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Question of the Week: Vince and Montreal

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Hunter's Torn Quad


With Vince McMahon’s obsession over Montreal, do you think that even if Bret was somehow convinced to do an angle to put a storyline closure to it, that we’d see an end to the obsession? Would Bret getting involved and Vince getting, in his mind, the absolution he’s been after for so long, finally put an end to Vince bringing Montreal up every year?

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Like I said in one of the many threads (so it seems) regarding Bret's involvement in HOF and his lack-therof @ WM.


Bret knows like all of us that Vince can't let go of it. Bret can come to Mania, completely get involved with McMahon's match and put the figurative nail in the coffin. The crowd will eat it up and it'd be the talk for weeks, if not months across the internet.


That'd be Vince's cue in his demented mind that Montreal still has legs, that he can still try to exploit something that happened 10 years ago because he has no creative outlet inside him anymore and that's why he keeps falling back on Montreal.

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It would be the worse thing for WWE from a creative standpoint. As stated by KOAB and Hawk, Vince would see it as Montreal is what the people want and by God, that's what they're going to get. In spades.



I don't think the word closure is in the vocabulary of Vince McMahon.


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I believe that if Vince had HIS vision of a closure (where he invariably will end up looking better than Bret or Shawn), he would let it go. However you know Bret won't agree to any storyline conclusion if it didn't have him avenging the screwjob. Besides at this point I don't think Bret will even agree to Vince going "Hey Bret? A word with you if I may..." because he'd know something was up.

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I believe that if Vince had HIS vision of a closure (where he invariably will end up looking better than Bret or Shawn), he would let it go. However you know Bret won't agree to any storyline conclusion if it didn't have him avenging the screwjob. Besides at this point I don't think Bret will even agree to Vince going "Hey Bret? A word with you if I may..." because he'd know something was up.


Bret, would entertain the idea. He would like to see Vince squirm and beg some more, he probably gets more satisfaction out of knowing that it's Vince doing what all the other old timers do to Vince, then he would appearing on WWE tv.


Bret, is probably the only former employee that Vince will actually personally (behind doors) beg. Aside from Bruno, of course.



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The reason Vince isn't over it is because it's the only thing he has done that people have been passionate about for an extended period of time, so he keeps trying to recreate that. He doesn't get that it's because it was real that it was so compelling, not because one guy "screwed" another. It's clear that he doesn't get it when the Matt Hardy thing was going on last year and they never fully capitalized on it.

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