Can I have what Vince is Smoking?
RAW...Has Gone MAD
Eh... Can somebody get me the lisence plate of the show that just hit us?
You mean to tell me, that CARLITO- the weaker of the two Colon Brothers (why didnt they get his older brother? Tell me why? He would have worked a match and might have been better suited for this role?) WINS TWO MAIN EVENT TITLES IN LESS THAN A YEAR? WITH THREE MOVES? That does not happen... That means most Garbage Brawers have a shot... (just putting it out there) at those two titles.
How can The Brand, PISS off one of the most consistant title reigns in IC history. Benjamin is one of the best WWE based Wrestlers in a LONG Time. He is as good as Booker T was in his prime. I hope Shelten gets a shot at the the title (The Unified Title Series 2- 22 days, we will know if ECW returns) and SOON. One thing John Cena did, was to wipe the title clean of JBL's misfortions (he is no Stan Hanson, too weak with his power bombs, and his closeline from hell loses a lot of power when he falls, so what does he do? Cheats, wins by DQ... UGH.)- nice looking title if you forget the spinner.
Is it me, or does it seem HHH realises he needed more lessons from Killer Kolwizky(sp) We seen better days from the so called "King of Kings" Cornettes boys (Cena, Orton, Batista) are getting better- but still rough around the edges. HHH needs to take a Big bump from the Cell, or the PPV is in trouble. The tag match last night was NUTS, booked very badly, but nice AJPW style.
The wedding was a tease from the ECW PPV- sadly Gerwitz needs to go and start looking for a new job in some days...
Maybe Smackdown will do better this week, everything worked well last week...
Until Then...