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Review: Shorties Section from 12-5 to 12-8-07.

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Easy lineup, with two matches I love. Should be easy to knock out.



The first gift this time, is from Mickie James. It's Wendi Richter w/Cyndi Lauper vs. Leilani Kai w/The Fabulous Moolah for the Women's Title, from WrestleMania. Rock and Wrestling...


Blow-by-blow: Richter punches Kai, but Kai follows with a kick, and an armdrag. Richter applies a hammerlock, and throws Kai to the canvas, but Kai gives her two snap mares to get out of it. She pulls on Richter's hair a whole punch and chokes her, until Richter applies a body scissors. Kai stands up, and gets taken to the canvas for 2, and then rolled up for 2. Kai misses a charge to the corner (eats feet), and Richter covers her for 2. Moolah pulls Richter's hair, so Lauper comes over and hits Moolah. Kai pulls Richter back in, and gives her a big boot. Richter gives her this F-U looking thing for 2, but Kai comes back with a backbreaker for 2. She slams Richter and goes up top for a crossbody, but Richter reverses it, winding up on top for the cover at 6:12. New champion, yeah, and all that.


Match Analysis: Was a mess. One that I'd rather not waste more words on. 1/2*.



Jonathan Coachman's gift is Rock vs. Hogan from WM X8. That's all the description you need.


Blow-by-blow: The staredown before the bout still gives me chills, even though I've watched this match at least 20 times. Both wrestlers lock-up, until Hogan pushes Rocky to the canvas. He poses, and the crowd goes apeshit. I still mark for this entire match, so everything is going to be insanely biased. Hogan gives Rock a shoulderblock, and poses more. Hell yeah, son! He gives him a clothesline, but Rock comes back with one of his own, and tells him to BRING IT. Rocky gives him the SPIT PUNCH, but Hogan seems deathly terrified of taking a bump over the top, so he scoots out of the ring under the bottom rope. Rocky throws Hogan back in, and clotheslines him after Hogan isn't able to backdrop the Rock. Rock goes for ROCK BOTTOM, but he gets elbowed away by Hogan, and then given a running elbow. Hogan gives him 2 elbowdrops, and a face stomp to boot. Rocky gives Hogan a spear, and the mount punch. Hogan then gives Rock a back suplex, which gets a 2 count. Hogan goes to the ABDOMINAL STRETCH, and then rolls Rock up for another 2 count. He gives Rock the BACK RAKE, and a few chops, before taking him to the corner. Over there, he gives Rock two punches, and bites him. Rocky gives him a few chops (huh), and Hogan misses a charge to the corner, but quickly gives Rock a chokeslam afterward. Hogan takes the tape off his wrists and chokes the Rock with it, and tosses Rock out over the top rope. He rams the Rock into the steel steps, and slams him throat-first onto the barrier at ringside. Hogan begins to take apart the announce table, seemingly to slam Rocky onto it, but the Rock gets there first, and rams Hogan into the table. Rock grabs a chair, but the official takes it away, preventing him from using it. Back inside, Hogan gives Rock a clothesline, and sidesteps when the Rock's running afterward, forcing the Rock to run into the official. Rock comes back with an ugly spinebuster, and the SHARPSHOOTER. Hogan gets to the ropes, but since the ref's out, why break the hold? Once Rock thinks he's done enough, he revives the referee, as the crowd chants "Rocky Sucks." Gee, they love him, don't they. Hogan gives the Rock a low blow, and a ROCK BOTTOM, which only gets 2. Hogan takes off his weight belt now, and hits Rock with it three times. If Hollywood hasn't used his belt yet, the match isn't going to be ending. Of course, he has to take some punishment too, after he misses a punch with the belt on his hand, and gets caught with a DDT by Rocky. Rock grabs the belt now, and hits Hogan with it 7 times. He gives Hogan ROCK BOTTOM, which gets an early 2 count. Oh my GAWD, he's HULKIN' UP! Boom, boom, boom, big boot, DROP THE FUCKING LEG, but it only gets 2. JR was going into raptures about how Hogan pinned Andre with the legdrop, so it's fitting that the move iddn't finish the match. Hogan gives Rock another big boot, but is unable to DROP THE FUCKING LEG. Rock gives him ROCK BOTTOM, and sends him down to ROCK BOTTOM AGAIN, then kips up and gives him the MF'ING PEOPLE'S ELBOW for 3 at 16:23. After the Rock celebrates for a bit, Hogan extends his hand in friendship. The Rock accepts the gesture, so Scott Hall and Kevin Nash go to the ring. They thought Hogan was NWO 4 LIFE, but I guess he's not, so they attack him. The Rock runs back down to the ring, and cleans house, along with Hogan. He wants Hogan to pose, so he does. That's the end of WM X8...oh wait, it's not.


