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Later today, I head down to CCW. I haven't been at CCW for the past two months. Lacks of funds and schduling conflicts, I couldn't make it, but I'm working the show later today.


It'll be nice to go back to CCW. I really like the locker room as the locker room is filled with guys who just want to put on a good show and have a lot of fun. Plus it should be pretty intresting because of where the locker room is. The locker room is outside and it's been raining pretty much all week long. So depening on how the weather is.....it's either going to be foggy along with cold or cold and wet, good times.


The main event will be unique as it's 3 stips rolled up into one big match. So it's a cage match, with a "I quit" match, and the wrestlers get to bring their own weapons. So it's a weapons, I quit, cage match between Vinnie Massaro and The Big Ugly. It should be pretty fun to watch, granted if I don't have to leave first because it becomes to late.


I only real problem with working the CCW shows is that it's kinda far away from where I need to be before midnight. See every Saturday, I go to Oakland to help put on the Rocky Horror Picture Show and I have to be there preferablly before Midnight...and Newman is an hour in half away from Oakland. So for me to make it to Oakland in time, I pretty much have to leave at 10:00 then haul ass to Oakland to make sure I make it up there on time. It's a bit of a pain but I really enjoy working both shows, it just sucks that I have to do them back to back and that their so far apart.


I'll post results of the show in the indy thread when I'm able to, oh and before I forget. I've decided to try and showcase Nor-Cal Pro Wrestling here on Thesmartmarks.com. I noticed that I'm pretty much the only one who tries to promote the Nor-Cal scene and only a handful of people bite onto what I'm promoting. So what I decided to do is work with some of the guys who film the wrestling shows out here and post what they film on this forum.


So if you head over to the Indy Wrestling forum part, look for my most recent thread and watch a few matches that took place a number of months ago. Right now there are two videos up, one from a SPW show that took place a while ago in Sacramento. It's about an hour long and the main event is a barefoot thumb tack match, and to let you guys know ahead of time, I'm not in that video and it's a hour long. The whole video was made for tv.


However, I am in the 2nd video. The 2nd video is Sheik Kahn Abodi defending his BRAWL Internet Championship against El Chupacabra at BRAWL a few months ago and I'm the Ref. It's about 15 minutes long, but it's good times.


So go and check out those videos and leave comments and feedback.

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