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The Return of WCWA

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Two weeks ago, WCWA returned. WCWA was the promotion I started training with in California back in mid 2005, but closed it's doors by the end of 2006. When I found out that WCWA was returning, I was pretty happy about it. It was going to be nice working for them again. I never got a chance to Ref for WCWA when I started out as I was just there sound guy and training and I actually didn't start learning on how to Referee until I was training with Devil Mountain.


Going to go Referee for WCWA was a kind of intimating, I really wanted to impress my old trainer and wanted to show how much I've come along since I was just a skinny kid who couldn't bump for shit and was very arkward in the ring....Granted I'm still a skinny kid but I've improved a lot since then and I really wanted to show that I have.


The first show back was a tournament to crown a new WCWA champion along with a 6-man suicide elimation match. This was the match list for the night.


Match 1: First Round Tournament Match: Luster The Legend vs "Insane" Mike Rayne


Match 2: First Round Tournament Match: Shane Dynasty vs "Original Gangsta" Mustapha Saed


Match 3: First Round Tournament Match: "The Battle of Itlay Vinnie Massaro vs Vennis Demarco


Match 4: First Round Tournament match: Paul "The Wrecking Ball" Isadora vs Mother Truckin Otis


Match 5: Second Round Tournament Match:


Match 6 : Second Round Tournament Match:


Match 7: 6 Man Suicide Elimation Match; Rik Luxury vs Jason Vega vs El Chupacabra vs Adam Thornstowe vs Tenacious Tim Anderson vs Mikey "The Dragon" Hyashi


Match 8: Final Round of the WCWA Championship Tournament


and now here are the results....


Match 1: Luster the Legend beat "Insane" Mike Rayne via pinfall after hitting the Legend Bomb


Match 2: "Original Gangsta" Mustaphs Saed beat Shane Dynasty via pinfall after hitting a powerslam


Match 3: The Battle of Italy match between Vinnie Massaro and Vennis Demarco went to a double countout


match 4: Paul "The Wrecking Ball" Isadora beat Mother Truckin Otis via pinfall after a big boot.


Match 5: Luster The Legend beat Mustapha Saed via DQ by speical Referee U.S. Steel after Shane Dynasty planted brass knuckles on Mustapha Saed.


Match 6: Paul "The Wrecking Ball" Isadora got a bye in the tournament because Vinnie Massaro and Vennis Demarco were double counted out


Match 7: El Chupacabra won the match after eliminating Rik Luxury.


Match 8: Final Round for the WCWA Championship Tournament Luster The Legend vs Paul "The Wrecking Ball" Isadora, Luster The Legend won via pinfall after a roll up on Isadora to become the new WCWA Champion!


Overall it was a pretty fun show to work. I got to Referee 3 matches and got to work with Referee Kristina McGraw who I haven't worked with since BRAWL's last show some odd months ago, so it was really nice getting to Referee with her again. The 3 matches I got to Referee that night was Dynasty vs Mustapha, Isadora vs Mother Truckin' Otis, and the main event of Luster The Legend vs Paul Isadora. Plus I was told by my old trainer that I was did a good job that night, which was great.


Refereeing the Dynasty/Mustapha match was pretty cool for me as it offically made it so I've Ref'ed both ECW Gangstas New Jack and Mustapha in single matches.


I can't wait for the next WCWA show as this past WCWA show back went really well and hopefully things keep going up hill for WCWA from here on out.


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