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After 1st match thoughts

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On Saturday night (12/15) I had my first offical pro match at Devil Mountain Wrestling. Well technically my first match was the Halloween Battleroyal that took place in Oct, but I'm not counting that match, so the match over the weekend was my first offical match.


The night started with me cutting a promo after the first match..that I fucking butchered. I kinda had certain points I wanted to get over but I think I tried to structure it to much and tried to hard to get those certain points over with the crowd, which caused me to over think and stumble over my words. I really really butchered that promo and felt really shitty about it afterwards. I actually heard Helfyre in the back yelling stuff during the promo...he had been doing that all night long as well. Helfyre was being really..umm..loud that night. Which was funny because even though we had a good crowd..they were dead for a good majority of the night. I didn't get it. Even with big moves, the crowd kinda sat on their hands, which was weird because it was pretty much our normal crowd. Luckily they did get loud for my match.


So I Ref'ed another match that night then after a little while longer, my match finally came up. It was a 6 man tag match, with America's Most Hated Anton Vorhees, Alexis Darevko, and Sheik Kahn Abodi vs The Fun Atheltic Guys Kimo and Chico and myself. The match started with Kimo working on Anton. Kimo got a early advantage and decided to keep tagging his tag partner Chico in. The Fun Atheltic Guys wouldn't tag me in. They felt they were protecting me from America's Most Hated.


At one point, Kimo and Chico were able to get all three members of America's Most Hated outside of the ring. Kimo and Chico invited me to come into the ring and celebrate with them...but they ended picking me up and throwing me to the outside on top of America's Most Hated. Here's a picture...




After being tossed out and on top of America's Most Hated, I threw Anton Vorhees back into the ring and returned to my corner. After being not tagged after a few more tags, Chico went for another tag of Kimo and I cut Kimo off and tagged myself in. I was tired of being ignored and wanted my chance to shine.


After being tagged in, I went right to work on Vorhees. I snapped him over with a snap mare and gave him a good kick to the back. I then picked him up and gave him a nice LOUD chop to his chest, backing Anton to the ropes. I whipped him off the ropes as I planned to hit Anton with a clothesline but instead, Anton did a Pa-lae (Aj Styles back flip kick) kick and caught me on top of the head. It all went down hill from there.


I proceeded to get my ass kicked for what seemed like forever. America's Most Hated kept me away from my corner and kept tagging themselves in and out. I was getting my ass handed to me as Anton Vorhees, Alexis Darevko, and Sheik Kahn Abodi kept hitting big moves on me but I was always able to cut out. Finally at one point, I caught my bearings and ducked a clothlines from Abodi and when I turned around, I caught Sheik's kick, I then spun Sheik around and gave him a stunner.


We were both down and out as the Ref started his 10 count on us. Sheik crawled over to his corner and made the tag, before the fresh member of America's Most Hated was able to catch me, I dove and tagged the fresh Kimo. Kimo came in and cleaned house and was on FIRE~! After a few minutes, Kimo and Chico hit a combo backstabber/double stomp on Alexis Darevko. I noticed that Anton was trying to sneak into the ring and I came in and cut Anton off and gave him a clothesline which knocked him back over the ring. Kimo and Chico told me to climb to the top rope and I did. When I got to the top, Kimo and Chico grabbed me and threw me off the top rope with me landing a splash on the fallen Alexis Darevko. I stayed on top of Darevko to try and get us a pinfall victory. Kimo and Chico put their hands on my back to make the cover that much stronger and the Ref counted to 3.


We had won the match. After the match, I celebrated with Kimo and Chico and did a "insult pray" to Sheik as America's Most Hated stumbled back to the locker room. After America's Most Hated got to the back, a good chunk of the DMW locker room came out from the back and made their ring to celebrate my first match. As soon as I saw Mike Hayashi and Helfyre come out from the curtain, I broke down.


At first, I was just relieved and happy that I actually made it through the match. After two years of on and off again training, after two years of doing sound and Ref'ing and doing other things at various shows, I finally got to have my first offical Pro Wrestling match and these guys, who I see as family, came out and give me that praise, just made me very happy. I was happy with how the match went, but seeing these guys come out and to tell me I did great put me on all levels of happiness and I broke down because of it. It became a very emotional thing for me but it was a happy emotional thing.


After the match was over, I broke down what I had to and packed everything up in my car and made my way over to Oakland for Rocky Horror and damnit I was tired and my back was sore (Dareveko lit my back up with chops) but I still made it through Rocky and the drive home. After I got home, I passed the hell out.


It was a good night and a good match but I think I'm going to put my next wrestling match on hold for right now and continue to Referee. I really enjoy Ref'ing at the moment and I feel I still need some more training before I start a full-time with just wrestling.


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