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Malice At The Palace, my WrestleFanFest experiance continued

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(Matches I'm in will be told in Kayfabe. I'm not going to disrespect the guys who I worked with by talking about the behind the scenes stuff.)


Now it's showtime and I'm a wee bit nervous. I'm in the Cow Palace, around all of these big name workers, and the crowd is nice and hot. It's not a big crowd, but the first 4 or 5 rows are pretty much filled up, and the crowd is hot. I can't complain I'm just happy there's a crowd and they're not dead. The advertised card was changed all the way around, because of all the stuff that wasn't taken care of.


The first match was Team 3D vs The Steiner Brothers. The crowd was really into it and I did watch some of it from behind this curtain with a few of the guys. I was standing behind Virgil Flynn, because I could see over him without having to stand on my tip toes, and I told him "Dude...we're watching the Steiners against Team 3D live. This is great." The Steiner Brothers won the match and the crowd enjoyed it. After the match it looked like Brother Ray and Devon were going to go at it but right before they threw punches at each other, they hugged and went back to the back.


The 2nd match was Gail Kim vs Traci Brooks vs Cheerleader Melissa. I didn't watch the match but I do know Gail Kim won.


Then it was the 3rd match, my first match of the night. Luke Hawk & Alkatrazz vs Al Snow & The Blue Meanie. Everyone knows who Meanie and Al Snow are, but for those who don't know, Luke Hawk and Alkatrazz worked on the MTV WSX show for a minute. I was still a bit nervous but I was ready for anything as I know Al and Meanie like to have fun in the ring. Before the match, I was talking to Al and Meanie and we just started saying new names for Alkatrazz. We were saying things like Alkey, Alkaline, Alcholic, jail bait (I came up with that one.), I almost said Nailz but changed my mind.


I went out and all my nerves went away, I very quickly went to ease as I came out the otherside of the curtain. I got to the ring and waited for the wrestlers to come out. Luke Hawk and Alkatrazz came out first, then Meanie and Al Snow came out and the crowd just started Head almost right out the gate. Yes Al did have Head! The two of them got in the ring and there were a lot of Head and bWo chants. Al would bounce side to side in the center of the ring and as he was bouncing the crowd would chant "Head" until he popped Head into the air. It was great. After a minute or two I was able to get the match started.


I say a minute or two later because Al...I mean Head kept going after Luke Hawk or Alkatrazz. Well it was Al holding Head but Al would blame Head and kept telling me that Head didn't want to go in the corner. Al literally chased either Luke or Alkatrazz out of the ring with Head and I had to cut him off. I cut him off and told him he had to get Head into the corner so I could start the match. He told me again that Head wasn't listening to him and told me to ask Head. So I told Head to go back into the corner and Head gave me that fucking blank look and wouldn't go. Head's very stubborn.


Finally Al was able to convince Head to put it in the corner...or Head maybe told Al to put it in the corner..either way, Head went to the corner and I got the match started. The match was pretty much with Meanie and Al basically playing with Luke Hawk and Alkatrazz. Meanie made Luke Hawk look up and popped him one in the mouth, Luke tried the same thing on Meanie and Luke got popped in the mouth again. At one point Alkatrazz went for a drop down on Al and Al jumped over Alkatrazz, and laid beside him, Alkatrazz looked up and saw Al next to him and Al yelled at him and scared Alkatrazz in the corner. Luke Hawk again tried the same tactic on Al and got popped in the mouth again.


At one point of the match, I sorta lost control and to get control back I had to back Al back out of the ring since he JUST tagged out. After I finally got Al Snow out, I turned around and Alkatrazz was in the ring chokeing Meanie in the corner and Alkatrazz wasn't the legal man either, so I had to back him out. Alkatrazz gave me a hard time about it but when I finally got him out of the ring, I turned around just in time to see Blue Meanie give Luke Hawk one hell of a splash and I made the 1, 2, 3 pinfall and rasied the hands of The Blue Meanie, Al Snow, and Head....well Al rasied Head up.


