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Vick, wedding album blues, and the in-laws are coming to visit

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Everything that can be said about the Michael Vick/dog-fighting thing has been said, so I’m not going to throw in my two cents. I’ll just note that since everyone is saying he’s unlikely to be suspended (at this point in time anyway), I’m really hoping that the Falcons make the Super Bowl so that the league will have that over their heads during the biggest moment of the season. At the very least, it would give everyone an actual topic to beat into the ground during the excruciating two week layoff, instead of the same old “5 reasons why ‘Team A’ can’t win” crap.


Plus, it’ll be fun watching the boys at ESPN try and spin it to protect their second-favorite black quarterback.



My wedding was a little more than three months ago and it’s still giving me grief. A couple of nights ago, the missus declared that it was time we started going through all of the pictures taken by our photographer (who sucked) and pick the ones we want for our official wedding album. I’ve been successful in delaying her on this for a month, but suddenly she’s gotten it in her head that this must be done NOW. Whatever.


Anybody who has been through the process of doing this knows how much of a pain it is: you go through the thousand pictures that were taken, make note of the ones you like and then try and pick what sizes and layouts you want for the various pages in your album.


In our case, there were 976 pictures to sort through to get a 20-page album. FOUR AND HALF HOURS after we started going through all the pictures, we emerged, cross-eyed, with a list. Now, even if we were to pick only the layout templates that can fit four 4 X 6 pictures onto each page, we’d have a maximum of 80 pictures for the album. How many did we have on our list of “pictures wife would like in the album” after our 4 ½ hours of fun?




Oh, Christ.



And speaking of wedding bliss, my in-laws are coming into town this weekend. This means that I can look forward to hours upon hours of my mother-in-law, sister-in-law, and wife watching HGTV (at max volume) while my father-in-law sleeps on the floor and the 3-year-old nephew runs around destroying shit because his mother is too engrossed in HGTV to give a shit. And this is after we have gone to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner at fucking McDonald’s because that’s the only place that has a playground. Oh boy.


My only possible saving grace is that my wife’s birthday is next Wednesday and one of her friends wants to go out and celebrate on Saturday night. She’s hesitating to agree because her parents are going to be in town and she “doesn’t feel right” about not spending every waking moment with them. I said fuck that and am strongly encouraging her to go. Her going out would give me a whole evening to myself as the in-laws won’t want to hang out with me without wife around. So here’s hoping…

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What I decided to do with Mrs. kkk regarding this issue is made each two-page spread a "theme." Example, one spread was the outside and inside of the church, one was of the bridesmaids and groomsmen, one was the ceremony, etc. It helped out because we were able to group certain photos and then pick from those what we she wanted in the book. Oh, and this book thing ain't over -- wait until you get the proof, which is a "final check" where you get to determine if this is what you really want.

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I think we're going to do something very similar. Our her biggest problem is going to be narrowing it down to only one picture of each little "event" to go in the book (i.e. I've argued it's excessive to have three pictures of the whole wedding party in the book).


Then there's the problem of actually picking which photo to use for each. This happened last night as she was thumbing through the pictures we picked out the other night. I'm sure you can guess who is who:


(Looking at pictures of the wedding party taken in the chapel immediately after the ceremony)


"Hey, which of these do you like better?"




"Which of these two do you think should go in the album?"


(Looks at photos) "I don't know. It doesn't really matter; there isn't much difference between them."


"I know that. But which one do you like better??"


"Well, in this one, I'm not smiling. And in this one, I'm smiling, but your sister's eyes are closed."




"So I guess you need to decide if you want me not smiling or your sister's eyes closed. Personally, the one of me not smiling is the most 'real' one, so I'd pick that one."


(Pause for a moment)


*Sigh* "I don't know why you couldn't just smile in ALL the pictures."



At least she's gotten over the idea of paying to have extra pages put in this thing. Those would cost $50 each.

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