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HTQ takes the pencil in the NWA in 1989

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With the glut of fantasy booking that has started springing up all over the place lately, I've decided to take a crack at it. I'll be taking hold of the NWA starting in the middle of 1989. If you've read Loss's blog, and if you haven't I recommend you do, then you'll have read him mentioning that we batted around ideas for booking the NWA in 1989 based off of Ric Flair being able to lure away a group of wrestlers from the WWF that he was after. With Loss taking a shot at booking WCW from early 1999, I've decided to stay with the original idea of booking the NWA in 1989, and see what I can do with it.


I'll post the background to this shortly so you can get an idea of where things are going to be starting from, but things will be markedly different from how things went down in real life.


That means no Ding Dongs.

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I definitely look forward to this. While I know the general direction you're going and the stars you'd want to spotlight, I'm interested in seeing everyone else's reaction to you doing so, and you said you added some detail, so even I might end up surprised.

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I definitely look forward to this. While I know the general direction you're going and the stars you'd want to spotlight, I'm interested in seeing everyone else's reaction to you doing so, and you said you added some detail, so even I might end up surprised.


Care to spoil? tongue.gif

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based off of Ric Flair being able to lure away a group of wrestlers from the WWF that he was after.


Not up to snuff on NWA/WCW behind-the-scenes stuff during that time, so without spoiling anything, were all of these acquisitions feasibly possible? A lot of expiring contracts, unhappy workers, Flair's buddies, or what?


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HTQ re-writes the NWA in 1989


This NWA re-write begins in the summer of 1989, but the actual re-writing as far as television, Clashes and pay-per-views are concerned begins in January of 1990. The premise behind this re-write is that when Ric Flair was booking in 1989 he had designs on luring away a group of wrestlers from the WWF. This re-write takes the position that Flair was able to get those names to jump from the WWF to the NWA at various points in late 1989, that the NWA was also able to keep Ricky Steamboat, and that Tully Blanchard was able to jump back along with Arn Anderson.


The list of names that Ric Flair was after from the WWF were:


Ted DiBiase

Curt Hennig

Bret Hart

The Rockers

Roddy Piper

Randy Savage


Before getting into the main part of the re-write, I’ll explain when each name left the WWF and entered the NWA.


Ted DiBiase: DiBiase would leave the WWF at the end of November after doing the job to Hogan at Survivor Series.


After Terry Funk loses the I Quit match to Flair, he'd tease a retirement speech, dropping hints to it on commentary. At a taping at the end of December, the main event of the first hour of taping would be Terry Funk coming out for his apparent retirement announcement. Right as Funk gets to where he will announce he is going to retire, Ted Dibiase hits the ring and attacks Funk from behind, laying him out with a DDT on the floor. DiBiase would then grab the mic and tell Funk that he is a disgrace for not being able to beat Flair at the Clash, because in losing, Funk dishonored his father, and DiBiase looked up to Dory Funk Sr and he is going to make Funk pay for dishonoring Dory Sr. DiBiase would then let Ric Flair know that when he is done with Funk, he is going to come after Flair and do what Funk couldn't do, and that's take the World Title.


Curt Hennig: Hennig would leave at the end of November, after doing the job to Jimmy Snuka at Survivor Series (The finish would be changed when Hennig gave notice)


A series of vignette's would air during December's tv, with Hennig vowing to bring a sense of perfection to the NWA, and that he is the perfect wrestler, and he is going to prove it by coming after all the top names, whether it's Ric Flair, Sting, Lex Luger or Ricky Steamboat.


Bret Hart: Bret would leave at the end of November. after doing the job to Savage at Survivor Series


With Steamboat and Luger having a lengthy feud (see below), and Sting getting drawn into the mix, Luger says that he needs to find a tag team partner to take on Sting and Steamboat at Starrcade. They can tease who this partner is in the lead-up to Starrcade, and the week before on tv, they can heavily hint as to who it is in such a fashion that people will expect it to be Bret. Come Starrcade, and it's Sting and Steamboat versus Luger and his partner, he can bring out Bret Hart. The match goes about 15 minutes, with Sting and Luger fighting to the back, which will allow them to segue into a new feud, and the finish can be Bret using a roll-up plus a big handful of tights to get the pin Steamboat, and they can segue into their feud.


