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Sometimes I dont Get Vince. (and other things)

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(Note: I havent been around and the reason being is that I am starting a Animation Production Company- Garou Gothic. And so that has been taken a lot of my time.)


This is from PWInisder:



The WWE.com Byte This interview began with clips from DX vs. the McMahons/Big Show at Unforgiven. Todd Grisham is hosting. McMahon cut him off and told him to introduce the show without the usual over-acting. Grisham introduced the show in a normal voice. McMahon wanted to know if the questions would be intelligent.


- First question about having his face shoved in Show's ass. "I thought you said the questions were intelligent," McMahon said. He said it's like diving into a stinky Grand Canyon, a cesspool.


- On what he liked about The Marine script, McMahon said it wasn't a cheesy script; that you go to the film not to think, but to feel. He said it's action adventure as an extension of what they do in the ring.


- On why he began WWE Films, McMahon said it's a logical extension of storytelling and using their characters. McMahon said he would rather not to discuss Steve Austin's upcoming movie because that's not opening next weekend. Grisham tried to introduce a clip of The Marine, but McMahon cut him off and told him to try it again by making it feel organic rather than overdone.


- Grisham brought up McMahon's comments about WWE.com Sucks. He said it's not as fan-friendly or interactive as it should be. McMahon said there are too many stories about the same people. He said there's news all the time, but they cover the same people two or three times a day. "Why am I up there on the website twice?" McMahon asked. He said there are many other interesting characters that need exposure. "There's not enough sexuality on the website," he said. McMahon said there should be at least one diva on the splash page everyday. He said the diva site is one of the more popular websites on the site and they should be presented in a classy way, not in a gratuitous titillation type of way.


- On what his favorite websites are, McMahon said ESPN and a few others he would rather not mention.


- On Eric Bischoff's book, McMahon said he has not read the book, but it's from Eric's point of view. He said they, as human beings, have a tendency to re-write history as they presented it or wanted it to be. "I think that's what Eric has done," he said. McMahon said it's true that WCW didn't fit the new Time Warner culture, but he uses that as an excuse for why they lost $85 million. "That takes talent," McMahon said. He said when they bought WCW, they took that on. McMahon said that doesn't make sense if he's working for Time Warner so he understands why they wouldn't want to keep WCW on the books.


- On what would have happened if WCW bought WWE, McMahon said he doesn't know if he would have appeared on WCW. He said he brought Bischoff on board as an on-air character because he thought it would be a good move for the fans. "I always put my personal ego aside, which people find hard to believe, to do what's right for business," he said. McMahon said even if he was bought out or driven out, he would still be in the wrestling business. He said he could always go back to promoting local events. He said it's the business he loves and he has no idea what he would be doing otherwise.


- On the meeting with Hulk Hogan in his office, McMahon said it was about appearing on Hogan Knows Best. He said the concept of Austin-Hogan is an interesting paper concept, but it's not a realistic match and he doesn't expect it to happen. McMahon said it's an interesting concept, but there's no way it's going to happen.


- On living up to WM III, McMahon said there is a pressure with every live event to succeed the previous one. He said it's the best in terms of in-ring attendance, but they've succeeded in following that WrestleMania with even better Manias. McMahon said they have to better themselves with every passing show, as their audience demands. McMahon said they give them excellence with every Mania. He said he would like to see Hogan in some capacity at Mania.


- On how ECW is faring, McMahon paused for a while then said "fair, but pretty good." "We're a long ways away from what it can be," McMahon said. He said people are accustomed to seeing car wrecks and it gets old after the sixth straight week. McMahon said human beings are interested in people. He said they have to make people care about the individuals who are in the gimmick matches. McMahon said once they make people care about the wrestlers, the brand should take off. "It has a long ways to go," he said. McMahon said there is a possibility ECW would go to two hours in time. "Let's produce a really hot one hour and build up the talent roster," he said.


