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Review: WCCW 1/15/83

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I'm bored, so I'll type this out now, instead of later. I far prefer the one hour shows as opposed to the 2 and 3 hour ones, because it's easier to review them.


From the Sportatorium in Dallas, this is World Class Championship Wrestling. Yadayadayada, the host is Bill Mercer.


We start with Brian Adias vs. Buddy Roberts of the Fabulous Freebirds, Michael Hayes is at ringside. This is right after the angle where the Freebirds slammed Kerry Von Erich's head with the steel cage door, so the crowd hates the Freebirds. Hayes cuts a promo to start and we're underway. Roberts grabs onto a side headlock and takes Adias over three times. Adias dropkicks him after getting up from each takeover, and Roberts bails to the outside. I'm not all too familiar with WCCW, so I kinda though Adias was a jobber. He's not. Buddy grabs onto Adias arm and gives him an armlock figure-four. I like that move a lot. Not much here, except for Buddy's bloody knee, and they pick up the pace once the ring announcer says there's two minutes left in the bout. Buddy hits Adias with a nice swinging neckbreaker for a two count, and I believe it when someone says, that's how the move's supposed to be done. Because it is. Roberts follows with a backbreaker and 2nd rope elbow, each get a 2 count. Adias sunset flips over Roberts for two, and we have a time-limit draw at 8:26. The times are always fudged on the time-limit draws, of course. I don't recall very many announced time-limit draws going the duration of the announced time-limit. Anyway, I kinda liked it. *1/2.





After a commercial break (and I love WCCW's intro to commercials, btw), we go to the Freebirds house. During this promo, country music plays in the background. It fits, see. The Freebirds have a Georgia flag (which at the time, had the stars and bars of the Confederacy on it) hanging up in the background, and they defend their position on why they attacked Kerry Von Erich during his title match against Ric Flair at the beginning of the month. It was shown last month, and I thought it was ***1/4.


Another break, and we come back with Michael Hayes in the ring, as he will be facing off against Al Madril. I thought Madril was a jobber too, but Mercer says he's a former Texas State champion. OK. Hayes stalls for a while, and plays the "chickenshit heel" role very well. Not much to see here, until Hayes piledrives Madril and decides not to cover him. Hayes then beats up Madril, and Jose Lothario comes down to the ring to save Madril, so Hayes gets the DQ win at 7:46. I had no idea Lothario was still wrestling at this point. 3/4*.




Promo time, and Lothario wants to fight Hayes anytime, anywhere. He says it's ok to beat someone, but to try to hurt them after they're beat is crossing the line.


Andre follows with a promo of his own about the upcoming 6 man elimination match...


And now it's time for the main event! It's a 6 man elimination match, and the winner gets 5,000 dollars. You can be eliminated by pinfall, submission or going over the top rope, and it's every man for himself. The participants are Kerry Von Erich, Terry Gordy, Wild Bill Irwin, Bugsy McGraw, King Kong Bundy, and Andre The Giant.


Kerry goes straight for Gordy, a Freebird, before the match starts. They brawl before Andre gets to the ring, and once Andre hits the ring and the match starts, out Kerry goes after Michael Hayes pulls the rope down as Kerry's trying to put Gordy out. That took 10 seconds. Kerry tries to brawl with Gordy, but the officials send him out of the building. Andre makes Bundy look like a child, and that's no exaggeration. Andre tries to choke out Gordy for a really long time, but Bundy takes him down. Once Bundy does that, he throws McGraw out at 2:40, and we have 4 men left. Andre's still trying to choke Gordy, but Irwin gets in the way. Uh-oh. Andre throws Irwin out of the way like Irvin's a child, and Andre's still after Gordy. The crowd loves Andre. Irwin keeps trying to impede the Giant, but Andre throws him out of the way like a jabroni. Bundy tries to slam Andre, but he can't. The other three men triple team Andre for a really long time,until Andre throws Irwin out at 10:38. One thing I've drawn from this match is that Andre probably didn't like Gordy. Or it seems like it. Gordy almost goes out, but Hayes saves him. Andre goes over the top rope at 11:15 to chase Hayes, so he's gone. And he's pissed, too. Bundy then slams Gordy for a two count, as we have two men left. Bundy then misses an avalanche and gets put out over the top via a Gordy dropkick, at 12:54. Gordy wins the match, and the 5,000 dollars. I really liked the Andre portion of this match, because the guy really knew how to work the crowd, and he was still mobile enough to work. He didn't use the ropes to get up at all, and he wasn't stuck to the ropes during his matches like at the end of his career. ** for the whole thing, I was entertained.




Brian Adias and Kerry Von Erich cut a promo about Adias match vs. Terry Gordy next week, and wow, Kerry is terrible on the mic. Why didn't they reshoot that?


Anyway, the show's over. Now, as we flashback to the present, Hayes is with Buddy Roberts in the studio. Wow, Roberts looks to be in rough shape. It also looks like he's had a bout with throat cancer, as he needs to push on something attached to his chest to be able to speak. Poor guy. They then tell a story about Gordy being double-booked because of Ole Anderson, and they bury the guy. I don't even think Ole likes Ole, as I've never heard a single person say something good about him. Did he piss on everyone, or what?





Rating: Above-average. That was a fun way to spend an hour, and it was nice to see Andre before he became immobile. Hopefully with the update tomorrow comes some good stuff.

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