The Rockers: After Summerslam, with Jannetty doing the submission job to Martel in the six-man


The Midnight Express v Dynamic Dudes issue would be concluded at the end of September on tv, with Cornette and the MX doing their heel-turn on the Dudes, with Eaton pinning Ace after smashing him in the face with Cornette's racquet. MX and Corny would throw out an open challenge, claiming that while they're still chasing the tag titles, they are so good they need something else to do. In one promo, Lane can laugh and mention that one team is interested in their challenge, and he whispers the name to Cornette. Cornette laughs, and says that "they'd be fools to show up here". As the weeks go on, leading towards Clash of the Champions IX. Lane can bring the team up again, without mentioning any names, and Cornette will get slowly more irate and upset when talking about this unknown team. Finally, Cornette can snap, and challenge the mystery team to face the MX at the Clash. Fast forward to the Clash, and the MX and Corny are in the ring, and Cornette calls out the mystery team, telling the fans that, "these two goofs don't have what it takes to survive the Midnight Express and the rest of the NWA". Fast paced rock music hits, and The Rockers come bounding out, as the crowd go wild for them. With Cornette working his ass off at ringside, The MX and The Rockers (I'll call them that here, but they might have to change their names if this had really happened) go at it full blast for 20-minutes of **** action, which the crowd eats up. In the end, Cornette's attempt at interfering backfires, leaving Lane open to a flying bodypress from Michaels and getting pinned..


During November, Cornette and the MX cut some heated promo's, livid over what happened at the Clash, and really tear into The Rockers. The Rockers fire back that they made an impact in the NWA in the biggest way they could; by taking down The MX. Cornette and MX respond by saying The Rockers beat them once, but they haven't taken then down, and that wrestling is a marathon not a sprint. The Rockers play up on Cornette's choice of words, and challenge The MX to a 30-minute Marathon Match for Starrcade. Cornette and The MX accept the challenge, and the match is set for Starrcade.


In the Marathon Match, MX and The Rockers tear it up for 30-minutes of great action. MX win the first fall very quickly, with Cornette's tennis racquet coming into play, and Eaton getting the pinfall on Jannetty. The Rockers battle back, and at the 13-minute mark Michaels pins Eaton to even the score at one-fall each. The MX pull a fast one, and thanks to some illegal double-teaming, they regain the lead very quickly, and the MX are now 2-1 up. Big comeback by The Rockers as the match hits the home stretch, but at the 29-minute mark Cornette hits Jannetty with his racquet, to seemingly give MX the win, but wait!. Cornette dropped his racquet in the ring, and the referee questions him on its use. Corny and MX argue with the referee on this, and Michaels switches places with Jannetty. Eaton turns around, and gets small packaged by Michaels, and the referee sees this, and makes the three-count at 29:57, evening the match at two-falls apiece. The bell rings, the match is over, and The Rockers pull out a draw when it looked like they had lost the match.


Roddy Piper: At the end of November, after doing the job to Rude at Survivor Series.


From the beginning of January, have them build up to the debut of Piper's Pit Clash of the Champions X. Piper would do a series of taped vignette's based around who his first guest would be.


Randy Savage: At the end of the year, after doing the job to Hogan in the Cage match with Savage and Zeus against Hogan and Beefcake


As for how I’d bring him in to the NWA, wait and see.


Other booking for 1989:


Lex Luger v Ricky Steamboat - Bret Hart - Sting


After their match at the GAB, which saw Steamboat disqualified, interviews would be done between the two to set up a house show program. The first run would see regular matches, with Luger getting intentionally disqualified by hitting the referee, or deliberately counted out when he falls to the floor. Localized interviews would air to build up the second run, with Luger saying that Steamboat has to earn future shots at the US belt, and so Steamboat must win non-title matches. The second run would then be non-title matches, which Steamboat would win cleanly. This would build to a third run of matches, which would be no-disqualification matches, which Luger would win by piledriving Steamboat on a chair. After the matches, Luger would smash Steamboat with the chair, and go for another piledriver, before Sting would run in to make the save. One of these matches is shown on clip form on tv just after Clash IX, and Luger would say that this isn't fair, and that he is going to find a tag team partner to face Steamboat and Sting at Starrcade. They can tease who this partner is in the lead-up to Starrcade, and the week before on tv, they can heavily hint as to who it is in such a fashion that people will expect it to be Bret. Come Starrcade, and it's Sting and Steamboat versus Luger and his partner, he can bring out Bret Hart. Steamboat and Sting v Luger and Bret goes about 15-minutes. Luger and Sting will battle to the back, and this will allow them to segue into a Luger v Sting program. Meanwhile, back in the ring, Steamboat and Bret go at it in a great technical display, and Bret picks up the win with a roll-up and a big handful of tights.


