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Special Edition Match Review: 7/18/2005 NOAH

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Kenta Kobashi Vs Kensuke Sasaki


Kenta Kobashi (Ranked By DVDR - 7) (2003)

Kensuke Sasaki (Ranked By DVDR -126)


This match was long awaited. It didnt dissapoint. One thing that makes NOAH a great company now, consitanicy and idologley when it comes the wrestling style, at times, yes its over the top but it works and keeps things simple.


Sasaki is one of those men, that never gets any respect. Like Shina Hashimoto before him, he could have a great match with anybody (just ask Bob Sapp) and won the IWGP title.


Kobashi is a power house. Even though he loses more than he wins, when he wins he wins big. This guy is just as good as a big man as many WWE stars.


They both have very dangerous lariats (MUCH BETTER AND CLEANER than JBL's, which he falls down fully, making his larat much much weaker- and thats why he cheats to win, because hes clumsly-his legs give out too easy- watch his legs when he goes for a neckbreaker, he takes five steps when you only need three)


So the match starts (after good entrances and nice elivators)...Kobashi walks in and gets punished with a back drop. Now you notice he got stunned. That had to hurt youre pride. Croud is stunned. STUNNED. With all the problems New Japan is having, there thinking that New Japan has no good fighters. There best chance to get a better title was just STOPPED 15 min before! Kenta knows he is going for the long hawl.


Two Kicks to the head...


Then a toe kick, which lead into a chop (notice, no punches were thrown at ALL during the match) Then your NWA type chops, as Kenta returns the favor with a backdrop of his own. Now realise this, New Japan doesnt know where the hell its going. You know Sasaki is not going to take this liying down...as he uses the first Lariat of the night! They both leave the ring, and after some smack talking, they return back.


The test of strenth...lead into a grasped northern lights suplex, which is picture perfect. American Style Grapple, into a knee by Kobashi, that lead into a chop, then the irish whip, another knee, then as Kobashi holds him, he chops his neck and then as he is on the ground chops his neck again...then goes to the ropes and does a high chop to the neck. First Pin...NO. 2 count only.


First Summission Hold of the match, a back headlock. Kobashi uses this as a set up for high chop at the edge of the ring. A second high chop, then he gets Sasaki out of the ring for a DDT. Kobashi does not stay long as he jumps out of the ring and crashes into Sasaki. Brings him back into the ring, then gets him in a head lock. However, this gives Sasaki the upperhand as he pushes him back, and gives Kobashi a chop and a small lariat three times each...at the turnbuckle, which leads into a top rope frankinstiner. Then Sasaki goes to the top rope and goes for a lariat from there... Second Pin...NO.


Sasaki takes Kobashi out of the ring-Sasaki goes up top from the black side of the turn buckle, has some trouble getting there but-does so and gets the top rope take down outside the ring. Sasaki gets back in the ring along with Kobashi for the Third Pin of the Match...no dice.


Sasaki asks Kobashi to get up...then does chop, irish whip to the turnbuckle and then bulldogs Kobashi, does the Fourth Pin but is only a one count...Sasaki does a toe kick, but Kobashi has the NO sell POWAH! The second toe kick...then CHOP FEST 2005 BEGINS!


Kobashi chops twice, but Sasaki no sells. Then he does the spitshine chop and Sasaki stands. Then it goes back and forward for about two minites with both men standing. I seen a lot of WWE matches, BUT i never seen chops that can split water particles. By the time they reach one of the turnbuckles-Kobashi goes for his 5 time chop! But Sasaki reverses it! He returns the favor with chops of his own! But, it was not over; Kobashi reverses, does a much longer version of the 5 time chop...but Sasaki counters. They back away from the turnbucles and chop again in the middle of the ring...Sasaki tried to lariat, but Kobashi stops him with a chop...the chop battle continues, short face off, and the chops go flying again! Kobashi tries the spit shine, but its not enough! Two more chops are extanged, but Kobashi wins it out with a reverse arm Lariat.


(Total Time of Chop Fest 2005? 4 Min 18 Seconds)


Both men are now down at the middle of the ring. Croud is now up in there feet. Kobashi runs, but falls victim to a PowerSlam. Sasaki is going up top, but Kobashi counters for a second rope brainbuster. Sasaki missed the Lariat, as Kobashi goes for the HELL (Half) NELSON SUPLEX... Picks him up, and does it again! Now you know that New Japan is buckling in its knees. Sasaki is there only hope now and he is near losing...


It seems hope is lost for Sasaki, as at the ropes, Kobashi goes for a brain buster, but Sasaki blocks it...Sasaki is blocked by Kobashi, then Kobashi goes for the 5 time chop, its hits and Sasaki goes down...Kobashi chops him twice, but Sasaki grabs him an does a high angle powerslam on to the floor...the Noah Fans are stunned.


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New Japan still might not yet get embarrised...Sasaki's wife looks on with very stoic eyes. But it almost became a count out match, as Kobashi (legit) could not get back in the ring, until the 19 second mark...Croud sighs a bit of relief. Sasaki grabs him for the underhook suplex...and gets it with the Fifth Pin...forget it, Kobashi suffered worse- thats not going to do it...then as Kobashi gets up, Sasaki pulls out the LARIAT! The Sixth PIN...NO FUCKING WAY PEOPLE!


Sasaki is in utter disbelifve...but he tries for the finsher, but some how...Kobashi seemed to use his calf as a wedge, pushes down on Sasaki's arm, and then does a semi air rana... but as he gets up, Kobashi does a LARIAT! (Upper Fore Arm and then falls down JBL, not the wedge) Sasaki gets up and does a upper knee, into a unrange. Then he does a submission hold to Kobashi's arm...but Kobashi gets to the Ropes. Head strike by Sasaki...goes for his Lariat, but Kobashi, blocks, counters with the rolling chops...then Sasaki tries to finish him, but Kobashi does a brainbuster, but because of his size, Sasaki does not take the brunt of the brainbuster, then because of Kobashi's waight, he does not take much of the brunt of Sasaki's brainbuster, and then double collsion Lariat! Both men pass out...


Sasaki guts up, and runs for a Lariat to the back of the head...Then goes for the Lariat...BUT Kobashi Blocks it, then goes for the SLEEPERHOLD SUPLEX! (picture perfect too) I dont think Sasaki cant take any more of this. Kobashi sets up for the Standing Lariat (a move that Brock Lesnar took and somewhat made it into a STO because he moves his leg in front and does the standing closeline downward.) Seventh PIN and NOTHING! 2.99999999999999999! Body Slam by Kobashi! He finally goes up top and does a VERY well done (for his age) moonsault from the top rope! PIN... YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME! Sasaki is running on fumes. And not from the Kyoto Treaty. Sasaki goes for a short Lariat but NOTHING doing as Kobashi pulls out five reverse chops, runs to the ropes and then pulls out the final lariat, which wins the MATCH!


Kenta Kobashi beat Kensuke Sasaki (23:38) with a lariat.


Woah. I give this 4 stars. I love this match. This is Puroresu at is most fun. The latter match, which if I get a chance to see it, was better than this- but this was great for what it was. 1 and 2 in the big event at Tokyo Dome. Shinya would be proud.


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I implore all ROH fans, GET YOUR Manhattan event tickets NOW! Kenta Kobashi is NO joke. You saw Liger and loved him, now get to see the man who could have Match of the Year!


Smackdown Review On Thursday Night and, Fire Pro news as well.


Until Then...

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