- Grisham said they received the most emails on Kurt Angle. McMahon said losing Angle was a big hit for the company. He said Angle was very competitive, but it's that competitive streak that will be his demise in the business. McMahon said he pushes his body far beyond his body can sustain. He said Angle has suffered many permanent injuries and his neck is no better since 1996. "His neck has constantly deteroriated since then," he said. "You can't go at the pace Kurt Angle goes and not get hurt every night." McMahon said his concern is Angle's individual health. He said he explained to Angle that he can't think long-term when he doesn't want to think long-term. McMahon said Angle is the guy who thinks about getting it now. He said you should want to be able to bend over and pick up your kids or grandkids.


- McMahon said some of the Angle story is confidential, but the story revolves around his health. On Angle being with "the competition", McMahon said he wishes Angle would have taken a lot of time off before he got back in the ring. He said the idea was Angle would take time off, get his health back as much as possible, and then get back in the ring. He said he's not upset with Angle for making money and providing for his family, but he was hoping and he thought it was an understanding that Angle would get better before coming back, especially to WWE where the door was wide open. "I'm concerned for Kurt's personal health," he said.


- On when Chris Benoit might be back, he said Benoit has been training. McMahon said it's going to be a big return. He said he knew he needed time off and he made the call to get back in shape and recover from injuries. McMahon said it's not good in the long-term to push yourself so hard. He said Benoit wanted to enjoy the fruits of labors, even after acknowledging that he doesn't always do that.


- On when divas went from wrestlers to divas who just know to strip, McMahon said that's harsh, but a good point. He said as time goes on, it's not necessarily a better situation if you enjoy women's wrestling. McMahon said there's Trish and Lita, who do know how to compete, but there is no training facility that is specific to training women. He said the standpoint and what he's trying to do is to have the sexiest women on television. McMahon said the younger male audience would rather see them wrestling or involved in relationships. "Times have changed," he said.


- On who the future of the WWE is, McMahon said it's a difficult question. He said it might be Cena or Fit Finlay. "You just don't know in this business," he said. "You don't know who the fans will push and who they want." McMahon acknowledged they often times decide who WWE should push then it's his job to make that happen.


- McMahon said he often sees promising wrestlers who look like they should make it in the business, but then they reach plateaus, don't want to push themselves, don't want to grow, and they max out on their potential.


- On Cryme Tyme, McMahon said it's the opposite of racist. He told viewers to go to the Corporate website to see why it's fun and that's what they're doing. McMahon said the audience determines whether something is successful, and it's not up to his personal taste. "C'mon, you have to laugh at it," he said. McMahon said people take it too seriously.


- On the WWE Magazine, Grisham said you read it for the pictures and the articles. McMahon said the divas are a part of the magazine, but they can't compete with men's magazines. He said it has a financial and artistic success blending the Raw and SD magazines into one magazine. McMahon said the original magazine talked down to their audience and the new magazine is more fan-friendly and reflective of the audience. He said it's more insightful on who the wrestlers are. McMahon said he will drop the magazine on someone's desk after a meeting to leave an impression.


- On putting the McMahon-Hunter wedding on PPV, McMahon said he thought he was ribbing when he made that suggestion on the PPV. Grisham said it could have made some money. "It very well could have," McMahon said. On where his TV character ends and where his real personality begins, he said there are parallels and contradictions. He said some people say he's a real-life Mr. McMahon, but he doesn't see himself that way.


- On the Bob Costas interview, he said that wasn't Mr. McMahon TV character, and he was on the defensive to defend the organization and the fanbase. He said when someone is insulting to his company, he's going to say something. "I boil over when that happens," he said. McMahon said if you really want to piss him off, then talk down about his company. He said he would have jumped Costas or slapped the crap out of him if he were bigger and taller. "That was me," he said.


