Yankee Draft - The Competition
A couple weeks ago six of us ran an All-Time Yankees draft. With six teams chosen, the time has come to create a competition. I entered all six teams into a baseball simulator. The games are yet to come. Before the festivities begin, I thought it would be helpful to lay out the specifics and ground rules of the tournament.
1. Each team will play ten games, two against each opponent (one home and one away).
2. The top three teams will advance to the playoffs. The team with the best record receives a bye.
3. In the case of a tie for a playoff berth (first or third place), a tiebreaker game (or games as necessary) will be held. Teams can not be eliminated in a tiebreak scenario, except via an on-field game. Seeding for those games will be decided by:
- Head to Head record among tied teams
- Overall Run Differential
- Random Draw
4. Playoff rounds are five games apiece. Home field format is 2-2-1.
5. Each team will use a five man rotation, ensuring two starts per pitcher.
6. Each team will use their reserve catcher in the 5th and 9th games, their reserve infielder in their 6th game and their reserve outfielder in their 7th game.
7. The extra reserves and relievers (those not drafted) will only be used in an extra inning game, or if a team has exhausted their bullpen.
See the comments for game details.
Day Ten
Yankees 7
Bridegrooms 5
Giants 9
Dodgers 2
Highlanders 12
Gothams 2
Day Nine
Bridegrooms 3
Yankees 10
Dodgers 4
Giants 10
Gothams 2
Highlanders 5
Day Eight
Highlanders 4
Bridegrooms 5
11 Innings
Gothams 4
Dodgers 5
Yankees 1
Giants 3
Day Seven
Bridegrooms 4
Highlanders 6
Dodgers 8
Gothams 2
Giants 8
Yankees 10
Day Six
Gothams 7
Bridegrooms 4
Yankees 5
Dodgers 3
Highlanders 7
Giants 11
Day Five
Bridegrooms 10
Gothams 2
Dodgers 18
Yankees 2
Giants 4
Highlanders 8
Day Four
Giants 2
Bridegrooms 4
Highlanders 3
Dodgers 12
Yankees 5
Gothams 4
Day Three
Bridegrooms 3
Giants 4
Dodgers 6
Highlanders 5
Gothams 7
Yankees 8
10 Innings
Day Two
Dodgers 3
Bridegrooms 6
Gothams 3
Giants 4
Yankees 4
Highlanders 6
Day One
Bridegrooms 4
Dodgers 11
Giants 2
Gothams 6
Highlanders 7
Yankees 0
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