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A Year In Review/Predictions for 2006

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This year has been full of sadness and disapointments, Hashimoto in Japan and Gurrereo in the states stands out. The way New Japan handled it and the way that WWE has handled it shows where each company is headed.


There were a few bright spots however.


NOAH was a major bright spot.


OVW improved and became better than its "Higher" counterpart in many ways.


ROH had a ok year, but a very well capible champion in American Dragon.


New Japan is restruring


TNA in all intents and perpouses had a much better year PPV wise and Wresling wise than WWE...


All must hail Joe.


The Indies in Japan and the States are getting larger on a montly basis.


Im not shocked at CMLL's success this year. They have been a very logical company for several years. At least there HONEST about what they do (when it comes to the Divas of course)


The only bright spot for WWE was the ECW PPV. The buyrates get higher every damn month (which leads me to believe that the WWE really hid the actual number)


Oh and did I Forget...FIRE PRO RETURNS!!!!!




If cable stays stable- I sucpect that Spike TV's "investment" will pay off. (oh and Joe's staying... and I make the bold predition that American Dragon heads to TNA)


Unless Paul Heyman, or Jim Cornnete is the main booker for WWE, the recovery for that company will be REALLY slow.


New Japan will sign Brock, and he will have a 9 month title reign. His match with Nakamura will be a good test, and he will Face Fuita after wards. They will give it to Nakamura however and it up to him to rise to the challange.


NOAH is going to be the number one company in Japan for a LONG time to come however- and it would be in both TNA and WWE intrests to train some of there workers there (Monty Brown, AJ Hoigt- the majority of the midcard in the WWE) The MMA game boom is dying, so it would be in there best intrest for the Japanese companies to take that opertunity.


It might be intresting to see, but i sucpect this is a womens year in Wresling. I would not be suprised if the third main event in the major cards for this year are Joshi titles. Sendai is gonna be HOT. Shimmer is going to be a ROH like promotion. Expect to see more females in the game soon.


As for OVW...its gonna be treated as the bastard child of the WWE development groups as the Altanta devlopment promotion is put in better standing.


As for WWE trying to be hollywood? It would succeed and yet fail and hurt them in many ways. Expect that there will be more womens matches as the men try to be thespens.


And finally Aki gets back in the Wresling Video Game world.


all in 2006

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