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Lazy Tuesday

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Man, I don't wanna get up tomorrow. But it's my 2nd to last day of this 8am bullshit. Then I start working at noon. Which allows me to stay up later cuz I'm a night owl.


Today I didn't do shit really, my mom and stepdad were in town, so we picked up my niece from school and went to my sister's house. I tested my digital camera out on her animals. Except for her waste of money, excuse to not have children, horses. I hate horses.


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Ollie, this cat is very good at staring into people's souls.


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Trev, this fucker is old, and he once tipped the scales at 28lbs.


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Slapnuts, my sister actually named him, she doesn't really like wrestling other than The Rock, Austin, and Jeff Jarrett. Yes, I'm serious.


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Keemo, pussy tore his ACL recently. He's milking that for all it's worth.


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Sherman, also lovingly reffered to as "Alien Pig" by some. Weirdest dog ever. He sits in that position(2nd pic) and rubs his ass on the carpet....while licking it. sometimes he goes in circles, by swing his head around to gain momentum. It's not that he has worms, he got them once, but he's done that almost all his life, it HAS to be sexual.


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My old cat used to do clean his BUTT via sliding on the rug. I found it funny. The wife didn't.


You want to talk about cats looking into your soul? Try having three of them mill around you at 5:30 a.m. while wating for their morning feeding.

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The cats have been on a diet for years, and they are still fat as hell.


This cat Ollie, stares at my sister all the time. My sister freaks out and yells at her cuz she hates it. One time, Ollie was staring at her like usual, my sister is laying on the couch yelling and throwing things at her, like pillows. The cat continues to stare. My sister gets up and starts to walk over there, and stubs her toe on the coffee table and breaks it. As she lays on the ground in pain, the cat continues to stare.


Personally I think it was intentional. Cats are evil most of the time.

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Oh my three kids have been on a diet for a few months now -- the one male has lost weight, but the female is still tubby. The other male is so furry we don't know where his fur ends and potbelly begins.

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