Match Analysis: ***. I don't have any problem with those that say the match wasn't that good, but come on. Not only that, but it should've been their only match, and the match at No Way Out 2003 should never have happened. But yeah, the show should've ended here. It would've been the perfect ending, Hogan passing the torch, and then Rocky coming back to help run off the dastardly NWO, who turned on the guy they thought was NWO 4 LIFE. For shame WWF, for shame.



Ok, here we go. CM Punk's gift is sure to be something good, and it was. Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Eddy Guerrero in a Mask vs. Title Match, for the WCW Cruiserweight Title, from Halloween Havoc. You know, when being Cruiserweight Champion meant something.


Blow-by-blow: Eddy taunts Rey at the beginning of the match, but misses the punch he said he'd hit Rey with. Rey comes off the ropes with a quebrada, and he turns it into an armdrag. He gives Eddy a HUGE monkeyflip, then knocks him over the top rope and to the floor with a crossbody. He goes to dive onto Eddy from the apron, and gets knocked straight down to the floor, landing on his back. Eddy rams Rey, head-first into the steel steps. Ouch. Eddy hilos onto Rey when he comes back in, and gives him a European uppercut. Rey gives him a dropkick and goes for a handspring elbow, but Eddy gives him a back suplex after catching him. Eddy gives him a delayed vertical suplex for 2, and then a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Eddy tears at Rey's mask, but doesn't rip it, yet, anyway. He then gives Rey an abdominal stretch, and turns that into a pumphandle backbreaker, which gets two. Then they do the typical lucha sequence, where a guy rolls up from the mat and onto the opponents shoulders, taking him over, BUT THIS TIME, Rey springs onto the top rope instead, and gives Eddy a backflip DDT. Wow. That's way better than AJ Styles' quebrada reverse DDT. Part of that is because AJ does it EVERY match. Rey gives him a dropkick that puts Eddy on the outside, and springs up to follow Eddy, but Eddy gives him a dropkick, knocking Rey to the floor. Eddy rams Rey into the guardrail, and throws him back in, where Eddy applies a camel clutch. Love the back-oriented offense here. He tears at most of Rey's mask, leaving it with a gigantic hole in the material. Eddy applies a Gory Special, and Rey armdrags his way out of it. Rey misses a dropkick, so Eddy gives Rey a dropkick to the head, as Rey's down on the canvas. Eddy gives Rey an Argentine Backbreaker, and then applies a bow and arrow lock. Eddy gives Rey a back elbow afterward, and puts his foot on the ropes to CHEAT, but only gets 2. Eddy gives Rey a European uppercut, and then tosses him into the corner, where Rey goes upside down. Eddy gives Rey a dropkick, and then tries to get a running start to give him a baseball slide to the face, but Rey raises up, causing Eddy to slide into the ringpost, nuts first. Good thing the post was padded. Rey now FLIES off the top with a plancha (I figured out the difference between a plancha and a pescado the other day. What a fucking buffoon I am.), onto Eddy, who's on the floor. Back inside, Eddy tries a tilt-a-whirl slam, but Rey finds his way out of the hold, and gives Eddy a rana for 2. Eddy gives Rey a clothesline, but Rey finds a way to go through the ropes, 619 style, and headscissor Eddy to the floor. Rey flies out onto Eddy, who's on the floor, with a DRAGONRANA. No shit. Great stuff. Rey comes back in off the top, with a standing corkscrew senton, onto Eddy. It gets 2, so Rey slams him, and tries a springboard split legged moonsault, but eats Eddy's knees. Eddy gives him a sick looking powerbomb, which gets 2. The "Eddy Sucks" chant begins, so Eddy takes Rey into the turnbuckle. He misses a charge, and Rey gives him a spinning heel kick. Rey's springboard hurricanrana misses, as Eddy avoids it and catches Rey, turning the move into a backbreaker. Eddy goes up top, and Rey avoids the frog splash, so Eddy rolls through, as he usually does. Rey gets up on the top rope, and he gets crotched. Eddy tries to give him a back suplex, but he's pushed away. So now, Eddy goes for SPLASH MOUNTAIN. He gets ready to drop Rey all the way down to the canvas, but Rey counters with a hurricanrana, for the win and the Cruiserweight Title at 13:51. But most importantly, Rey gets to keep his mask. Eddy is really pissed off, so he attacks Rey after the match and throws him out of the ring.


