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TSM Wrestling Folder - Quit being so fucking dumb

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This week I've read people defending the WWE on firing a pregnant woman, defending the WWE on exploiting the deaths of thousands of people for a quick boo (which, I heard, it didn't get), that WWE.com is now a smark website, that because "it's television" anything can air on it, that because "it's wrestling" that promotions can be as sleazy as they want and fans should accept that.


Never have I seen such senseless WWE apology.


And I don't understand why. It's not like they deserve it. They put out bad shows, they insult your intelligence, they actively try to offend you - yet there you are chugging away coming up with lame reasons to defend this silly company. I'd say that some people are just doing it to troll, but why waste the time and energy? No, I think these people are naturally stupid. Or Blind. Take your pick, dumbasses: Are you stupid or blind? Do you willingly defend the WWE because you luv them so much, or do you just not know better?


After all the shit the WWE has done, what *I* find most offensive are the people who think what they do is acceptable. I don't expect much out of the WWE anymore, and find it very hard to watch even a few minutes of their programming. I do, however, expect a lil more out of people posting on this board. I call it "BFS" or "Battered Fan Syndrome". Either because they have no alternative ways of viewing wrestling, or because the WWE is all they know, this sort of fan becomes dependent on one company to fill their wrestling needs. And as such, this fan tries to come up with reasons as to why they watch such shitty programming. They convince themselves that "things will get better", or that "it's so bad it's good", and they close their eyes to everything negative surrounding it.


Well I fucking hate this kind of fan. You all make me sick. If you took one second and took a step outside you'd see how bad the WWE is and how fucking ridiculous it is to be defending such a piece of shit company.


And for those saying "Wrestling has always been like this". Well guess fucking what? Just because wrestling has been racist doesn't mean that wrestling _should_ be racist, or that wrestling _has to_ be racist. That's not a suitable excuse. It was wrong then, it's wrong now. It was stupid then, it's stupid now. It's the result of simple minds who can't think of anything better. It's lazy, and it's preys on everything wrong with society. It's total lowest common denominator, and if you find yourself defending it, then you're the lowest of the low, you fucking scum.


Wrestling can be better than this. The other day I watched a wrestling match that showed just that. Misawa/Kobashi vs. Kawada/Taue wasn't about the worst in people, it was about the best in people. It was about trying in vain, it was about sacrifice and friendship, it was about the human spirit, it was about the will to win. A lot of people, especially Vince McMahon, forget that wrestling is about CHEERING not booing. Wrestling doesn't have to be for the LCD, it can be art. But the WWE doesn't see it that way. Vince McMahon doesn't see it that way. But you know what can change his mind? US. But not as long as there are still people who will blindly lick up any shit the WWE gives them. The WWE, both shows, are the worst shows on television today. Realize that. The WWE, both shows, CAN be the best shows on television today. Realize that. So why are you willing to accept the worst when you can be getting the best? Stop being stupid. Stop being blind. Open your eyes and your mind.

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So many great points, almost all of which will fly over the heads of the majority of people here. I think most of the people are either dumb or stupid, but that some are also trolling just to get a reaction that they couldn't get with any legitimate post they made. The "Battered Fan Syndrome" analogy was a great one, and it perfectly fits in with the kind of rationalizing we get for some of the most creatively dire and morally reprehensible angles that WWE churns out.


Yes, it would do them good to step outside of their wrestling bubble, but that isn't going to happen, because it would mean taking a serious look at themselves and wrestling, and looking at them both as how the outside world sees them, and deep down they know that they would hate what the outside world sees, so they choose to remain inside the bubble of wrestling, and avoid seeing themselves as how the real world does.


"Wrestling has always been like this" is sad but true, and it always will be "like this" as long as wrestling fans suffer from "Battered Fan Syndrome", and willingly take the abuse that wrestling inflicts upon them, without wanting, or being able to, do anything to break the cycle.

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I just want to say that you're a good poster. I don't always agree with you but you're well written and willing to express your opinion and then defend it. That makes you a good poster.

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