Ric Flair v Great Muta for Starrcade:


After Muta attacks Flair at the end of Clash IX, Flair rips into Muta in a promo, and tells Muta that if he thinks he can attack Flair from behind and get away with it, then he is mistaken. Flair tells Muta to step up to the plate and see if he can do that kind of damage by attacking Flair face on, and Flair says he'll sweeten the deal, and put the NWA World Title on the line. The next week, Muta, via Gary Hart, accepts the challenge, and the match is set for the main event of Starrcade. During the hype, much is made of Muta being unbeaten in the NWA, and that Muta already has the TV Title and will look forward to adding the World Title to his collection. Various angles will take place to hype the match up, with the final tv before Starrcade seeing Muta 'mist' Flair with the black mist, and the announcers will go crazy putting it over, citing the black mist as the most dangerous mist, and that Flair is now the firm underdog going into Starrcade.


Flair comes out for the match with his eyes red and bloodshot, selling the misting from Muta. The match is mostly Muta in control with brawling and his usual spots, with Flair fighting back with chops and punches, and Muta going for the eyes to regain control. It goes about 17-minutes and is really heated, with the fans getting into Flair's comebacks. The finish sees Flair go for the figure-four on Muta, Gary Hart try to interfere only to get decked by Flair, and when Muta goes for Flair, Flair hits a lowblow with his heel that the crowd pop for and he slips on the figure-four on Muta who fights for all he can, but finally submits as Gary Hart tries to pull himself up to help Muta.


Starrcade '89:


Brian Pillman v Mike Rotunda

Tommy Rich v Eddie Gilbert

Sid and Mean Mark v The Samoan Swat Team

The Midnight Express v The Rockers in a 30-minute Marathon Match

Steiners v Doom (Titles v Mask; what happened at Clash X in real life, but done here instead)

Ricky Steamboat and Sting v Lex Luger and Mystery Partner

Ric Flair v Great Muta for the NWA World Title


...were all of these acquisitions feasibly possible? A lot of expiring contracts, unhappy workers, Flair's buddies, or what?


It could have been done, yes, but probably not in this exact fashion or at this specifc time frame. There is some artistic license involved, I won't deny that, but I don't think it's done in such a manner that lacks credibility. It wouldn't be something that would turn me off if someone else was doing it, so I'm ok with starting it like this.



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NWA Television: January until Clash of the Champions X - Part 1


January 6th - Power Hour:


Brian Pillman beat George South


Jim Ross and Jim Cornette talk about how it’s a new year in the NWA, and that things have started off in a big way, and the people will see that for themselves on WCWSN and that it is not an edition of WCWSN you want to miss. They say that later on in the hour, they’ll talk a little about the last big PPV of 1989 for the NWA, Starrcade.


The Dynamic Dudes beat Russ Parker and Derek Reynolds


Jim Ross interviews Ric Flair at ringside. Flair talks about entering 1990 as the World heavyweight champion, and says that he intends to leave 1990 as the World heavyweight champion. Ross brings up that a mystery person has been calling the NWA and demanding to face Flair. Flair responds by telling Ross that he’s heard talk about this for over a month, and brings up the Clash next month, and says that he might just have to keep that night clear so he can confront whoever this mystery person is.


A video clip of various NWA wrestlers in action plays as the voice over promotes upcoming house show dates.


Tom Zenk beat Jerry Reiner


Jim Ross and Jim Cornette talk about Starrcade, and how it ended the year on a big note for the NWA. Ross talks about Ric Flair beating The Great Muta to retain the NWA title, but when he brings up The Rockers battling back to hold The Midnight Express to a draw, Cornette gets angry, and tells Ross to stop going on about that and that they need to get back to the action.


Barry Windham beat Sal Costello


Jim Ross and Jim Cornette talk about Barry Windham, and they say that ties into the big event that will unfold on WCWSN this week. Ross says that everyone will be surprised by what is going to happen on WCWSN, and that people are in for a real treat. Cornette acts a little put out, and says that it is a big deal what is going to happen, but he doesn’t have to be happy about ‘them coming back’. Ross closes the Power Hour by saying that he knows Cornette won’t be the only one not happy about ‘their return’, but the fans of the NWA will be, and that they should tune into WCWSN to see what they mean.


January 6th  - Saturday Night:


The Skyscrapers (Sid Vicious and Mean Mark) beat Steve Wilson and Ray Hughes


Jim Ross welcomes the fans to WCWSN and tells them that the first edition of the New Year will be a very historic edition, and the fans are in for a treat. He plugs the main event of The Steiner Brothers defending the World tag team titles against The Freebirds.


