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Jimmy Loves Lacey

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Hawk 34


I decided to stop the personal bitchy-emo fest of my own and wanted to focus on this excellent piece of awesomeness.


The Ballad of Lacey


In case you don't know what that is, it's a hilarious music video of Jimmy Jacobs's love for Lacey. The video alone is worth checking out the entire storyline has been a fresh burst of energy for the wrestling business.


While Vince McMahon and Triple H are destroying the babyfaces on Raw, Kurt Angle looking like a third wheel in the Mania program despite being the champion...


You have this wonderful simplistic story that used the modern-day technologies of the Internet to advance storylines. It's a classic storyline "Wrestler falls for another girl, girl has no interest in him. Wrestler's blind love gets his ass kicked". What this does was add a intentionally hilarious take-off of that storyline, Jimmy Jacobs was already perfectly over the top at the shows, so much that he intentionally botched a top rope spot to put over the storyline.


The lyrics to this song is a perfect blend of kayfabe and using IWC terms (the market that it's intended for).


Jimmy Jacobs did all of this on his own, the video, the myspace and to really live out the storyline....He even stays in character on AIM.


Right now, his away message reads "I <3 Lacey.". In a business where the top name in charge of the biggest monoply loves to shoot on national programing, you got guys like Jimmy Jacobs staying in character and using his own creativity to propel this storyline.


This proves that if you let a wrestler be in charge of his character and gimmick, he will know what to do with it better then most writers ever do. The WWE and TNA, really don't have a handle on this. WWE could use creativity like this, in a big way.



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