- On the XFL, McMahon said he's very proud of it. He said it was a hoot and a good business venture. "I'm an entrepreneur," he said. "I take chances in life." McMahon said it was a calculated risk and it cost him some dollars because it wasn't successful, but the upside was enormous. He said he didn't realize the relationship between the NFL and the media. He said they didn't overcome that hurdle and their TV deal fell through. Again, blaming the media and TV.


- McMahon said he knows who M.V.P. will face at No Mercy, but he won't reveal who. On whether he roots for certain wrestlers, McMahon grumbled as if deciding to break kayfabe or not and said he loves Fit Finlay because he's a throwback wrestler who's a tough, rugged, bastard. He said you learn to respect the business after facing him. He said the Irish connection might play into why he like him.


- On the season premiere of Raw, McMahon said it's going to be a dynamite show. He said each brand will want to excel and there will be some interesting things that haven't been seen before. McMahon said they have a vision for how the show is going to look, but often times, something doesn't play out on live TV, as it does on paper. His theory is that if it's live, then nothing can go wrong because they can roll with the punches of what happens live.


- McMahon said the favorite part of his job is the creative aspect, working with the wrestlers, and motivating them to get the best out of their performances. He said that he gets to be every single individual by giving them the tools in which to succeed. McMahon said sometimes he can lead the horse to the trough, but they won't drink from the water.


- After clips aired from The Marine premiere at Camp Pendleton, McMahon said the biggest event of the year is not WrestleMania, but going overseas to see the troops and give back. He said it's great to visit the troops and tell them thank you. He said a large part of their demographic is the type of people who enjoy non-stop action. On Cena's performance, McMahon said it's a calculated risk to take someone who's never acted before and putting them in a starring role, most people would think I'm slightly insane. He said Cena pulled this off extremely well. McMahon said he's not the next movie superstar, but Cena enjoys doing the roles given to him. He said you get to see a lot of Cena, the human being, during the movie.


- On whether Cena will ever leave WWE to pursue other roles, he said Cena might consider that when he's his age. He said Cena insisted on coming back to WWE for the shows while filming the movie in Australia. He said Cena is dedicated to the business and, as Rock would tell you, the rush of a live audience can't be missed. "I don't see Cena cashing in his chips and saying, 'Oh, I'm going to be a movie star'."


- McMahon said he would have a blast being in a film and he's even been encouraged to do so, but the problem is that there's not enough time. He said it's three months on a movie set and he can't do that while being so integral to the company. "I don't think we're set up to run the company for three months," he said.


- On whether there any decisions he has made that he regrets, McMahon said, "I don't think I regret anything - oh yeah, I do regret some things in my personal life - I don't think I regret anything from a business standpoint." McMahon said he doesn't regret anything in business.


- On his favorite match, McMahon said he doesn't have a favorite match. He said he enjoys matches with Benoit and Finlay - the art and physicality of what they do - and the showmanship when done right. On the biggest crowd pop ever, he said when Hogan slammed Andre the Giant was the most extraordinary moment in the history of the business.


- On where he goes with DX, McMahon said it might be time for him to forgive DX and go about his business.


- On what possessed him to get in Hell in a Cell, he said he's still in reasonable shape, could be in better shape, and he really enjoys mixing it up. He said Big Show wasn't the back up he thought he would be, but he enjoys confrontation.


- On a wrestler who was hard to let go, McMahon said the most recent decision was Kurt Angle. He said many times it was not him letting the wrestler go, but the wrestler leaving them. He said he's been close to the top talent and when they turn their back and leave, it hurts. He said there have been few instances when they let talent go and that hurts, most notably Angle.


- On his relationship with Hunter, he said he has not seen Hunter at family functions, but the first meeting will be at Thanksgiving. "I would love to stuff the turkey with Triple H."


- Grisham went for a handshake and McMahon just stared at him. They eventually shook hands. Grisham began to sell the PPV, Raw Reunion, and The Marine, then McMahon cut him off. "If you give people too many things to remember, they're not going to remember any of it," he said. (TNA? Are you listening?)


