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Monday Night Raw

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So last night's RAW was good.


Chris Jericho continues to amaze me despise being demoted time over time, him just "owning" Carlito and later in the night John Cena verbally was just a sight to see, plus him wearing a Journey shirt helped.


John Cena continues to disgust me as his gimmick will grow tiring after another year or so.


I love the Matt Hardy shoot on Johnny Ace.


So i am confused right now, July 29th is coming up and there is two rock shows the same night.


One is free, one is $45


Ted Nugent will be perofming at Ribfest for free while Def Leppard plays at Midway Stadium for $45..so i got a lot of thinkin to do


Recently got the old PC game Star Wars Battle for Naboo and it's amazing how we have progressed in graphics


That's it for now

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What's the general KISS Army's view on 'God Gave Rock n' Roll To You'?


That opening riff is just unmistakeable. I love it, but I've never been a massive KISS fan.


Also, have you seen any of Gene's reality show, Rock School? As a teacher, it was, shall we say, interesting to watch. Never the less, a lot of fun.

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