Guest FeArHaVoC Report post Posted July 3, 2002 Commentary Y2Jerky? July 3,2002 It seems my good friend Chris Jericho is not the most popular person on the net of late. For those of you who missed it go check out Chris’s latest, and perhaps last, Commentary. Okay so now that we are all on the same page. Here is my take on whether Y2J is, in fact, the Jerk many people, are now perceiving him to be, for what he said. I think the important thing to remember here is that all he’s done is the same thing that you guys (not everyone but the negative ones he refers to in his commentary) do on a regular basis. He said what he felt and honestly believed. He critiqued you guys, instead of the other way around. If you guys want the freedom of speech, that the net provides, to say what ever the hell you want, you have to be willing to accept and tolerate it when others exercise that same right. While Chris may not have been the most politically correct with his blunt choice of words, it’s hard to argue with the points he was trying to make. Unfortunately most of the “critics” on the net don’t take criticism very well. Remember how everyone got their backs up a year or so ago when I spoke out about your ability to fairly rate workers. How ironic that “the critics” don’t like being criticized. Well now you may say that Chris doesn’t take criticism well either but I beg to differ. I’ve criticized his work on many occasions and as long as I do it professionally he takes it as such. Saying his match at KOR was the worst match he’s ever had is ludicrous, and quite frankly pretty rude. To be honest I missed most of his match that night because Christian and I were taping our backstage interview but I’ve talked to a lot of people I trust who said it was good to extremely good. I think the problem is that a lot Internet fans have quit being fans of wrestling and have become marks for wrestling reporters (Dave Meltzer, Wade Keller, etc.). They are starting to enjoy reading (and now writing) reviews of wrestling more than the wrestling itself. It is so much easier to pick holes in things and criticize than it is to point out the positives. I think also by pointing out flaws and saying what is wrong with a match or show, implies that you are smarter than the rest of us and must then also know what is right. You criticize as a means to put yourself over. (Again not all, but the ones Jericho is speaking to) If all you did was talk about how great the matches were, you’d sound like a “mark” instead of a “smark” and who wants that. I’ve got news for you, either way you are all “marks”. Now don’t get bent out of shape. The term “mark” is not as derogatory as it once was, I’m a “mark” too and so is Jericho. We love this business and everything about it. I’ve often said, “The biggest marks in this business are the boys.” and I believe it. We live, eat, and breathe this stuff. We bust our ass trying to do it as best we can. If that’s not being a “mark” for wrestling, I don’t know what is. Was Chris wrong? I don’t think so. He defended something he believes in and suggested you guys try to enjoy wrestling instead of criticize it all the time. Not bad advice if you ask me. Till next week, Lance Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TheyCallMeMark Report post Posted July 3, 2002 He's right. Go Lance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest BigTim2002 Report post Posted July 3, 2002 yeah, I agree Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest mickberna Report post Posted July 3, 2002 Lance is the man. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest M Nyland Report post Posted July 3, 2002 This is why Lance kicks ass.... - this has been: M Nyland BAH...... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kingpk Report post Posted July 3, 2002 Seems like Lance echoed Chris's feelings, but in a nicer way. I think his advice should be heeded, just sit back and enjoy the show. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest godthedog Report post Posted July 3, 2002 Seems like Lance echoed Chris's feelings, but in a nicer way. I think his advice should be heeded, just sit back and enjoy the show. you'd think jericho would be able to put things in a nicer way, being a journalism major and all. nice insight by storm as always, but he seems to be missing the whole point of why my friends and i were pissed with jericho's commentary: he openly acknowledged that it was a small minority who said it was a bad match, yet he decided to quit his site anyway, despite the majority of people agreeing with him. i can understand why such criticism would make him want to stop reading the torch, but why would you want to quit working on your whole damn website just because of these few people who probably don't go to his site or send him email anyway? he admitted that most of his feedback on the match was positive, then proceeded to tear the entire IWC a new asshole about having so much negativity. what kind of backwards-ass logic is that? jericho wants to stop having contact with his fans because a few holier-than-thou fans expressed their opinions on the internet? see how this makes jericho look more like a whiny little bitch than a reasonably smart person? had he said "all you smart marks can stick it up your ass, i've still got my fans and i know in my heart that i did a great job", there would be no problem. but instead he said "i'm gonna let my fans who have internet access suffer because some of you people said bad things about me." by quitting his site, he takes it out on his fans. i know he never updated it much anyway, but it was still a nice gesture to show that he cared about his fans. now, apparently, because of this, he doesn't give a shit about them. lance agreed with jericho's criticisms of the net (which are true), but he didn't address the fact that jericho quit his site because of it. that was what i was hoping he'd comment on. i guess it didn't occur to him to. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Slapnuts00 Report post Posted July 3, 2002 Seems like Lance echoed Chris's feelings, but in a nicer way. I think his advice should be heeded, just sit back and enjoy the show. you'd think jericho would be able to put things in a nicer way, being a journalism major and all. nice insight by storm as always, but he seems to be missing the whole point of why my friends and i were pissed with jericho's commentary: he openly acknowledged that it was a small minority who said it was a bad match, yet he decided to quit his site anyway, despite the majority of people agreeing with him. i can understand why such criticism would make him want to stop reading the torch, but why would you want to quit working on your whole damn website just because of these few people who probably don't go to his site or send him email anyway? he admitted that most of his feedback on the match was positive, then proceeded to tear the entire IWC a new asshole about having so much negativity. what kind of backwards-ass logic is that? jericho wants to stop having contact with his fans because a few holier-than-thou fans expressed their opinions on the internet? see how this makes jericho look more like a whiny little bitch than a reasonably smart person? had he said "all you smart marks can stick it up your ass, i've still got my fans and i know in my heart that i did a great job", there would be no problem. but instead he said "i'm gonna let my fans who have internet access suffer because some of you people said bad things about me." by quitting his site, he takes it out on his fans. i know he never updated it much anyway, but it was still a nice gesture to show that he cared about his fans. now, apparently, because of this, he doesn't give a shit about them. lance agreed with jericho's criticisms of the net (which are true), but he didn't address the fact that jericho quit his site because of it. that was what i was hoping he'd comment on. i guess it didn't occur to him to. That's a good point, you should send it to Lance's comment board, and see what he has to say. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites