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All for one and one for...me

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Inspired by kkk's latest bout of wedded bliss, here's one that happened yesterday afternoon:


(I'm in the kitchen eating one of those "fun size" 3 Musketeers bars when sfaJill walks in)

"What are you eating?"

"3 Musketeers."

(flabbergasted) "Where'd you get that??"

"From the bag in the pantry."

"What bag in the pantry?"

"The bag of 3 Musketeers on the second shelf in there."

"I didn't know they where in there. When did we get those?"

"Wednesday. I picked them up at Kroger. Remember when I stopped to grab that chicken on the way home from work that day?"

"I can't believe you hid them from me."

"I didn't hide them from you. They were on the freaking shelf in the pantry."

"Well, you didn't tell me they were in there. You know I never look in there!!"

"No, but I also didn't tell you that I bought some more milk that day, too."

(pause) "Well, you know I love 3 Musketeers and you didn't tell me you bought some. You hid them so you could have them all to yourself."

"Uh...yep. That's it."


She stomed off to our bedroom and slammed the door. I just went outside for a while and, when I came back in, she apologized and said that she didn't know what was wrong with her or why she was getting pissed off about "stupid stuff." I just told her it's part of that whole "being a chick" thing. Surprisingly, she didn't smack my arm.

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Will she be ragging it within the next week?


Also, Mrs. kkk NEVER bothers to check our fruit cellar, which is where we stock up on our non-frozen food. She bitches that there's never anything to eat, then when I tell her about a product that she likes which we have a supply of she goes "Where is it?!" My usual reply is "The fruit cellar -- you ought to go down there some time; there's all kinds of neat stuff down there."

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Yeah, that should be the end of next week or so. I think. I don't know. I can't ever keep track of it. I just know I do a little mini-fist pump whenever she announces it has arrived.


Rag or not though, she shouldn't be flipping out over a 3 Musketeers bar.

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