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Colorado again.

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I forgot I had this thing.


I went to Colorado again, this time I went to see Kari's brother who recently moved to Silverthorne after to we went to Estes and he realized how much he loved the mountains. He got a job as a mechanic at a chevy dealership, the same job he had before, but this time for like double the pay. He lives in a nice apartment above a mexican grocery store, which I think is a front, cuz there were mexicans in and out of that thing non-stop! I think they are selling a little more than tortillas.


So Friday night we went to Breckinridge and got drunk, it was pretty fun. My favorite part of the night was a rap show we went to for like 5 bucks. They were local rappers from I'm assuming Denver and they sucked, but it was still cool.


That area of the mountains has a free bus system that runs at night, so you can get as drunk as you want and just take the bus home. Pretty good idea.


Saturday I watched Nebraska get killed then we went to Vail which was ok, not much to see really. Saturday night we went out to Frisco on the bus, but it didn't have to nightlife that Breckinridge did, so we went home.


Drove forever back to Nebraska, and I'm stuck at work again, I have to work 9 straight days thanks to another schedule swap. So this week and next week are gonna suck.

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