I wasn't here Monday
Because I went to a Radiohead concert. Here's a run down of what happened:
- It was a 4-5 hour drive, and I was fucking exhausted. Took me about 30 minutes to regain some energy. I got there early so I could get good lawn seats, and so I could get a good parking space.
- First things I saw at the parking lot: a guy vomiting in the bushes and some hippies. Fortunately, not to many.
- Beer was $10, so no getting drunk tonight.
- Cool T-Shirts I saw: A Neu! shirt, a Corgi T-Shirt (I love Corgis), and a Jesu T-Shirt.
- Minimal Techno music played before sets. I recognized the Vlasdiv (sic) Delay and Basic Channel tracks.
- Opening act was Grizzlybear. They were alright, and came off as nice guys.
- Before Radiohead's set, there were the obligatory ads. I can happily say I've never heard a Jonas Brothers song in my life. Also Bill Maher has a really obvious receding hairline.
- Radiohead were great. "National Anthem", "Body Snatchers", "Idioteque", "Pyramid Song", "Dollars and Cents", "There There", and "Everything In It's Right Place" are fucking experiences live. So yeah, a really stellar live show full of energy from both the band and the crowd.
- There was an asshole behind me (obviously on E) who kept bumping into me, so I moved. He looked a lot like Marvin.
- Traffic was a pain in the ass. Me and my friends played "Name That Tune", and my pal Shawn "You know what would be really funny? If care could hump each other"
- Got back to my place on Tuesday.
So there's the lowdown.
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