Gordon Solie interviews Curt Hennig backstage. Solie talks about Hennig having a great pedigree in wrestling, and mentions his father Larry Hennig. Hennig says he has a lot to live up to, but has more than enough talent to do so. Hennig says he is here to wrestle and bring a sense of perfection to the NWA. Hennig finishes his interview by making it known that it doesn’t matter who it is; Hennig is coming after everyone.


Lex Luger beat Paul Kyle


The Freebirds do a backstage interview talking about their match against The Steiner Brothers in the main event. Garvin talks about bringing the belts back to Badstreet, and Hayes says there are two things the Steiner’s can do about The Freebirds taking the World tag titles; “nothing, and like it”.


A video clip of various NWA wrestlers in action plays as the voice over promotes upcoming house show dates.


Jim Ross introduces a taped vignette from Roddy Piper. Piper says that things are about to get interesting in the NWA with his return. Piper said he is bringing Piper’s Pit to the NWA, and he is going to use it as a platform. “A platform for what? Keep watching people. Just keep watching.”


Great Muta beat Brian White


Gordon Solie interviews The Steiner Brothers about their match against The Freebirds, which takes place next. Scott says they beat The Freebirds once and they can do it again just as easily. Rick barks loudly and calls the ‘birds’ dog meat.


The Steiner Brothers v The Freebirds for the World tag titles


The match starts quickly, with the Steiner’s sending the ‘birds running from the ring after some big clotheslines. The Steiner Brothers keep control until Garvin trips Scott up, allowing Hayes to deck Scott with his infamous punch. The Freebirds keep Scott down with typical heel cheating, but Scott fires back, and when he and Garvin clash heads, it sets up simultaneous tags. Rick knocked Michael Hayes about a little. Garvin tried to attack Rick, but Scott cut him off, and The Steiners had Hayes and Garvin down and had them down for the count when a commotion from the back of the Center Stage arena distracted fans and Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard hit the ring dressed in street clothes. Tully shoved Rick off of the top rope and he tumbled to the floor while Arn DDT’d Scott to lay him out. Anderson pulled Garvin up and hit him with a DDT, while Blanchard grabbed Hayes and hit him with his patented slingshot suplex. Rick Steiner tried to make the save for his brother, but Blanchard cut him off and whipped him into the ropes, stepping aside to let Anderson strike with his signature spinebuster.


Anderson and Blanchard surveyed the damage in the ring, and they held their arms up in celebration as the Center Stage crowd reacted with a mixture of boos and applause.


January 7th - Main Event:


Ricky Steamboat beat Preston Steele


Bob Caudle interviews Bret Hart backstage, and Bret is asked his thoughts about Ricky Steamboat after what happened at Starrcade. Bret says that all he has heard when it comes to pure wrestling ability is Ricky Steamboat this and Ricky Steamboat that. Bret says he is sick of it, and that he came to the NWA to show everyone that when it comes to pure technical ability, that nobody is better than he is, not even Ricky Steamboat. Bret promises Steamboat that they will meet again.


Sting beat Terrence Fowler


A video clip of various NWA wrestlers in action plays as the voice over promotes upcoming house show dates.


Gordon Solie tells the fans about the big happening on WCWSN last night and that later on in the hour they’ll show the fans a little of what happened.


The Midnight Express beat Jack Compton and Wally Keel


The Rockers give an interview backstage, talking about The Midnight Express. They tell the Express that they’ve still got issues to settle, and they intend to settle them real soon, and that the Express and Cornette should watch out.


Kevin Sullivan beat David Tyrone


Gordon Solie introduces clips from WCWSN where Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard returned and laid out both The Steiner Brothers and The Freebirds. After the clips are shown, Solie closes the program by telling the fans to tune into the Power Hour next week for more on this breaking story.



The Wrestling Wrap Up News and Notes Section


The Wrap Up has learned that Ric Flair has been calling the NWA himself to try and find out more about just who it is that has been calling them wanting to face him. The NWA Board has been unable to supply Flair with the answers he wants, but the Wrap Up team will try and find out what the NWA Board apparently cannot.


When contacted about the new line up of The Skyscrapers, Theodore R Long told The Wrap Up that Dan Spivey had a tour of Japan to attend to, but that Spivey could return to the NWA at anytime.


From talking to numerous wrestlers in the NWA locker room, The Wrap Up has learned that the return of Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard was met with a lot of wry smiles. Arn and Tully weren’t popular with many wrestlers when they were last in the NWA, and those wrestlers are looking forward to being able to get their hands on them once again.


