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gary floyd rates the new TV shows

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Gary Floyd




-Pushing Daisies-Best new show of the season. It's funny, has likeable characters (and hot chicks), great visuals, an intersting plot, and more. Great stuff. A


-Dirty Sexy Money-Not too wild about what I saw. Not even Donald Sutherland can save it. D


-Cavemen-No. F


-Carpoolers-Not even the presence of Kids in the Hall member Bruce McCulloch as a writer can make this good. Cliched and disappointing, as it could have been great. C-


-Big Shots-Sucks. I miss the shoe "Titus." F




-Chuck-The geek gimmick can occasionally get annoying, but it's still good stuff. B


-Journeyman-I really have wanted to like the show, and while Kevin McKidd is great, I have yet to be really involved. C+


-Bionic Woman-I really wanted to like this one also, but so far, it's just so-so. C


-Life-Good, but not great. It's fun, but formulaic. B-




-K-Ville-Also fun but formulaic. The thing that makes it is the cast, particularly Anthony Anderson. B-


-Back To You-Boring, with the exception of Fred Willard. D+




-The Big Bang Theory-From the producers of "2 1/2 Men." So yeah, it's not good. D-


-Cane-Interesting, and well acted, but a bit of a let down. C+


-Moonlight-Vampires as PI's? No thanks. F


-Viva Laughlin!-This is...well, it's something. It's a horrible show, but it's like a bad acid trip kind of horrible, as it's something you saw, hallucinated (well, it feels like it) and wish you never did see. F


The CW


-Aliens in America-Not too bad. The leads have great chemistry, and Adhir Kalayan could be the season's breakout star. Plus, it's got the kid from "The Hills Have Eyes" remake. B


-Reaper-The second best show of the season. Ray Wise gives the season's best performance as Satan. A


-Gossip Girl-Haven't seen it.


-Life is Wild-Ditto.

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It's about an Arab who transfers to an American high school and lives with a totally white family including a loser teenaged kid who becomes his default friend. Everything thinks he's an terrorrist and the show is full of really bad jokes. I couldn't get pass the first show.


My overall rankings for new shows


1. Pushing Daisies

2. Chuck

3. Dirty Sexy Money

4. Gossip Girl (Blair is fucking awesome, probably the best new character this year)

5. Reaper

6. Life

7. Big Shots

8. Cane

9. K-Ville

10. Everything else.

11. Viva Laughlin-JUST HORRIBLE.


I feel only the top 6 will keep me watching on a consistant basis, the rest I can miss and not worry about. I haven't seen past the first two episodes of Cane but I have them recorded and will get to them at some point, so the rating could rise or drop. Some shows such as Big Shots have one really good character (Titus in this case) that you wish they just made a show around them.

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