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Live Wrestling, Part IV

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EVIL~! alkeiper


After a sabbatical from wrestling, 24/7 got me interested again in the product. I'll confess that I'm a John Cena fan, and I think the in-ring product has been as good as ever perhaps. So with a live Monday Night Raw coming, my friend, his fiance and I picked up some tickets for the show. We lucked out with it becoming a three-hour special featuring the draft lottery.


-Legends! We got appearances from Dusty Rhodes, Roddy Piper and the Fabulous Moolah.


-Chris Benoit's last Raw match.


-Local product Snitsky got DQ'ed for beating up Miz after the bell. Like that merited a DQ. My friend actually worked with Snitsky a short time at a local resort.


-The limo explosion. What an odd event at a show, we found out later that it was actually filmed the night before. The arena is actually in a fairly isolated spot, which made it an attractive venue to pull off that stunt.


For those who bash John Cena, it is really obvious from most live crowds like this that he is a tremendous draw. What struck me more than anything though is that the sound feedback was incredible. During the matches you just heard this incredible hum through the sound system. WWE cranks up the music to the point where I'm surprised the announcers can function.


Next up: Smackdown

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I remember watching that show while I was at the office, and I really enjoyed it. Until the ending, that just killed it for me. The Vince walks by everybody part I liked, but once the Limo exploded I suddenly felt like I had wasted three hours of my life. Was that the last thing you got in the arena, or did they do a dark match or something to send the crowd home not scratching their heads?

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I remember watching that show while I was at the office, and I really enjoyed it. Until the ending, that just killed it for me. The Vince walks by everybody part I liked, but once the Limo exploded I suddenly felt like I had wasted three hours of my life. Was that the last thing you got in the arena, or did they do a dark match or something to send the crowd home not scratching their heads?

That was the last thing we saw.

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What was the rest of the crowd's reaction to the limo explosion?

Surprise mostly. Not a real memorable one, though I remember thinking it was stupid at the time. Still do.

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