I'm guessing some people might not like the glut of squash matches, but that's what made up the majority of television back then. There will be some feature matches here and there, usually on WCWSN, but the bulk of the stories on television will be done via interviews and promos as well as angles.

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I'm liking this, HTQ. I'm especially excited about the Steamboat/Hart feud, Hennig and Dibiase.


The Tag Team division looks great as well. We might even see the addition of a Triad-type faction in the Skyscrapers which could be fun.


It'll probably take a few shows to "get used to" the squash matches, but it's better than pitting main eventers against each other every other week on free television. If the interviews and angles are good, I could care less about the squash matches.


Either way, can't wait for the next installment.

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NWA Television: January until Clash of the Champions X - Part 2


January 13th - Power Hour:   


Cactus Jack beat Jason Tibbs


The Road Warriors cut a promo backstage concerning the return to the NWA of Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard. They let Anderson and Blanchard know that they don’t want them back, and that they better not get in the way of the Warriors and the World tag titles, or they’ll be road kill.


The SST beat Larry Taylor and Alan Hunter


Jim Ross and Jim Cornette talk about the return of Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard. Ross puts it over as a great move for the NWA to bring back one of it’s most respected and talented tag teams. Cornette grumbles loudly, saying that what Ross says is true, but that doesn’t mean that he (Cornette) has to like it or agree with it. Cornette makes a remark about The Express having a score to settle with Anderson and Blanchard, and that it might get settled soon if they try anything.


A video clip of various NWA wrestlers in action plays as the voice over promotes upcoming house show dates.


A vignette with Curt Hennig was played. He was shown walking around a sunny resort town, mingling with the tourists and having a good time. The vignette then cuts to a great looking hotel room, and Hennig has a smile on his face. Hennig then talks about how having a sense of perfection doesn’t just mean you know how to wrestle, but you also know how to relax and have fun too, and that when he makes his debut in the NWA that he is going to have fun, not just out of the ring, but inside it too. The vignette finishes with Hennig flashing a cocky smile.


The Freebirds are interviewed backstage by Gordon Solie, and they talk about what happened last week on WCWSN. Garvin and Hayes make it clear they’re going to get their revenge on Anderson and Blanchard, no matter what it takes.


Eddie Gilbert beat Gary Sabaugh


Jim Ross and Jim Cornette end the program by telling the fans to tune into the WCWSN and find out more about the return to the NWA of Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard.


January 13th - Saturday Night:


WCWSN opens with clips from last week of the return of Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard.


Doom beat Marty Whistler and Larry Lunde


Gordon Solie interviews The Steiners backstage, and they talk about their anger at being attacked by Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard. Scott tells Arn and Tully that they’ve bitten off more than they can chew this time, and the Steiners are coming after them and won’t stop until they’ve gotten some payback.


A video clip of various NWA wrestlers in action plays as the voice over promotes upcoming house show dates.


Bret Hart beat Dale Wolfe


Ted DiBiase gives a promo backstage. He talks about Terry Funk, and tells Funk that after Funk lost to Ric Flair in the I Quit match that he felt bad. He didn’t feel bad for Funk, though, but for the memory of his father, Dory Funk Sr. DiBiase said that as someone who looked up to and idolized Dory Sr, he felt disgusted that his blood would let him down in such a manner. DiBiase told Funk that has someone who looked up to Dory Sr that he (DiBiase) was going to do the right thing by Dory and teach his son a lesson. DiBiase finished by telling Funk that when their paths finally cross that he is going to teach Funk what the son of a legend should be like.


Sting beat Jackson Jones


Ric Flair comes to ringside to cut a promo. He talked about how being the man in professional wrestling makes you the target of a lot of people. He said that he’s not only got all the top names in the NWA like Sting, Lex Luger, Barry Windham, Ricky Steamboat and other after him, but he’s also got people outside of the NWA wanting to come in and take a shot at him.  Flair said that it doesn’t matter if your within the NWA or not, when it comes to challengers, Ric Flair is afraid of none of them, and that he invites anyone who thinks they can take him down to step up to the plate.


Ole Anderson v The Dragon Master


This match was a short brawl, featuring lots of kicking and punching and not much else. Gary Hart tried to interfere but got decked by Anderson, who then stunned Dragon Master with a cradle to get the win.


