I'm Feelin' It!
This is gonna be one lazy entry. I'm gonna list who, in wrestling, I'm into right now. Hopefully, some of the choices will spark discussion.
Shawn Michaels
Trish Stratus
Big Vis
Shelton Benjamin
Kurt Angle
Chris Benoit
Randy Orton
Booker T (heal please!)
Funaki...because, really, he IS SmackDown's #1 announcer.
Christian Cage
Monty Brown
Christopher Daniels
Jackie Gayda (delicious!)
Now, I'm NOT feelin'...
Gregory Helms -- it's like Christian from the trailer park. PASS
The Boogeyman -- what is TSM's deal with this guy? He sucks and his gimmick is just messed up. But moreover, he's not really a deep character to build around.
MNM -- man, it's not their fault, since there IS no tag division, but they got really stale, really quick.
Rey Mysterio -- yeah I said it. He's just been so vanilla. He wasn't even convincing in the Dominic feud. I know people liked it, but I didn't. He can still go, but, it's like, I just expect more from a guy on the cusp of main eventing. I dunno.
Vince McMahon -- GO AWAY. (Stephie is still hot, STFU haters)
Aries/Shelly/Strong -- The name GenerationNext, if they use it, will be ironic as we've already seen this. Also, they're good wrestlers, but being typical whiny heels is doing nothing for them. Now, if they get some time on the stick, things may change.
Gail Kim -- this is primarily because she's Asian and I don't find AZN women attractive. Sorry Asia! Also, she enabled JJ and AMW to get cheap wins every single time.
Hopefully someone will leap in to defend the TNA stable and/or Rey, and we can get some talk going. Until then...