The next three minutes were the best Byte This moments ever. McMahon told Grisham that they needed to plug the event that comes chronologically. Grisham then said they have footage of The Marine cued up to close the show. "Then someone doesn't know how to write a show," McMahon said. He said they should exit with footage of the next event, not the event coming next week. Grisham said they would take his advice and do that.


McMahon then became upset that Grisham was doing what he was saying rather than questioning him. "Don't just do what you're told," he said. Grisham said he's just a puppet doing what the director tells him to do. McMahon told him not to just do what the person in the earpiece says, but to think. "This is America!" McMahon said.


He then critiqued Grisham on his look and his over-done delivery to hype events. He said Grisham needs to be more real and make things feel more authentic, even if he is an exuberant person. McMahon said Grisham has a good look, but he needs to drop the smile. Grisham thanked McMahon once again then hyped No Mercy with McMahon's approval.




Im stunned. Utterlly Stunned. First lets go back what he stated about ECW. One, he was honest about it. Basicly I was left without a clue on where they were going to do with ECW after the Summerslam PPV. But after the deal, they went Taped, TEST (TEST...TEST?) and Bob Holly had great matches (with no Piledrivers sadly) against RVD (who is now pretty much become Hashimoto in his Offencive Style- which is the natural evloution of his AJPW/ECWv1 Offence).


The larger point i want to mention is the Divas. Ok, Vince- this is the strangest comments I have ever seen. You want to show Divas in a "classy way" but need more sexuality on the website. (The word your looking for is Senuality, Vince). Then he metioned the why the Divas went from a Joshi based Divison, to a strippers. He stated that we want to see more female matches and relationships between the male and the females...then states...Times have changed... Times have changed. However, will there be a new focus on the Division? Time will tell (But Strip Poker...uhh...yeah...but considering ECW's history)


Hes high on Finley, which is not a shock- because Finley is one of the last great Catch-based Pro Stars. He doesnt have the looks, but a damn good Finsher, and a interesting move set. His lariats (short range) are more blowback haymakers than true shortrange lariats. Benoit's planned Final run, (which i think it is) will be for a world title. Dont be suprised if its between Finley- or maybe Kennedy or MVP. Its gonna be at least 2 years before I even want Lashey start running for the Title- He needs to fix his punches, and change his power based move set into Hybrid style like Terkay.


But in a more intresting and somewhat sad note. Youtube is a bit of a problem for me. Bad Codecs, even worse streams. But there was a few things I saw. The way a Joshi match is done. Folks, lets put it this way. They fly around, they dont die, every damn MOVE COUNTS even when you think its not important. And because of Low Center Of Graverty, they are the purest fighters. In some of the links in Youtube, Kudo and Toyota (along with there partners) showed us how crazy these ladies fight. When you see Toyota fly, the girl rips the taste out of Kudos Mouth not once, BUT 6 TIMES! The later dated matches, shows a little bit of a old style the old ladies used to do, however it a little WWE fided. But its amazing how they turn out a show. But one of the videos there was a training episode with Sakamura (Mariko). One of her traininees tries a drop kick. She couldint get it. FIVE times. Then Sakamura does the drop kick and RIPS HER FUCKING HEAD OFF. The trainee is bleeding. Thats the love this lady as for the sport. If thats just the womens...Think about the men...and how far they go. Tough Enough has nothing on Puro/Joshi training. Were even lucky we have Joe and Danileson that can hang with these guys.


The sad thing is now, Zero One has a Joshi Fed called SUN. Which is bringing back the NWA and AWA titles for females. They brought some African American Bodybuilder, named Africa 55. (HEY Naki-San, WHY NOT call her Sista A while ya at it!) and others. But to bring big amazon like girls to to feed the need...ugh...


Will Joshi see a new sunrise? Our hope is for Sakamura and Senjo to prove themselfs.


I will see you guys soon...the website for my production company-



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