Jim Ross was in the ring and asked Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard to come to the ring so they could explain their actions last week. Anderson and Blanchard came out to mostly booing from the crowd, but also some cheers. Tully said that when they got the call to come back to the NWA, the first thing that they felt they had to do was to make an impact and let everyone know that they hadn’t lost a step. Tully feels they did just that. Anderson follows this up by talking about that when you ant to make an impact, that you don’t start at the bottom; you start at the top. Arn says that the Steiner Brothers are right at the top of tag team wrestling in the NWA, and they not only made an impact in the NWA but on the Steiners. Before Arn can continue, The Steiner Brothers come charging out from the back and hit the ring. Anderson and Blanchard quickly hurry out of the ring, and back away from the Steiners. In the ring, Rick and Scott are holding up their World tag title belts and daring Anderson and Blanchard to come and take them. As WCWSN goes off the air, Anderson and Blanchard are slowly backing away from the ring and The Steiners, and are looking like they’re deciding on whether to return to the ring or walk away.


January 14th - Main Event:


The Dynamic Dudes beat Terry Brown and Denny Smith


Bob Caudle interviews Ricky Steamboat backstage. Steamboat talks about his ongoing issue with Bret Hart. Steamboat says that has always had respect for Bret’s ability, but that he doesn’t care for his attitude, and that he thinks Bret’s attitude is the one thing stopping him from reaching his true potential. Steamboat says that as much as he respects Bret, he intends to show him that you don’t need the kind of attitude Bret has to make it to the top, and that he is proof of that as he is a former World champion.


Sting beat Jack Riley


A video clip of various NWA wrestlers in action plays as the voice over promotes upcoming house show dates.


Gordon Solie talks about the confrontation on WCWNS between The Steiners and Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard. Solie tells us that talks are underway to sign a match between the two teams that will take place in the very near future, and that he will let us know if anything major happens on that front.


The Rockers beat Denny Brown and Greg Sawyer


Terry Funk gives a backstage promo, and talks about Ted DiBiase. Funk tells DiBiase that he shouldn’t be bringing up the name of his father, because DiBiase has already angered him with what he did and that bringing his father into it is just going to make things worse. Funk tells DiBiase that if it’s a fight he wants then it’s a fight he’ll get, and that nobody fights like a Funk.


The Samoan Swat Team beat Paul Rose and Gary Fall


Gordon Solie closes the program by telling the fans to tune into the Power Hour next week for more news on the situation involving The Steiner Brothers and Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard, and that an announcement regarding the US tag team titles is coming soon.


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NWA Television: January until Clash of the Champions X – Part 3


January 20th - Power Hour:


Barry Windham beat David Nelson


Jim Ross and Jim Cornette talk about the confrontation between Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard on last week’s edition of Saturday Night, and they say a big announcement about the two teams will be made on this weeks edition of Saturday Night


A video clip of various NWA wrestlers in action plays as the voice over promotes upcoming house show dates.


Ricky Steamboat beat Craig Fowler


Gordon Solie interviewed Bret Hart backstage. Hart said that he can outwrestle anyone, including Ricky Steamboat, and that Steamboat needs to remember just who pinned who at Starrcade. Hart warned Steamboat that if they get in the ring again, the result will the same; a victory for Hart.


Brian Pillman beat Terry Jackson


Jim Ross and Jim Cornette talked about the US tag team titles and said that the belts would soon be brought back to the NWA, and that a tournament for them would be taking place soon, and that the fans should keep an eye out on NWA programming for more information.


Doom beat Fred Phelps and Dave Hudson


Jim Ross and Jim Cornette close the program by talking about how Doom are sure to be in the tournament to determine the new US tag team champions, and that they or any team in the NWA could end up winning the belts. Cornette remarks that the Midnight Express might just see fit to go after the US belts, and that if they do, he doesn’t see any team being able to stop them.


January 20th - Saturday Night:


Lex Luger beat Tyrone Wilson


Gordon Solie interviewed Sting backstage. Sting talked about Lex Luger. Sting said that it was no secret that he and Luger were friends in the past, but Sting said they hadn’t been friends in a long time because of the bad choices Luger has made in his professional life. Sting said that as much as he respected Luger in the past, he can’t respect him anymore, and that he’s going to teach Luger a lesson, and Sting he plans on doing that by taking the United States heavyweight championship.


The Skyscrapers (Sid Vicious and Mean Mark) beat Paul Lee and Gary Sabaugh


A vignette aired featuring Roddy Piper. Piper talked in his usual cryptic manner, and referenced several wrestlers in the NWA, and said that any one of them could be his guest on the first NWA edition of Piper’s Pit at the Clash next month. Piper said that if you think you know the answers to the questions he’s asking, think again, because he’ll just change the questions, and your answers will be all wrong.


