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67. Bored.

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Since today was a washout at the US Open, I'm very bored. I really wanted to watch Sexxy James Blake tonight. But, this just means tomorrow is that much better with all the matches to make up. Still have stupid Serena on the main court tomorrow, though. Ugh. I hate casual fans.


In other news... not much. The sports world is pretty dead. Baseball doesn't have any real hot pennant races. I only care to see the Twins get in the playoffs, somehow. Football has the usual preseason bullshit that I don't give a damn about, outside of fantasy purposes. World Basketball Championship, yawn. It's so sad that it's an accomplishment if the US wins those things now.


So little interests me, anymore. This is what I dreaded when I finally became a full-time worker, and entered the "real world". I work. Eat. Fuck around for a couple hours. Sleep. Repeat. And never care about anything because of having a lame routine.


I need tennis on. Please.




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You could always talk to me via AIM, I have special cures for those boredoms. Or not.


I'm sorta the opposite now, I don't have a job (can you believe I turned down a job at a world famous porn store?), Im a full time student with classes that are cake for me but I agree that sports/fake wrestling in general are boring right now, and Im just ignoring live coverage of US Open since I can't swallow more Agassi stuff. I'm DVRing it and I'll just watch it straight on mute.


This place is dead too, the gang war failed as expected and we're back to WP bashing. We're in a god damn circle.

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Leena, you really enjoy taking pictures, don't ya?


You take pretty nice pictures, and you have a nice smile.


Some look like webcams, some look like cameras.


If I may ask, who is taking the photos of you?

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