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Pegasus Kid


I haven't been here in a while. From the look of things, most of the users in here don't know who the fuck I am so I'll take it from the ground up. The name is Justin Baisden. I've been around this Internet Wrestling whatever the fuck it is for a hell of a long time. I watch lots of it. I hate most of it. The stuff I love I really love and then I write in CAPS and then people get pissed and write nasty things about me. Life is good that way.


I was at Unforgiven live and only saw half the card. I made Umaga vs Kane my "piss and get more drinks match." Let me make it clear that there is no bigger rape than concession stand beer. $10 for a MEDIUM DOMESTIC BEER! WHAT... THE.. FUCK?! Between the overpriced beer and waiting in line forever for a HHH shirt that I didn't really want but bought anyway because they were out of Orton shirts, I missed Umaga vs Kane and Highlanders vs Spirit Squad. They both sucked from what I heard so fuck those matches. We yelled so much during Trish vs Lita that I needed another beer during Orton vs Carlito. I come back to hear everyone raving about the RKO finish. I D/L'ed the show and unless it was something fucking insane live, that RKO wasn't so great. Edge vs Cena is low end WWE MOTYC.


Someone in the other promotions folder linked to a Marafuji vs Taue match, which I completely ignored because there was a Marafuji vs Akiyama match on the sidebar. The match is very good with a great crowd but I hated that finish. Actually I hated Akiyama blowing off a Super Seafire before the finish. Rest was fine. Definitely not as great as I was hoping for.


Steelers got shut out by the fucking Jaguards. Makes me so sick.


My buddy Vanny and I have a bet that Miami will win the division. HAHAHAHA! EASIEST $50 I'LL EVER MAKE!


High Stakes Poker is done for another season. Man did Negraneau get his ass kicked this year. How many times can you flop the nuts and get the shit beat out of you anyway? Quads over a boat. Turned quads over a flopped straight. Boat over a turned flush. So sick... I hear Negraneau is down like 2 million on the year between HSP and the million he lost in The Big Game a few weeks back. Poor bastard.


Thoughts on this week's Prison Break, Vanished, CSI Miami, and RAW when they're done downloading and I get back from work.


It's good to see some old faces and welcome to my blog to anyone new that I haven't pissed off yet.

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