Oh before I forget, during the match, Al brought Head back in the match and tried to use Head, but I cut him off again. Both Luke Hawk and Alkatrazz dropped off the ring and to the outside. Al looked at me and gave this weird look towards me. All of a sudden, Al with Head dropped to his knees and started head banging Head and started walking on his knees towards me. The crowd starts chanting "Head, Head, Head, Head!" as Al was backing me up in the corner. So during the match, Head pretty much made a attempt to give me Head, luckily I got out of dodge before Head got to close. I think I would have in pain if Al had gotten to close with Head.


After the match, I got prepared for the Battleroyal. The Battleroyal had a lot of the local Nor-Cal wrestlers I know, so I was happy to have the best seat in the house to hopefully see the match shine..but I'll get to that in a second.


Match 4 was The Powers of Pain with this very hot woman vs One Man Gang and Kamala with Slick. By the way, Slick is awesome. He kept ribbing me in the locker room about me giving him a straight count and to make sure I turn around when he's choking someone...but I didn't have this match so I didn't have to worry about Slick's antics. The Powers of Pain won.


Match 5 was Abyss and Shark Boy vs Lance Hoyt and someone who was doing a French Gimmick...I heard something about a Wild Stallon. I didn't meet him and wasn't in the back area when the introductions were made. Abyss and Sharkboy won, I missed this match.


Match 6 was a Hardcore 3 vs 3 tag match. It was Junior Fatu (Rikishi), Black Pearl, and Vampire Warriror (Gangrel) vs Orlando Jordon, Vic Grimes, and someone who was a Indy worker, didn't catch his name either. I didn't see this match either but I know the team of Fatu, Black Pearl, and Vampire Warriror won the match.


Match 7 was the Knight of the Indies battleroyal. Myself and the 3 other Referees were all out for this match. I didn't catch the Hardcore 3 vs 3 tag match but I did happen to see the spots of blood outside the ring...or it could have been Gangrel's blood myst.....either or it was someone's blood. Guys I knew in the battleroyal were Helfyre, Jason Vega, Alexis Darevko, The Ghetto Hesimen Badd Blood from Rated 2G, Maynard Skynard, Sexy Chino, 2 members of The Surburban Commandos T-Rent and D-Unit, Virgil Flynn, Mr. Frost, Timothy Thatcher, Sir Samurai, Mike Hyashi, and Robbie Gilmore. I hadn't seen Robbie in months because he decided to go to Booker T's school in Houston a few months ago, so it was really good to see Robbie Gilmore again. Two legends were in the battleroyal as well, Rock Riddle and Chavo Gurrero Sr.


Unfortunaily, none of the guys who I knew won the battleroyal, Sexy Chino came close and ended up being one of the last two guys in the ring...the other MMA fighter Shannon Ritch. Unfortunally Shannon Ritch elimated Chino from the match much to the fans dissapointment and won the battleroyal.


The next match was Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake and Greg "The Hammer" Valentine vs Koko B. Ware and Dr. Death Steve Williams. I didn't watch this match as I was getting ready for the main event but I know the team of Brutus Beefcake and Greg Valentine won. Dr. Death now has a hole in his throat due to his battle with throat cancer and even in his condition, he was a joy to talk to and he still worked a match. Dr. Death is the fucking man.


Next was Billy Kidman vs Ultimo Dragon. I caught the first half of this match, and it was great. I didn't catch the other half because I really wanted to get my mind set for the mainevent as it was going to big, but I heard everything about this match was great. Hopefully even with all the bullshit of the convention, the dvd will be put out and the show will air on Pay Per View. If you honestly can either watch the dvd or the airing of the show on PPV, I recommand this match. One of the things I did see was Ultimo Dragon came out with his son and his son was dressed just like him. Mask, tights, boots, and cape, they both looked great together. They even did Ultimo's enterance together. Both of them got in the ring, Billy Kidman dropped to his knees and challanged Ultimo's son, Ultimo's son answered by running up and chopping Billy in his chest. Ultimo Dragon won the match with his Asai DDT. During the match, the fans chanted "This is awesome!" and it truely was.