Match Analysis: It's certainly the best Cruiserweight Title match ever. Can't recommend this one enough. Most of the matches that feature this many highspots have a fuckup or two, but this one doesn't. It's an easy *****. I liked Eddy's back work the most. Almost all the moves and holds he used were moves that are supposed to target the back.



From the David Von Erich Memorial Show at Texas Stadium, it's Mike, Kevin and Fritz Von Erich vs. The Fabulous Freebirds (Michael Hayes, Terry Gordy and Buddy Roberts), for the World 6 Man Tag Team Championship. Self explanatory, isn't it. This was Shawn Michaels' gift.


Blow-by-blow: As soon as the match starts, Fritz attacks Hayes. The Von Erich's clear the ring, so once Gordy finds a chair, he throws one in. It hit Kevin's hands or something, cause he's bleeding pretty badly from that area. David Manning grabs the mic, and says that the only rule in the match is that two people are all that's allowed in the ring. Kevin and Roberts start as the bell rings (I was timing before), and Kevin rams Roberts to the turnbuckle. As a result, Michael Hayes comes in, and basically says, "fuck the rules." Roberts hits Kevin, but misses a charge to the corner. Kevin drags Roberts over to Mike, who tags in and elbowdrops Roberts in the knee. Hayes comes in and slams Mike, but misses a splash off the 2nd rope. Fritz comes in and kicks Hayes, so everyone else joins in the fight. Fritz takes his belt off, and whips Hayes' ass with it. Harhar. Kevin and Gordy stay in when the ring clears, and Gordy rams Kevin to the buckle. I guess Fritz can't handle watching his sons get beat up, so he comes in and clobbers Gordy. If the Von Erich's win, Kerry takes Fritz's position in the team as a champion. Kevin goes for the CLAW, but Gordy stops it. Hayes comes in, and gives Kevin a clothesline, then takes his boot off and hits Kevin in the head with it. Roberts comes in, and thrusts his crotch into the face of Kevin. That's how it looked, but really, he was hitting him with his belt buckle. Roberts gives Kevin a backdrop, but Kevin lands near to Fritz, tagging him in. Fritz gives Hayes and Roberts a double noggin-knocker, and applies the CLAW, to a bleeding Michael Hayes. And then, Fritz gives Roberts the CLAW, until Gordy forces him to break the hold. See, this is one thing I don't like about World Class. Old man Fritz has to dominate, whenever he steps in the ring. Gordy and Hayes are then rammed into each other by the Von Erichs, and Kevin comes off the top with a crossbody to finish Roberts at 8:53. The crowd goes apeshit, but they were doing that for the duration of the match anyway. After the match, a "big Oriental" attacks the Von Erichs, until Kerry comes in the ring to break it up. The "big Oriental" was Killer Khan.


Match Analysis: Wild. It's really hard to go into great detail, though. ***1/4. Just trust me, you want to watch it.



Ok, I'm done for a day or two. Nothing to watch, nothing to review.

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