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WrestleFanFest Saturday Experiance

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Now it's Saturday, and everything still feels surreal. I still can't believe I got to Ref the matches that I Ref'ed and I still can't believe I shared a locker room with guys who I grew up watching and being in awe of. Myself and the Ultimo Dragon got dressed in the same locker room and for those who don't know, Ultimo is one of my heroes. I honestly feel that if I quit today and never looked back, I'd be happy with what I've done, but I still had a weekend to finish.


So now it's Saturday and I woke up around noon and got to the Cow Palace a little bit after two o'clock. I had to pay for parking as I still didn't have my pass for the convention. After I parked, I saw Mr. Frost and Sir Samurai and said my hellos. They told me that the SPW and DMW booth had been combined and we were right next to Molly Holly and The Blue Meanie. Which was great! I hadn't seen or talked to Molly since December when we were both in Oregon and I wanted to try and get to know Blue Meanie a bit better, but I had a problem, because I didn't have my pass yet, I got stopped at the door.


I told security who I was, what I did the previous night, and how I had a booth in the convention but that didn't really work. They told me to call someone and so I did. I called Darevko and he came over and confirmed who I was and they let me in so I could go and get my pass. I ended up getting a staff pass instead of a vendor pass, which was better because it allowed me to go anywhere I wanted to. After getting my pass, I returned to my booth and there was Meanie and Molly Holly.


I was a bit nervous saying hello to Molly as it's Molly Holly and I was pretty sure she didn't remember who I was. After a little bit of being arkward, I re-introduced myself and we got to talking about things. She did remember that we met in Oregon at BAW and we talked for a few minutes. She's still doing really well and she's really loving her current job now and doesn't seem she wants to come back to wrestling. We ended up talking to one another on and off until she left. I also re-introduced myeslf to Meanie and ended up talking to him for a bit as well...he really likes the Devil Mountain Wrestling shirt, I should try to get him one.


Overall I was pretty dissapointed with Saturday. Not a lot got done, the MMA show got cancelled, and a lot of people were drunk, and rumors were running that the promoter was stiffing the workers. Hell, when I was heading over to get my pass, someone, who thinks he's a worker but he's really not AT ALL!, tried to stop me and tell me how so and so didn't get paid and asked me if I got paid. I told him no, and so and so not getting paid isn't my problem.


I was a bit dissapointed that the MMA show got cancelled, only because I was going to use it as a time killer. I honestly don't care for cage fighting as to me it seems, one fighter just puts the other fighter near the cage and pin him against it and that bores me. I actually prefer to watch Pride over all. The plan was to go to the MMA show, leave around 10 or 9:30 and head over to Oakland to get ready for the Rocky Horror Picture Show, but since the MMA show got cancelled, the convention shut down at 6:30 and had to head to Oakland because I didn't want to waste the gas. So I sat in Oakland, at the bar from 7:30 to 11:00. I was really fucking bored.


The best part of Saturday was getting to talk to Molly Holly and the blue meanie. Oh and also finding out Francine was ok...I kinda kicked Francine hard in the wrist on Friday night. I was checking on Steve Corino in the ring and she slid in behind me and I didn't see her. I shot my right leg straight out so I could be more comfortable and when I shot my leg out, I kicked her hard in the wrist. I couldn't fucking believe it, my awesome night almost went to complete and utter shit but luckily she was alright and told me not to worry about it as she's had worse happen to her. So that was one of the good parts of Saturday.


Sunday, was a lot better but that's going to be for another blog.

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