Bret Hart beat Vern Henderson


A video clip of various NWA wrestlers in action plays as the voice over promotes upcoming house show dates.


Ric Flair came to ringside for an interview. He talked about the mystery person calling the NWA to challenge him, and said that it doesn’t matter who it is, that he’d be more than willing to take them on. Flair talked about his other main challengers, including Sting, Lex Luger, Barry Windham, and that even a young guy like Brian Pillman is someone to take notice of. Flair finished off by saying that it doesn’t matter who he has to face, the bottom line is that he’ll remain the world champion for as long as he wants to.


Brian Pillman versus The Samoan Savage


This was a classic big man vs. little man contest, with Pillman having to use his speed and agility to outfox his much larger opponent. The Savage was able to pound on Pillman for a while, but Pillman was as gutsy as ever and refused to give up, and he was able to dodge an attempted charge into the corner, which winded The Savage. This allowed Pillman to scramble to the top rope, and when The Savage turned around Pillman came flying off the top with a great high crossbody and picked up the popular victory.


When we came back from commercials, Jim Ross was in the ring. Ross announced to the fans that a big match had been signed for the Clash of the Champions on February 6th, and that match would see The Steiner Brothers defend the World tag team championship against the team of Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard. As the fans cheered, Ross started to talk about how it was the first match of many that would take place at the Clash, but before he could go on, Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard came out in street clothes and entered the ring. Ross asked them why they were interrupting the program. Arn said they just wanted to make something clear to the Steiners before they met at the Clash. Arn told the Steiners not to expect an easy ride. Arn said he and Tully may have just come from where the action was more show and tell than smash mouth wrestling but Arn and Tully are the epitome of smash mouth wrestling when it comes to tag team competition. At this point The Steiner Brothers charged the ring, and like last week, Arn and Tully bailed out and backed off. Scott Steiner grabbed the mic from Jim Ross, and yelled at Arn that he and Tully can run all they want, but the running ends at the Clash.


January 21st - Main Event:


Tom Zenk beat Dave Fidel


Bob Caudle interviewed Curt Hennig backstage. Caudle asked Hennig when he’ll make his in-ring debut in the NWA. Hennig said that he’s taking his time because he doesn’t rush anything, because that isn’t how he is. Hennig says he’ll make his debut when the time is right, and that when he does, the NWA will finally find out what it’s like to have a sense of perfection, and know true wrestling talent.


Mike Rotundo beat Sal Richards


A video clip of various NWA wrestlers in action plays as the voice over promotes upcoming house show dates.


Bob Caudle interviewed Doom backstage. Doom talked about the US tag title tournament that would be coming up soon. Butch Reed said it would be the perfect opportunity for them to get another shot at the World tag team titles, and bust some heads along the way. Ron Simmons said that Doom would get the US tag titles first, then move on to the World tag titles, and that nobody was stopping them.


The Road Warriors beat Pete Taylor and Keith Starr


Ted DiBiase cut a promo backstage. He derided Terry Funk again, and said that he lacked the heart of a Funk, of a warrior. DiBiase said that Funk is in for the lesson of a lifetime when the two finally meet in the ring, and DiBiase assures everyone that that time is coming soon.


Cactus Jack beat Daniel Warren


Gordon Solie closes the program up by talking about the return of the US tag titles, and the signing of the World tag title match between The Steiner Brothers and Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard that will take place at the Clash next month.


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A wrestler doing a Fred Phelps gimmick would get tremendous heat. Although sadly, a wrestler would probably get a huge pop if he came down to the ring yelling about how "God hates fags".

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NWA Television: January until Clash of the Champions X – Part 4



January 27th - Power Hour:


Sting beat Joe Summers


Gordon Solie interviewed Lex Luger backstage. Luger talked about being the total package when it came to wrestling ability and looks. When asked about his issue with Sting, Luger said there is no issue because there is no comparison between the two. Luger said Sting was jealous of his talent and ability, and Luger vowed that Sting would never become the US heavyweight champion.


The Dynamic Dudes beat Paul Gregory and Dave Fuller


A video clip of various NWA wrestlers in action plays as the voice over promotes upcoming house show dates.


Gordon Solie interviewed Brian Pillman backstage. Pillman talked about the new competition in the NWA, and how he’s looking forward to testing himself against them. Pillman also talked about the upcoming US tag title tournament, and said that he’s after gold, so me may go and find a tag team partner and enter the US tag title tournament.


