gary floyd vs. Anarchist Punk Cocksuckers
-Well, there were riots in Copenhagen over the past few days. Apparently, it's because a group of squatters failed to move out of the shitty place they were living in (even though they had been officialy evicted), and instead of moving to another abandoned building like they were told to (they had TWO FUCKING WEEKS to do this) they threw a temper tantrum and had a big riot, and invited all their asshole "Anarchist" friends from other parts of Europe to burn cars, destroy building, throw shit at police, and basically endanger the lives of others because they didn't get what they want.
And people wonder why I can't take certain protestors seriously.
Really, when I think about it, I hate "Anarchist Punks" more than than hippies, and that's saying something. These worthless fucks think that they don't have to work or go to college or in any way do something for society like everybody else does, and that they are entitled to act like assholes and endanger the lives of innocent civilians if they don't get what they want. Never mind that Copenhagen is a Democratically ruled society, and most of the Country looks down on these worthless shitlickers, but no, they feel the need to act like worthless jack-off's because they were evicted, and let me repeat this, had two weeks to move out.
So, instead of doing the civilised thing and actually moving out, they instead cause shit like this. Yes, because they had to move out (and didn't want to), they caused a massive riot. Do any of these people actually care about the innocent people who could be (or may have already been) killed? Of course not. Hell, most of the people involved in rioting didn't care about whatever cause, they just wanted to destroy things.
What's more disturbing (but not suprising) is the fact that some assholes will of course try to rationalize and defend this, but there's nothing to defend here. This isn't the L.A. Riots, where I don't agree with rioting, but I can understand why it happened. No, this is the WTO protests from a while back, where most of the rioters had no idea what they were protesting, they just wanted to wreck shit. This is like seeing the kid screaming in anger about world trade while wearing fucking Nike Tennis Shoes.
So how can I sum all of this up? Simple: Fuck "Anarchists", and their supporters. They are worse than hippies. As annoying as the hippy is, at least there's a 99% chance he won't set your house on fire for petty reasons.
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