg and couldnt participate any more so they called him up from the audience in the quarterfinals. He won his matches by countout and DQ because he was weak and stuff. Then the match started and i felt sorry for him so when he poked me during instructions, i fell down and let him pin me (FINGER POKE OF DOOM! SCREECH STYLE!) i remembered him being booed as he left the cafeteria and people throwing cartons of milk at him.


Man that was an awesome dream.

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Guest KanadianKrusty

the night before WM 2000, I dreamed that Vince was putting the crossface chickenwing on The Rock on Smackdown, as if he was turning on him, and surprise... the next night he fucking turned on him!!!, It was truly disturbing


edit:also, in another dream about 2 months ago when the WWF was coming in my town, they set up the ring about 100 ft outside my school's cafeteria and before the show they had to cut down some trees so we could see because the fans had to watch from the inside... weird!

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Guest Mark4steamboat

according to wwe.com, the name of their next tour is Cafeteria Combat.

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Guest masked marvel

I had one a while ago when I was snuggling withb Stephanie on my uncles couch, watching smackdown. Then Triple H walks in (this is way back when they were together storyline-wise, pre boobjob), anyway triple Hb walks in, looks at us, and then just sits down on a recliner watching smackdown ansd me feel up his "wife"

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Guest HartFan86
I had one a while ago when I was snuggling withb Stephanie on my uncles couch, watching smackdown. Then Triple H walks in (this is way back when they were together storyline-wise, pre boobjob), anyway triple Hb walks in, looks at us, and then just sits down on a recliner watching smackdown ansd me feel up his "wife"


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Guest Austin3164life
I had one a while ago when I was snuggling withb Stephanie on my uncles couch, watching smackdown. Then Triple H walks in (this is way back when they were together storyline-wise, pre boobjob), anyway triple Hb walks in, looks at us, and then just sits down on a recliner watching smackdown ansd me feel up his "wife"

Talk about being held down.......

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Guest ShamRock

I had one a couple weeks ago.I met three wrestlers.I was on vacation in my home country.I was getting off the bus and I met Goldberg by a lemon stand.I said "Yo,Goldberg"!I talked to him and asked him if he was coming to the WWF and he said if I read his commentaries and smarks don't want him to come to the WWF.He had to go somewhere.I went down the street there he was,the truly larger than life,living legend,Chris Jericho!I asked him why doesn't he do the Lion Tamer anymore and he just took me down and said we're going old school.He put the Lion Tamer on me and I tapped like a lil' bitch.Suddenly,I'm walking in a alley and I see people playing basketball and there was Brock Lesnar.I played against him and he dunked.I lost at the end.I woke up after that.


My first dream was about two years ago.I was on a big meadow and there were a bunch of dudes chasing me.I picked one of them up and DVD'd the bitch.Another dude attacked me and I speared that dude.After that I woke up.

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Guest evenflowDDT

I've only had one wrestling dream ever, and I really have no idea why I'm posting it here because it's pretty messed up and will earn me nothing but shame, but here goes...


I dreamt that I was having anal sex with Goldberg (I don't remember why, I just remember I was). Ever since, I've been "afraid" to talk about or think about anal sex or booty (GIRL booty jack-ass!) in general...

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Guest dreamer420

that is...interesting. it was only a dream though and i don't really take dreams that seriously. if you like girls and know it then you got nothing to worry about.

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Guest evenflowDDT
that is...interesting. it was only a dream though and i don't really take dreams that seriously. if you like girls and know it then you got nothing to worry about.

Yea, I know, but it still kinda weirded me out from the idea for a while. It could be worse though, it could've weirded me out so much that I became a homophobic bigot or something.

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