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A Wrestling-Related Column-A-Day

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Captain Charisma...The Great White Hope?

Take a look at your WWE roster...I'll give you a second...Got it? Good. As you look at that WWE roster, try to pick out some names that you think are ready to be World Champion, but haven't ever been before. I'm talking the whole package, Talent, Charisma, Over-ness, heat magnetism, look...all of that. Jot down your answers and I think you will find an incredibly short list.   3 names are on my list, 2 of them from Raw, One from Smackdown:   Rey Mysterio: Not only does Rey have the fanbase, but he has the work ethic to pull it off. Rey very well could be the smallest world champion of all time, and it could happen very soon. The fire and intensity he has shown during his feud with Eddy has shone a new light on the Lucha Libre star, and he truly has risen above the "cruiserweight" classification.   Edge: Simply due to the company's backing of Edge, it makes sense for him to win the belt this year. All personal tastes a side, I truly believe Edge is a Shoe-IN for Champion.   Christian: perhaps the most ready to take the next step in their career is Edge's storyline brother, and friend to all of us Peeps in the Christian Coalition, Christian. A year ago...hell, 6 months ago I would have laughed in my own face for even suggesting Christian could be champion one day, but he has proved me wrong. Christian's working style is very similar to a man much larger than him, and indicative of the typical WWE Champion moveset.   While not brilliant in the ring, Christian holds his own with most (if only he would quit with the damn chinlock.), however, Christian's true time to Shine is on the Microphone. "Captain Charisma" as he calls himself, could be the truest handle for a wrestler of all time. He absolutely seeps charisma out of his pores, and although he is a heel, much like the Rock (who incidentally "passed the peoples torch" to him last year) he has figured out a way for the fans to both love him and despise him at the same time.   A case in point: When was the last time Christian won a serious match? Wrestlemania 20? Christian continues to lose matches, and the fans continue to cheer him, seemingly louder every week. He has reached the point of no return, and my bold prediction is this: Come June 26th Christian will be WWE Champion, and June 28th he will be WWE Champion on Smackdown.   Till Next Time,   Gabe




A Look at Emotion in Pro Wrestling: Where'd it go?

The evocation of emotion in professional wrestling has been lacking for quite a while now, I think the last time I was truly emotionally involved in a match was at Survivor Series '03 when Shawn Michaels was bleeding profusely from his forehead, and basically got splattered to the mat via the Batista Bomb. The last time I was emotionally involved in a storyline? I can't remember off the top of my head. I LOVE wrestling, so I will always watch, emotional draw or not, but I have to admit, and so will you, I believe, that when the people running the show hit an emotional button-the kind that makes you believe in the "fairy tale"-that is when you are affirmed by the sport that we love. I think that emotion is the primary reason the ECW One Night Stand Pay Per View has gotten the acclaim it has. All of a sudden, we have something new on our TV's-men who feel passionately about something, who look back at something in their past with true reverance, and men-like Paul Heyman and Tommy Dreamer- who when they talk about their past they look into the camera, and straight into our souls with that love, and that raw(no pun intended) Emotion. The WWE in the past 3 years has taken many attempts at engaging the emotion of its viewers-The one thing that comes to mind is the Ric Flair night in Greensboro S.C.-trying to capitalize on the nostalgia Ric Flair carries with him, and for just that one moment we believed ol Flair could do it just one more time. But therein lies the problem: They never give us what we want to see. Not anymore at least. Like the lyrics to the old song go: "Why do ya build me up, buttercup baby, just to let me down?" Replace "Buttercup" with "Vince" and you'll get the idea. This is why the ECW PPV was different. It did everything but disappoint. We were given expectations, and it came through on them We were told it would be bloody, insane, EXTREME, and it was. We were told we were going to hear things UNSCRIPTED...and we did. We were told to brace ourselves for the most entertainment on the lowest budget the WWE has ever dished out, and we got that too. They called it One Night Stand, but in the pit of my stomach I believe that we havent seen the last of ECW and with any luck, Paul Heyman will finally rub off on Mr. McMahon, and we will see the E(motion) put back in the WWE.   Till next time,   Gabe




The Draft Lottery...a reason to watch?

The concept of a yearly draft lottery has always intrigued me, it offers up a real dose of unpredictability that, at times, the WWE lacks. Last year's draft was great, but in retrospect it has lost some of its luster. IT was a one-night shot, HHH never ACTUALLY left Raw, and Smackdown was Neutered beyond repair. This year, we have seen 2 picks per show and so Far things seem to be as even as we can expect from the WWE, although I believe Smackdown has, yet again, gotten a "Raw" deal.   Raw picking up the WWE Champion John Cena and perennial upper card superstar Kurt Angle has left Smackdown pretty much directionless. Smackdown picked up Chris Benoit and Randy Orton-both big name guys and former World Heavyweight Champions-but neither truly impact players as of late. Benoit has lost much of his luster since losing to Orton at Summerslam, and Orton is hurt and won't be back full time until October. While Orton is an Obvious pet project of Vince and Co. his fan reaction isn't all that hot outside of the 14 and younger female set. So This begs the question...Is Smackdown doomed for good this time, or are we in for a few more big shockers in the young draft lottery of 2005?   Many speculate that Christian or even Chris jericho will be moved to Smackdown after dethroning John Cena at Vengeance, thus restoring the WWE Championship to Smackdown. Others say we will see either Triple H or Batista-whoever wins- moved after the hell in A Cell Match, essentially swapping belts to the opposite show. A third school of thought has recently crossed my mind, however.   Smackdown has floundered for much of the last 2 years, mainly due to the company's own view of the show as a "B" show. Could we be witnessing the last days of the Smackdown Brand? On this week's television-coming off of a Red Hot ECW Pay per View, very little mention was made of it on Raw, Smackdown, on the other hand, started off the show with a long-winded "shoot" promo about ECW by our beloved JBL. Could this be the first sign of an ECW "invasion"---now, I know you just cringed, I did too, and I'm sorry for using that word, but what if...what if, Vince sees those dollar signs in his eyes? Maybe Vince looks at the success of ONS and Paul Heyman and says..BINGO! What if ECW wins? With Smackdown moving to Friday's this fall on UPN it would be a bit of a Hardcore Homecoming (Sorry Mr. Douglas, Mr. Borash) for our beloved Black and Purple crusaders, wouldn't it?   Til next time,   Gabe    





THe purpose I've taken to writing in this Blog is because I need an outlet to hone my writing skills, plus what's better than writing about the number 2 passion in my life (behind my fiance) in pro-wrestling? I understand that the blogs are new, but Id REALLY REALLY appreciate any comments or reaction to what I write, critique my style, my points, flame me if ya want to, but I'd appreciate some constructive criticism most. I am going to be writing part time sports columns for the local newspaper this fall, and this will really help out. Thanks,   Gabe



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