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Songs about Fucking

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Gary Floyd



-Charlton Heston died. When I was a kid, he was one of my favorite actors. "A Touch of Evil" is one of my all time favorite movies, and has a hell of a soundtrack. I could go on and on, but I won't. RIP Chuck.

-Taigastar got sent to the Gulag, then was let out. While I don't like her, she didn't deserve to be there. Deon, on the other hand...

-Scott Keith is supposed to be doing a Q & A here. I remember reading his old reviews, especially his review of "Royal Rumble 94." His review of Undertaker vs. Yokozuna is hilarious (complete with Depeche Mode reference!), and pretty dead on. Also, I remember Sean Shannon was pretty universally loathed, and seems to have diappeared off the face of the Earth. What happened to the doofus?

-Finally, I won't be doing music related entries here anymore. They'll instead go on my Last.FM blog.
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Re: Sean Shannon - Worst Blog Ever


He started that I believe in November 2000, right after he flipped out and left Scott Keith high and dry. I haven't read it very much lately, but over the years we've learned that:


-He's afraid of the dentist

-He was afraid to drive, but finally got over that and got his driver's license

-He's 'little miss rebel'

-He's a women trapped in a man's body

-He still lives with his parents

-He's always on a diet

-He LOVES Dance Dance Revolution

-He went back to school

-At school he joined some gay/lesbian campus group

-He became president of said gay/lesbian campus group

-Within a year everyone in the gay/lesbian campus group hated him

-He can't afford a sex change yet

-He's very liberal

-Tons of other hilarities that I'm forgetting

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Re: Sean Shannon - Worst Blog Ever


He started that I believe in November 2000, right after he flipped out and left Scott Keith high and dry. I haven't read it very much lately, but over the years we've learned that:


-He's afraid of the dentist

-He was afraid to drive, but finally got over that and got his driver's license

-He's 'little miss rebel'

-He's a women trapped in a man's body

-He still lives with his parents

-He's always on a diet

-He LOVES Dance Dance Revolution

-He went back to school

-At school he joined some gay/lesbian campus group

-He became president of said gay/lesbian campus group

-Within a year everyone in the gay/lesbian campus group hated him

-He can't afford a sex change yet

-He's very liberal

-Tons of other hilarities that I'm forgetting


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