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BANKYWOOD Industries

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So there aren't enough cliques on this board nowadays, eh? Well here is the KOOOOLEST~! kliq this board has ever encountered. Its a real cool club where only the kooolest doods can join. Wanna be bad ass? Join us.


Namesake/Legend of KOOOL: Banky


Enforcer/leader: IDRM


Valet/Hot Momma/Not Banky: Tiffani Malibu


Propaghanda/Spin Doctor: The Gheyme


Treasurer/Cynical Jaded Angle fan: Anglesault


Hummer Driver/Human Shield: Bannable Offense


Owner of Eagan's Soul: amthekid


Credibility: Dr. Tom


Puroresu Pusher/Man at Arms/Angel of Death : Dangerous A


Spiritual Advisor: SpiderPoet


Fund Raiser/Public Relations: Big Poppa Popick.


Court Jester: The Amazing Rando


#1 Chevy Chase Fan: Rad


Resident Bitter Bitch: The CynicalHateMongerFromHell


00 Section


Chief of Staff/Ass kicker: Mr. Zsasz


Cinematic Genius/Ball Breaker: godthedog


Graphics/Advertising: AndrewisyourHero


Executions/Torturing: Death Angel



Manifesto of KOOOOL~!


Live by these rules team. Forget the TSM momney making plot of domination. Who rules? Thats right. We aren't overated, are we? Fuck no. Forget the fucking content, we bring the entertainment. This is a goddamn message board, isn't it? Who do we have to impress? NOBODY. We are in this shit for ourselves. Is BANKYWOOD entertaining? Fuck yea. Why? Because WE are enjoying it. Oh no, we are getting voted out of the TSM tournament. Who cares. Do we need validation from these uptight asses who are 38 years old and have never kissed a girl? Fuck no. We are of BANKYWOOD Industries. We know WE ALL RULE, and that no one can tell us differently. And don't let this ideology end on the fucking internet. Say some sumbitch comes up to you and gives to you shit. Fuck him. You know your a fucking winner, so who gives a damn what you say. But watch out, some disco lovin' fanboy dissed you on the internet, better re-evaluate your life. I don't think so. Are you an overated hack? Hell no, if you was you wouldn't be here. Is BANKYWOOD? Not at all. he is the template of free speech and coming to this fucking message board to have fun. But I don't bring the content! Blah blah blah blah, who needs content when YOU know YOU rule?! Exactly. But god forbit, you've been banned from another message board, you must be a fucking waste!! Not at all. it shows your sassiness and charisma was too harsh for the other assholes in charge to handle. Fuck them. But after reading this masterpiece of a manifesto, one might deduce that Banky has too much time on their hands....funny, Banky is just burning the mdnight oil and speaking from his fucking heart. Its amazing what alcohol does to ones soul. Practice it, live it, drink it, and fuck it. OMG~!~!~~!~ IMMATURE~!~!~! Fucking internet slogans, you can't program us, we are BANKYWOOD~!~! Hate on us as you please, we don't care. We are individuals not some soul-less creature that is programmed by the fat cats up in Washington. We aren't programmed by Dames Garfield and his lame-o rules. Ban me, pin me. Join the Job Squad you worthless sons of whores. Who are you to tell me how to act after working 40 goddamn hours a week. Come to think of it, I need a job, but thats ok, I;m still a fucking winner. Are you? If you're internet persona conscious than you are. What are you conforming to? Internet ettiquette from some sorry piece of donkey ass who has had the shit kicked out of him for the past 18 years of his life? If you'vre read all this shit, than you are my bread and butter. my core fucking audience. If you skipped over it? You're a borning bitch who has no concept of fun. Have you ever had anothe rbeing touch your penis and/or vagina? Try it. it could be fun. I'm so overated, I wonder how my family feels? But everyone on the internet hates me, god forbid. Who am I kidding? I'm such a waste of time. I'm tired but I won't go to sleep my madness is working overtime. Don't you think? Fuck that, no one's reading, are they? They should, maybe they'll loosen the stick from their asses...perhap[s? I didn't think so. We should reallf ind a theme song, whacha think? I''m thinkin' Vacation Road by Lindsey Buckingham...fuck does that song rule. And its a Chevy Chase movie. Whooooaaa, it blows my mind. My girlfriend is named Lindsay...except on the internet its Tiffani. Man, am I stroking my own ego? Why must I brag on a continoual basis? Maybe I should check my own grammer this really reflects bad upon myself, wouldn't you say? Are you still there? Hellllllllloooooo!!!!!?>???!!!! Bow down to the BANKYWOOD Industries, we transcend cyber world. We teach you everyday skills to get through your worthless little lives...well, its not worthless if you do as you please and don't conform to stoopid guidelines. Are you a true individual? Are you? Huh? Yea. grow some balls.....hippie.


After this, it'll take someone extremely cool to join. So be creative folks...very creative. Must.Impress.Banky.


Check out the grafiks by AndrewisyourHero. Motherfucker IS your hero.






















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Guest TheGame2705

*prepares vehicle and camera so IDRM and Banky can run opposers off the road*

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Guest J*ingus

::stands off to the side of the road bitching about his ex-girlfriend with other J*WING members while IDRM cruises on by::

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::stands off to the side of the road bitching about his ex-girlfriend with other J*WING members while IDRM cruises on by::

When you guys grow some balls, I could see a merger between the two organizations.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

you should beat AM the kid into submission as a coffee bitch.

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I don't know if I'm allowed to accept applications, otherwise I'd say you could be in.


Agent, I would love to have AM The Kid be the coffee boy, but he did apologize to me so I won't torture him over it.



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Guest cobainwasmurdered

i'd join by I'm going to hold on to my meaningless grudge against game for awhile longer 'cause net feuds are cool

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Guest Danny Dubya v 2.0

My tooth-decaying soul is in your power if you wish to take it.


I'd like to handle all executions and torturings and lists of death warrants, or whatever.

Edited by Death Angel

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Guest Bannable Offense

I call Driver of the Hummer for All Intensive Purposes and/or Human Shield

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So am I allowed to vote people in too, or are you playing dominant male again?





I trust you, girl.

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

The Bankster has manifestos coming out his ass. I swear, the guy has too many manifestos, if anything.

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Meh, its no J*WING now, is it? Do you have a manifesto?

Ehhh, maybe when I come home pissed tonight and I'll nonsensically type one up....maybe.

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Guest Choken One

You know you want me Banky...But you can't have me...


<-Hottest free agent on the market!

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You know you want me Banky...But you can't have me...


<-Hottest free agent on the market!

I know you want to, so you're in.

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Guest Cover of Darkness

Seeing as I'm the spy for J*WING, I'll join this organization to gather data about it.


My role: Womanizing, Super-Lethal, Gadget-Laden... Importer/Exporter.



Yeah, they'll never sniff that out.

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

The punishment for spying is anal violation. Tread lightly.

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Guest Anglesault
::Runs over a Geo Metro::


Who needs a lift?

Take me to the bank. I have to deposit the funds into the BWI account (Banky's personal savings account)

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Guest Cover of Darkness
::Runs over a Geo Metro::


Who needs a lift?

I'll take my car, thank you.


*Tiffani gets me my Aston Martin DB5 (She is the valet after all)*

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Guest Cover of Darkness
The punishment for spying is anal violation. Tread lightly.

Do you expect me to talk, IDRM?

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