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New Job Tomorrow...Used car purchased.

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So I am not sure if I mentioned this in the forums, but tomorrow I start a new job as a vocational skills trainer. Basically this company works with the handicapped and they contract out work that they can handle/do, so when they get a contract, they train me and other trainers on how to do the job and then I train the folks that will be doing the job. When I worked at a Target warehouse I remember some handicapped folks would be bused in once or twice a week to open those old plastic mechanisms that CDs used to be put it....so I am sure that is an example of something I would be training people to do, although each job would be varying in how easy or difficult it is. This isn't a temp job, which is good, and my hiring supervisor said she is looking for someone to grow with the company and encourages me to look for other job listing within the company if I see something I like that better suits me in the future......


Oh and we ended up getting a 2004 Chevy Venture Van. Yeah I know, Chevys are shit blah blah fucking blah, well it only had 24k miles on it, and it was a leased car which gives it a pretty clean bill of health. We had a DVD player put in it the other day, so yea we pimped our ride......I could have bought a used foreign car that "runs forever" but they all had 80k or more miles on them, which means you could probably start running into other issues besides just the engine.....

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