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Kerry is a fucking idiot

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Gary Floyd


-To John Kerry: Godamnit. I don't care if it was a botched joke, you really fucked up. Quit being high and mighty over it ("oh, it's all part of the Republicans trying to make us look bad") and fess up. Unfortunately, this will probably fuck things up, and make it that thr Republicans are still in office (remember folks, while I may rip on the republicans and tend to lean left, I'm still not a Democrat), so fuck you John Kerry, and thanks for nothing.


-Leena's getting shitloads of attention in the Chocolate Socket (I really think we need to change the name), and getting in arguments. Also, snuffbox insulted me (which I find amusing), and Cheesala congradulated me (whcih creeps me out). Anywho, I wonder how much longer this will go on.


-I've got another exam in a week, and one more in two weeks, so wish me luck bastards.


-I can't wait for the elections to end, mostly because I'm tired of seeing attack ads every time I watch TV.



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