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Obama is President

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Gary Floyd


Yep, he's president. Deal with it. I don't want to hear any dumb "Osama" jokes kkktookmybabyaway, or any others. I do want to know how The Pit is taking it though, so let me know that.


This is pretty big news. If you don't realize this, then you are an idiot. If you don't like it, then tough shit. I'm happy at the moment. I will say though:

McCain went out with grace, and Palin (Leena looks up to her BTW-bitch please) looked pissed. Free Republic is having a meltdown. I'm amazed Marvin hasn't killed himself or that Marney isn't plotting assasination (yet.) The Campaign 08 thread is where it belongs. Cynthia McKinney is still a joke, anyone who really thinks Bob Barr had changed is a sucker, Nader-it's like beating a dead horse. Czech, after months of bitching about Obama, voted for Obama. Marney probably muttered "fucking niggers." I almost feel bad for McCain. MikeSC is probably more paranoid than usual. Al Franken didn't win after all (I guess voters remembered "Stuart Saves His Family"), and I'm eally busy at the moment. And happy.


So congrats Obama.

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The best thing I've heard is that our country will turn in to a third world country within 4 years due to Obama's socialist-like philosophies. COME ON!


I also love the unwillingness to realize that that was a Republican in office for the past 8 years what with the recession going on and all.

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Yep, he's president. Deal with it. I don't want to hear any dumb "Osama" jokes kkktookmybabyaway, or any others.

Do you mean the same way the libs oh so graciously "dealt with it" in '04 after Bush's re-election?


The same way there haven't been any "Bush=chimp" or "Idiot son of an asshole" or "Shrub OMG LOL you called him Shrub!" jokes floating around the last four years?


Please. Don't even act offended when that stuff starts happening to the Obamessiah.

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Yep, he's president. Deal with it. I don't want to hear any dumb "Osama" jokes kkktookmybabyaway, or any others.

Do you mean the same way the libs oh so graciously "dealt with it" in '04 after Bush's re-election?


The same way there haven't been any "Bush=chimp" or "Idiot son of an asshole" or "Shrub OMG LOL you called him Shrub!" jokes floating around the last four years?


Please. Don't even act offended when that stuff starts happening to the Obamessiah.

I take it you like the guy.

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Yep, he's president. Deal with it. I don't want to hear any dumb "Osama" jokes kkktookmybabyaway, or any others.

Do you mean the same way the libs oh so graciously "dealt with it" in '04 after Bush's re-election?


The same way there haven't been any "Bush=chimp" or "Idiot son of an asshole" or "Shrub OMG LOL you called him Shrub!" jokes floating around the last four years?


Please. Don't even act offended when that stuff starts happening to the Obamessiah.



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You two wouldn't last a second in the Current Events folder.

Yeah, you're right about that. I personally have neither the time nor patience to engage in a lot of political discussion on the Internet. And certainly not in a liberal circle jerk hellhole like this board's CE folder.


And before you ask, no, I don't post in CE at the Pit either.


I take it you like the guy.

I'm not a ranking member of the Bush Fan Club, but I did vote for him twice. As a conservative, I feel betrayed by Bush in a couple of ways (*cough*massive spending*cough*), but he gets way too much blame for things that he absolutely can't control.


My main point though is that it's absolutely insane for you to declare that we (i.e. those opposed to the Obamessiah) cannot criticize him for anything, whine about him being elected President, or bemoan how he's the worst human and President ever when that is ALL the liberals have been doing for the last 4-8 years.


The shoe is on the other foot now. Deal with it. kkk is just doing his patriotic duty.

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You two wouldn't last a second in the Current Events folder.



Agreed. I made the mistake of paying a visit there for the last couple of days. Needless to say, I won't be going back. At least Jack was smart enough to avoid that place alltogether.

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