Finally it was the main event. I went out first, I was so fucking nervous, I'm not gonna lie. I'm in the middle of the cow palace, on a show that's going to be recorded for PPV and sold on DVD (Hopefully) and this could be a great oppotunity for me..SO I CAN NOT FUCK THIS UP!


I eagerly wait for the guy's in the match. First out was Steve Corino w/ Francine. Steve got on the mic and started cutting a promo on the fans, then the fans started chanting at Francine, the good ol "She's got herpes" chant came out of the bag and Francine got heated and took the mic from Corino and started going off on the fans as well. After a few minutes The Sandman came out with 3 girls representing the FireFrighters Brewery beer. The Sandman and the girls got in the ring and then he got on the mic. Sandman put over the brew and then started cutting a promo...then introduced someone to make sure Francine was kept in her place and that was...Babydoll.


Babydoll came out of the curtain holding the singapore cane of The Sandman. So now things have picked up. The match was about to start when all of a sudden Babydoll swung the cane at Corino and Corino quickly grabbed the micaphone and told me that I because Babydoll almost hit him with the cane, that Sandman should be DQ'ed and I need to annouce him as the winner. Corino hands me the mic and I gave him this response. "You are not the winner of the match, This is not a regular match, this is a hardcore match (fans pop), that means pinfalls and submissions only!" (fans pop again.) I hand the mic back to the ring annoucer and rang the bell for the match to start and right before The Sandman and Steve Corino lock up....music plays and out comes The Great Muta!!!!


The Great Muta whose in ring gear is now making his way to the ring and he has this woman with him (I can't remember her name.). The Sandman, Steve Corino, and myself are in shock. The Great Muta enters the ring and Steve Corino goes after him, only to be cut off and catch a dragon legsnap from The Great Muta, The Sandman goes after Muta and Muta cuts Sandman off as well and Sandman gets a dragon legsnap as well. The match is now a triple threat hardcore match!


During the match, The Sandman left the ring and made his way back to the curtain area. A minute later, I see Sandman coming back towards the ring, holding something over his head. It's a fucking guardrail! Sandman places the guardrail against the ring and gets back inside. At this time I noticed that Babydoll has been sliding a number of chairs into the ring. I had been paying so much attention to the action, I didn't notice that she had been doing that. When I realized it there was about 4 or 5 chairs in the ring. Steve Corino got thrown out of the ring and when he got back up, Corino placed the guardrail into the ring and got back into the ring and started going at it with The Great Muta again.


While Muta and Corino was going at it, The Sandman took advantage of it and set two chairs up near the corner, then placed the guardrail on top of the two chairs. The Sandman tried to get back into the match but both Muta and Corino cut him off and was able to lay him on top of the guardrail! Corino and Muta all of a sudden joined forces and Muta told Corino to go to the top turnbuckle and splash the fallen Sandman. Corino climbed to the top turnbuckle and when he turned around The Great Muta met Corino with a punch to the jaw....a loud punch to the jaw. Muta then grabbed Corino and climbed to the 2nd turnbuckle and suplexed Corino onto The Sandman...all three men were out and the crowd popped loudly.


And that's where I'm going to end the story of the match because I want you guys to buy the dvd or order the pay per view.


After the show was over, I thanked every man and woman in the matches that I was in and I said my good byes to all of those who I knew and met that night. Then headed back towards my house to make a quick apperance at a friends halloween party. The first night of the convention was great for me. There was a lot of rumored bullshit going on, but I really didn't pay any attention to it. I figured I wasn't being paid so I really didn't care. The experiance I got and the stories I can now tell is great for me. I am however trying to get a copy of the dvd, so we'll see how that goes.


The next two days of the convention will come in my next few blogs. So come back later!



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