Ricky Steamboat beat George South


Barry Windham cut a promo backstage. He talked about the return of Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard, and said the he was always glad to see familiar faces back, but not to expect a family reunion anytime soon. Windham talked about Lex Luger as well, and mentioned that they have some unfinished business, and that if Luger is too bothered by Sting he may soon find himself bothered by not having that US heavyweight title anymore.


Norman the Lunatic beat Arnold Gross


January 27th - Saturday Night:


The Rock and Roll Express beat Larry Denton and Rick Walker


Jim Ross interviewed Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard at ringside. Ross prefaced the interview by saying that the Steiners had been barred from interrupting the interview, and would be getting their own airtime later on in the program. Anderson said the Steiners were living on borrowed time as World tag team champions. Anderson the belts always belonged to he and Tully, and they just lent them to another team while they went on a working vacation, but vacation time is over and it’s time to get back to business. Tully chimed in that the people have been starving to see a real tag team in action, and at the Clash the people are going to get a three-course meal.


A video clip of various NWA wrestlers in action plays as the voice over promotes upcoming house show dates.


The Road Warriors beat Barry Frey and Mark Russell


Jim Cornette and The Midnight Express cut a promo backstage. Cornette was still outraged over what happened at Starrcade last months between the Express and The Rockers, and he vowed that the problems between the two teams were far from settled, and they may just get around to settling things real soon. Cornette then talked about the upcoming US tag team title tournament, and said that the Express had been the US tag team champions before, so they know what’s like to have the gold, and they feel like having the gold again, and so Cornette officially announced that The Midnight Express were entering themselves into the tournament that would determine the new US tag team champions.


Bret Hart beat Larry Winters


Jim Ross interviewed The Steiner Brothers at ringside. Ross prefaced the interview by saying that Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard had been barred from interrupting this interview, just as The Steiners had been barred from interrupting their interview earlier. Scott Steiner said that it didn’t matter if Arn and Tully were barred from coming out, because they’ll get their hands on them next month at the Clash, and there isn’t anything that they can do about it. Rick barked in that Arn and Tully were just dog meat, and that he’s feeling hungry, and he’ll be taking a bite out of Arn and Tully at the Clash.


Ricky Steamboat versus Barry Windham


The fans were really hot for this match, and it lasted almost 15-minutes. It was a back-and-forth affair, with both men proving to be a match for each other. Windham looked good when he was able to overpower Steamboat, while Steamboat came back with his patented chops and armdrags, and was able to outwrestle Windham and keep him on his toes. The action was hot and heavy, and Steamboat had Windham laid out after a big suplex and was ready to come off the top rope with a move, when Bret Hart hit the ring and shoved Steamboat off the top rope and into the ring, causing the referee to call for the bell. Windham and Hart double-teamed on Steamboat for a few moments, before Sting hit the ring to make the save, and he and Steamboat were able to run Hart and Windham from the ring.


January 28th – Main Event:


Brad Armstrong and Tommy Rich beat Tim Parker and Harold Jackson


Gordon Solie talked about Armstrong and Rich being a new team, and forming because they want a shot at becoming US tag team champions. Solie talked about all the tag teams in the NWA looking at the US tag titles because the US tag team champions are the number one contenders to the World tag titles.


Ranger Ross beat Terry Reynolds


A video clip of various NWA wrestlers in action plays as the voice over promotes upcoming house show dates.


Bob Caudle interviewed Theodore R Long and The Skyscrapers backstage. They talked about being in the hunt for the World tag titles, and that it doesn’t matter to them if The Steiner Brothers are the champions or if Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard get the belts; The Skyscrapers will be the NWA World tag team champions.


Tom Zenk beat Garry Sabaugh


The Freebirds cut a promo backstage. Hayes says they were robbed of their chance at the World tag titles a couple of weeks ago, and Arn and Tully will pay for that at some point. Garvin says that with the upcoming US tag title tournament they want in it, because the US tag team champions are the number one contenders to the World tag titles, and that means automatic title shots. Hayes says they’ll be back in the tag title hunt, and nobody can stop them.


Lex Luger beat Tom Watson


Bob Caudle interviewed Sting backstage. Sting talked about Luger and said that Luger needs an attitude adjustment, and that he’s going to give it to him by taking the US heavyweight title. Sting said that he hasn’t forgotten his world title aspirations either, and that after he’s won the US title he may go after Flair and the world title as well.


Buzz Sawyer and The Dragon Master beat Jack Richards and Sal Grundy


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