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The Lakers look like dick tonight.

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The game's going on as I write this, so some of my opinions that I type before the end will stay unedited, and be commented on later in the entry.


Kobe's only got 18 points on 6 of 24 shooting, but it's ok because he can't be Superman every night. Kwame got rested because the hamstring was acting up, so Bynum got the start tonight.


Gotta post this now before it changes, as it's the weirdest shit I've ever seen.


H. Warrick 17

T. Kinsey 41

P. Gasol 41

R. Gay 37

J. Harrington 45

S. Swift 21

D. Jones 15

A. Johnson 4


The number is minutes played, and honest to God, as a lifelong basketball fan, I have never heard of anyone named Kinsey in my life. What the fuck did this guy do to earn 41 minutes. The fact that he's got 24 points makes it even worse. I just read that he went to South Carolina. Still haven't heard of him. The fact that Junior Harrington's had 45 minutes of run in this game makes me laugh even harder. Shammond Williams is starting to get more minutes, so Smush better take heed and start playing better. Here's a nice statline, Lamar Odom's got 3 points, 16 boards and 11 assists. That's the ugliest double-double I've ever seen. This game's pretty much over.


UGH (w/8 seconds left in the 4th). We lost to the fucking Grizzlies. Yeah, Stu Lantz and James Worthy were right, Kobe's gotta score 40 every game if we're gonna win. At least Turiaf got 25 minutes.


Ooo, the Grizzlies did something that every team should do. Make Kobe shoot 2 free throws rather than give him the open 3 to win the game. Only down by one with Hakim Warrick going to the line, about 6.5 seconds left. I like this situation. MISSED ONE, made the next. Down by 2, Kobe's getting the ball. Let's see if the Grizz foul him so that he doesn't get the open 3, and let the game go to overtime. Should be interesting. Smush got a 3 opportunity to win. He missed. FUCK HIM. Game over.



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