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Review: Shorties Section from the update of 10/10.

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Easy, short reviews here, so I'll get them out quick. The Kings need a win tonight, so hopefully posting this on the same day will bring a victory to Los Angeles. Each section is denoted in bold.


Mad Dog Vachon


Vachon attacks Joe LeDuc at the start of this clip, so LeDuc does a bladejob to go with the cast on his arm. Once things settle down, Vachon beats up some jobber, cobra clutches him and LeDuc is back and bandaged up.... He gets his revenge and shit. Then Baron von Raschke and Vachon cut a promo. Baron just stands their looking mean and Vachon talks in his loud, crazed voice.


I could have done without that, even though I love the Baron. It was pointless for WWE to put that on their on demand channel, IMO.



Terry Funk


Now, I have a problem with this. If you're showing Terry Funk, show something from the NWA or ECW. Not from Florida. Terry's with Gordon Solie and Dory Funk, and they narrate a clip of a previous match where Terry faced Dusty Rhodes. Dusty has a cast on his arm and hits Funk with a couple of elbows, and during the narration Funk's doing nothing but bitching. After a couple elbows, Dory comes in and attacks Dusty. NOW WE HAVE DA COLLA BROTHA, as Dusty juices. The Funk's try to rebreak Dusty's arm, and the babyfaces come out of the dressing room to save him. This angle looks really similar to the angle where Flair and the Andersons broke his arm inside a steel cage after Dusty saved Slick Ric after his match with my nephew Nikita.


Misused the theme of this month. They should have used a barbed wire match.


The Missing Link


The match here is the Missing Link and Bruiser Brody vs. Terry Gordy and The Great Kabuki. Gordy and Bruiser brawl to the back and disappear for the duration of the bout, so this turns into a singles match. Kabuki nerveholds Link to death, and me too, because I'm bored to death. That's literally all he does for the duration of this bout, until Michael Hayes hands Kabuki nunchucks and Kabuki hits Link with them for the DQ at 8:11. DUD. That was terrible.


Another one I could have done without.


Buzz Sawyer


Prematch: Now, this is what I was waiting for. The match is Buzz Sawyer, The Great Muta and The Dragonmaster vs. Ric Flair, Arn Anderson and Ole Anderson. Flair's the Champ, here. Sting had been attacked by the Horsemen earlier in the night, so 5 of these guys are heels. Muta is not a heel, as the crowd goes batshit for him. The Dragonmaster is Kendo Nagasaki, in case you didn't know. That was his gimmick from Florida. From Clash X, from Corpus Christi, Texas. This is the show in Mick Foley's book where he talks about facing Mil Mascaras and attacking some guy from a band after the match. I've always wanted to see this show. Jim Ross and Jim Cornette are on commentary.


Blow-by-blow: Arn attacks Buzz Sawyer to start, and Buzz returns the favor with some hard chops to the chest of Arn. Sawyer throws Arn into the cage, and Muta does some Liu Kang type flying attack at Arn, in which he hits Arn with about 5 kicks. Flair and Dragonmaster come in, and Flair chops him to death, Ole in with some knees, and Arn and Muta come in. Muta hits a handspring elbow that's probably the best looking one I've seen, and the crowd goes nuts. Nuts, I tell you. Muta applies the STF, and WE GOTS COMPANY AT RINGSIDE BRUDDA, and STING's trying to get into the cage to attack Ric Flair. Tom Zenk and Brian Pillman come out and try to pull Sting down from the cage, and they succeed this time. Ole backdrops Buzz into the cage and SAWYERS BENT IN HALF, BY GAWD and I happen to agree with that sentiment. What a tough bump that looked to be. The guy was so zonked out on crack that it didn't matter. That's why he's dead, you know. Now we have a historical moment in wrestling, as Sting goes back to the cage, and blows his knee out as he tries to climb in. Uh-oh. It can be instantly seen that there's a problem, because Sting immediately stops what he's doing, and he can't get to the back without assistance. His knee is fucked, as is the angle the NWA set up earlier that night. Buzz Sawyer suplexes Arn and goes to the top like Superfly, but he misses the splash from the top of the cage. Arn spinebusters Dragonmaster, and we have a pier-6 brawl. Arn DDT's Dragonmaster at 6:13 for the win.


Match analysis: The Sting injury really threw the NWA into a loop, it killed their main event for WrestleWar, and they tried to fall back on Luger in another attempt to turn him into their Hulk Hogan. As we know, it didn't work, for multiple reasons. For one, Luger couldn't talk like Hogan. Number two, I've read stories that the guy always felt he was above the business. He treated the fans like shit, how are they going to get behind him. They aren't. In Sting's first televised match back, he got the NWA belt. That was in July. In the meanwhile, the NWA didn't know what the fuck to do. They put Sid Vicious in the Horsemen (ugh), and debuted El Gigante. Then they did a Flair vs. Junkyard Dog main at Clash XI, and Sting made his comeback and saved JYD. They really, REALLY need to start showing this shit. Strange match, *3/4. For the whole spectacle, the entertainment value is off the charts.




I'm going to tack the review of Killer Kowalski vs. Bruno Sammartino to the two Wild Samoan matches I still have to review. So, I didn't forget about that.



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